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Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.


Remove your credit card info and leave.....Bye

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I like how everyone has neglected to address the reason as to why threads devoted to the missing unsubscribe button and ways around it have been closed. I suppose that too is a bug and the mods threatening them with a ban was just a joke.....nah there's absolutely no validity to this concern EA is your friend
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I like how everyone has neglected to address the reason as to why threads devoted to the missing unsubscribe button and ways around it have been closed. I suppose that too is a bug and the mods threatening them with a ban was just a joke.....nah there's absolutely no validity to this concern EA is your friend


Has anyone been threatened with a ban? Seriously?


And it's no wonder must of those threads have been closed. Most of them have been nothing but "this game is fail" trolls with a link at the end.

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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.


Give me a break, I am so tired of seeing this Bull Crap excuses for threads.


You will find ANY REASON to find the sky falling around you. Everything is a HUGE deal, EVERYTHING is SO BAD. It's tiresome and honestly no-one really cares.


If they screwed up, and they charge you...

because you waited until the day of/night before to cancel even though cancelling doesn't end the membership till the end of the month anyway.

Is it really their fault?


Secondly, EVEN IF THEY DO charge you, you don't think they will pay it back when a KNOWN issue has already been cited?


You are a smart enough person to figure this stuff out, you just want to be a martyr so you come here and blow it out of proportion.

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I'm sorry but i can't read that ... it's a wall of text...


All i know is your complaining that you are canceling and can't cancel ... something of that sort.


I'm sorry but learn to paragraph.


Umm ... excuse me.... if you can't read "wall of text" then you should not be participating in any discussions on any forums.


Forums are all about READING and lots of it. Can not or will not read? then go elsewhere. Stop attempting to treat Forums like it's a text message.


Now to the topic... since EA Bioware owns these forums they unfortunately have the legal right to ban Posters and delete posts at will. It's not polite or nice, but American Business is no longer polite or nice.


I was voicing my support of SWTOR on these forums, but if EA Bioware has decided to remove the unsubscribe button from the Account page, then I decide to no longer voice my support on this site.


All's fair.


*edit* I see an "UnSubscribe" button on my account page now, so the storm has run it's course.... returning to playing SWTOR....

Edited by Kyrmius
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If you are having problems cancelling, press the help button in the top-right of this screen. Type in cancel in the search box. Follow the link and log in to your account. Press subscription, then press cancel subscription.


If you try logging directly into your account using the My Account button above it won't work, follow the method I have outlined and it will. Don't know why, that something for someone smarter than me to figure out but there you go.


Or you can sit around and whinge for the next 3 months.

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Umm ... excuse me.... if you can't read "wall of text" then you should not be participating in any discussions on any forums.


Forums are all about READING and lots of it. Can not or will not read? then go elsewhere. Stop attempting to treat Forums like it's a text message.


Now to the topic... since EA Bioware owns these forums they unfortunately have the legal right to ban Posters and delete posts at will. It's no polite or nice, but American Business is no longer polite or nice.


I was voicing my support of SWTOR on these forums, but if EA Bioware has decided to remove the unsubscribe button from the Account page, then I decide to no longer voice my support on this site.


All's fair.


؟I wasn't aware there was a specific way to participating in forums!

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One time the store sold me something that someone else had opened once already. They made the mistake of putting it on the shelf without realizing this.


Like the OP I over reacted and hired thousands of Lawyers to Sue the store, and the designer of the product, and all the cops in the city for not being better about thieves.



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This is not trolling:




And bioware actualy warn people if they are trying to help people who want to quit:




So I think that problem is there for some players. If you are missing cancel button PLEASE POST BROWSER (with version) THAT YOU USE.

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Earlier today when the site was down people on other sites were accusing Bioware of intentionally closing the site so they couldn't cancel.


In other news, photos surface of Bioware programmers on the grassy knoll, in the book depository, and on a sound stage that looks like the moon's surface.

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It really just blows my mind that users are far more willing to attack each other and question their motives rather than the corporation they speak of. I've questioned the legitimacy of this so called bug and consequently been insulted numerous times. People would seriously rather tear each other apart than question their own faith in EA. This is the problem with consumers, they have no loyalty to each other. I suppose a unified demand of better products and business practices is a hopeless endeavor. Forgive me for questioning our friend EA.
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I'm sorry but i can't read that ... it's a wall of text...


All i know is your complaining that you are canceling and can't cancel ... something of that sort.


I'm sorry but learn to paragraph.


Learn to read he's looking out for you. It's not that large a paragraph. Take two seconds out of your busy lifestyle and read before commenting like an ***.

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