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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Some people simply do not "get it".


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When I first fired up SWTOR, I was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from Blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then I hit lvl 50.


- Class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But I adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- Hardmode Flashpoints excited me... until I looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd Guardian tanking.


- Finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time I entered the world pvp area to find Sith and Jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in Rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... with absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to Blizzard with my head hung low, so I won't. But I'll be damned if I contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.

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when i first fired up swtor, i was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then i hit lvl 50.


- class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But i adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- hardmode flashpoints excited me... Until i looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd guardian tanking.


- finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time i entered the world pvp area to find sith and jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... With absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to blizzard with my head hung low, so i won't. But i'll be damned if i contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.


+1 +1 +1

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when i first fired up swtor, i was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then i hit lvl 50.


- class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But i adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- hardmode flashpoints excited me... Until i looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd guardian tanking.


- finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time i entered the world pvp area to find sith and jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... With absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to blizzard with my head hung low, so i won't. But i'll be damned if i contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.



qft !!

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You pretty much summed up all of our feelings.


The only thing keeping me around is the Imperial storylines. They even screwed that up on the Republic side.


They have a few months before they lose my sub, not much else out atm and I already paid. Given the Dev's total lack of competence in the PvP arena and other things I am positive I will not renew after that.

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When I first fired up SWTOR, I was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from Blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then I hit lvl 50.


- Class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But I adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- Hardmode Flashpoints excited me... until I looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd Guardian tanking.


- Finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time I entered the world pvp area to find Sith and Jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in Rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... with absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to Blizzard with my head hung low, so I won't. But I'll be damned if I contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.


The people who do not "get it" are the people who are complaining about the bugs, exploits, and imbalance.


Do you know what software is? It is TRILLIONS of lines of code that all must work together in order to function. Making a patch is NOT a simple endeavor as the code must be checked, tested, checked again for unintended consequences, and finally deployed.


You WILL get your fixes, it just isn't going to be today or tomorrow. Seriously, for being Jedi you guys sure do lack patience.

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You WILL get your fixes, it just isn't going to be today or tomorrow. Seriously, for being Jedi you guys sure do lack patience.


I think Americans should have by now learned very important lessons about trust and large corporations.


In honesty, I'm rather disappointed to have spent money on it in the first place if this is the level of competence from my service product that I receive, but I can't do anything about sunk costs. I can do something about right now.


When said fixes are implemented I will *consider* giving money again. It's probably not likely to happen.

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When I first fired up SWTOR, I was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from Blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then I hit lvl 50.


- Class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But I adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- Hardmode Flashpoints excited me... until I looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd Guardian tanking.


- Finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time I entered the world pvp area to find Sith and Jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in Rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... with absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to Blizzard with my head hung low, so I won't. But I'll be damned if I contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.


Requoting the accuracy of this post for the second page.

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when i first fired up swtor, i was impressed. For a recent launch, it ran fairly smooth with a few bugs but nothing that completely turned me off. They even took a page from blizzard's playbook - take the competition's good ideas.


Then i hit lvl 50.


- class mirror imbalance due to the character animations. I got a little annoyed every time my aoe knockback got not only interrupted, but because it is technically an "instant" ability, enterd a full cooldown. But i adjusted and simply learned where and when to use it to minimize that issue. I trucked on.


- hardmode flashpoints excited me... Until i looted the end boss in the latest lvl 50 hardmode after rolling my face up and down the keyboard wearing pvp gear with a dps spec'd guardian tanking.


- finally, the hot topic of world pvp. I was less than thrilled the first time i entered the world pvp area to find sith and jedi sipping tea and swapping objectives, but hey... "whan in rome...". Bioware decides "we got a fix for this" and procedes to strongly encourage playing this zone as intended... With absolutely no mechanic to address possible (more like definite) server faction population imbalances that were well known to a majority of the player base. The results suprized them?


I have no desire to return to blizzard with my head hung low, so i won't. But i'll be damned if i contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.



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The people who do not "get it" are the people who are complaining about the bugs, exploits, and imbalance.


Do you know what software is? It is TRILLIONS of lines of code that all must work together in order to function. Making a patch is NOT a simple endeavor as the code must be checked, tested, checked again for unintended consequences, and finally deployed.


You WILL get your fixes, it just isn't going to be today or tomorrow. Seriously, for being Jedi you guys sure do lack patience.


Well Jedi are hypocrits

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I don't think we'll have an honest picture of where this game's pvp is heading until somewhere around 3-6 months post launch. I can't remember where I heard this, but I think it was Ohlen who said that there is going to be a large update in March for the game? Entirely possible I imagined that.
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The people who do not "get it" are the people who are complaining about the bugs, exploits, and imbalance.


Do you know what software is? It is TRILLIONS of lines of code that all must work together in order to function. Making a patch is NOT a simple endeavor as the code must be checked, tested, checked again for unintended consequences, and finally deployed.


You WILL get your fixes, it just isn't going to be today or tomorrow. Seriously, for being Jedi you guys sure do lack patience.


As a matter of fcact, I do know a bit about Object Oriented Programming. And when they already have a mechanic in the game for boosting player abilities (Bolster) that, unless they're really poor programmers, should exist in the source code as a class that can be extended with overrided methods to cater to population imbalance as opposed to level imbalance, and they don't even consider doing so.... that, my friend, is a severe lack of foresight.


I hate to say it, but Blizzard's Tenacity buff worked. And Bioware already has displayed features that could emulate this effect, requiring less coding than some of the things that they did introduce with the patch. And that is but one of the many issues angering so many players.

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I have no desire to return to Blizzard with my head hung low, so I won't. But I'll be damned if I contribute another penny to the paychecks of a development team that blatantly displays this level of incompetency.


Ohh snap!!

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The people who do not "get it" are the people who are complaining about the bugs, exploits, and imbalance.


Do you know what software is? It is TRILLIONS of lines of code that all must work together in order to function. Making a patch is NOT a simple endeavor as the code must be checked, tested, checked again for unintended consequences, and finally deployed.


You WILL get your fixes, it just isn't going to be today or tomorrow. Seriously, for being Jedi you guys sure do lack patience.

This is why there is something called BETA TESTING.


Patch 1.1 should have NEVER been released as it is, and the fact that BW did not catch the Ilum problems before it was released only tells me that THEY NEVER TESTED IT.


The damage is already done though, this is an epic fail.

Edited by KonduitX
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