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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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What part of "there are two Dev teams-one for new content and the other for fixing bugs" do you people just not understand!?!?


They can't fix it, they have no staff, they cut them all because the game is tanking as they know it is.. thye cut it long ago, and made it for the poor player, who will enjoy the cutscenes and pay them monthly for 6 months before it goes F2P


They havnt fixed bugs thye had in beta for months, The Changes you see, have been designed way back then too, only not polished... Notice you still can't move windows, just resize them... woop dee doo..


Dont expect much.... They have no staff, nor do they have management, they have a couple guys doing very little each day based upon reports from the CS team and there is no future..


Do you really think more content will come with full voice over?

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First of all, I think this game is really great. At least it has something extra in comparison with other online games.


You must take into consideration, that this game is too “young” to be perfect. BioWare tries it’s best to fulfill our expectations, but there are 2 million players already, and every one of them has an opinion on what is wrong and what is right. Some people do like the character or companion storylines, others like the flashpoints or pvp zones. Some people can hate this game because of the same things. You can’t satisfy both sides.


Of course there are problems, but the most important ones are solved really quickly.


I also had the problem starting the game, but it was because I had a really old XP version. I installed W7 and had no problems since then.


Just don’t say “this game sucks” so boldly. Better say what you think could be done to make it better. At least it would have any sense.

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I need one more action bar... 2 is not enough. Scrolling through 4 different bars with only two showing is ridiculous. Give me the ability to make all 4 visible. If you are letting us customize our UI, actually let us customize our UI.
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They can't fix it, they have no staff, they cut them all because the game is tanking as they know it is.. thye cut it long ago, and made it for the poor player, who will enjoy the cutscenes and pay them monthly for 6 months before it goes F2P


They havnt fixed bugs thye had in beta for months, The Changes you see, have been designed way back then too, only not polished... Notice you still can't move windows, just resize them... woop dee doo..


Dont expect much.... They have no staff, nor do they have management, they have a couple guys doing very little each day based upon reports from the CS team and there is no future..


Do you really think more content will come with full voice over?


Source? I find it hard to believe Bioware/EA couldn't afford to support a team of that size, 2 Million players is hardly a failing title for them. I find it hard to believe you have a credible source, as info like that would only be valid if it came from someone with the company. Frankly I think this is quite a silly post.

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They can't fix it, they have no staff, they cut them all because the game is tanking as they know it is.. thye cut it long ago, and made it for the poor player, who will enjoy the cutscenes and pay them monthly for 6 months before it goes F2P


They havnt fixed bugs thye had in beta for months, The Changes you see, have been designed way back then too, only not polished... Notice you still can't move windows, just resize them... woop dee doo..


Dont expect much.... They have no staff, nor do they have management, they have a couple guys doing very little each day based upon reports from the CS team and there is no future..


Do you really think more content will come with full voice over?


even if i agreed with you, i would find your post insulting at best. the forums are in place for 'constructive criticism'. All you have done is simply presented the games let downs and supported them with so call 'evidence' which isnt actually evidence its just your own words, we dont know if your speaking crap.


Bugs are being fixed at a substantial rate in comparison to how many bugs there actually are, and the company is actually listening to players and making differences to what they want, even if they're not the best, rather come on here and tear the game to shreds and 'prophecy' or doomsay, you can actually point out where they're going wrong and how they can improve.

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They can't fix it, they have no staff, they cut them all because the game is tanking as they know it is.. thye cut it long ago, and made it for the poor player, who will enjoy the cutscenes and pay them monthly for 6 months before it goes F2P


They havnt fixed bugs thye had in beta for months, The Changes you see, have been designed way back then too, only not polished... Notice you still can't move windows, just resize them... woop dee doo..


Dont expect much.... They have no staff, nor do they have management, they have a couple guys doing very little each day based upon reports from the CS team and there is no future..


Do you really think more content will come with full voice over?


wow...do you like to twist things into them becoming what you want. Another one who thinks it's dying because they say so. Sorry for your mind sir :(


Oh...and btw..I can't wait for you to eat your words when we get more voice content :p

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I need one more action bar... 2 is not enough. Scrolling through 4 different bars with only two showing is ridiculous. Give me the ability to make all 4 visible. If you are letting us customize our UI, actually let us customize our UI.


Options --> Preferences --> User Interface --> Quickbars gives you the ability to unlock the right, left, and bottom center quickbars, giving you 4 bars visible without scrolling. FWIW, may or may not suit your particular needs.

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This game isnt dieng. They havent even rolled it out to red zones. In my store (bix box retail) there are 20 people playing and it started with 3 of us. There are 5-10 more who are saving up to buy/build new pcs just to play it.


In the district i work in there are 10 stores.. Our guild is made of entirely people from out company and is 120 indvidual accounts strong already.


When i log on to my server i can get a group to any hm fp in 5 minutes and i can get my daily pvp done in about an hour without seeing hutball once.. so im empire playing against republic. My server also has somewhere around 20 guilds currently staffing 16 mans and probably 30-40 more staffing 8 man.. and thats just tue/wed/thursday nights..


Were fine .. quit your account and go naysay somewhere else..



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Anyone who says the game is dying is just trolling. Obviously it just came out, how can it be dying already? :p It's got a lot of bugs, but that's to be expected. WoW had a lot of flaws in Vanilla too.


The question is really just about growth, namely can the game get into a stable multi-million user base? And perhaps just as frequently asked, can it reach Warcraft-esque proportions?


The user base, well you are basically at the 2 million mark already. So just keep giving players a reason to stay, they'll stay. I mean, this is star wars. There has to be at least a couple million star wars fans out there that want to play online together! As far as long term growth, one thing people need to understand about warcraft is that there was a heavy bandwagon effect. That is to say, beyond the first 5 million or so, mainly the other half just played it because 5 million other people were already playing it. Naturally everyone wants to be where all the action is. So TOR can do that too, if it reaches a certain critical mass where people feel TOR is the hot "must-play" game, that everybody else is playing. But to do that, you have to grow the community up to 4-5 million really zealous fans. Which you should be doing between now, and whenever the obvious expansion is going to be released.


I already talked about what's needed for a zealous fanbase. But I just wanted to comment briefly on the health of the player population. Since there's this morbid fascination with its end :)

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There is a skill called Tumult that for some buggy reason it doesnt work on a stunned target, so has anyone else heard a fix for that?


And off topic, hey BIOWARE!!! Nerf sith lightning and powertech? Really? will this game be like a cookie cutter of MMOs where if your evil=OP? WOW and LOTRO are the same way. Or is it like that in all games, good=wussies and evil=bada** Mother****that are meant to be OP so everyone would play an IMP, HORDE, CREEP?

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There is a skill called Tumult that for some buggy reason it doesnt work on a stunned target, so has anyone else heard a fix for that?


And off topic, hey BIOWARE!!! Nerf sith lightning and powertech? Really? will this game be like a cookie cutter of MMOs where if your evil=OP? WOW and LOTRO are the same way. Or is it like that in all games, good=wussies and evil=bada** Mother****that are meant to be OP so everyone would play an IMP, HORDE, CREEP?


1st Tumult is a PvE ability that doesn't work on Champion mobs, or Players, so no bug there.


2nd, I heard Empire was OP because all the good players rolled empire. WTB an unfair racial that makes u do 150% dmg for 20 secs??

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Not a single piece of new info.


And when you say you're "expanding" the Legacy system...right now there is no system! You're not expanding it, you're implementing it.


Since you're going to be so elaborate about how words are used in expanding the game in general, let me explain it to you. You can receive legacy levels and legacy experience. You can also show your legacy name as a last name on all of your characters, therefore they are EXPANDING the legacy features, because some already exist.




ON A SIDE NOTE. I'm really looking forward to guild banks. I've been waiting for them anxiously. Legacy skills and PvP ranking will be very interesting to see what they've done with it. I personally think that BioWare is doing a great job on the game. Yes they may have released it a little bit early, and should have had a few kinks worked out to begin with. But for how long the games been up and running, I think they've been doing a wonderful job with returning customer feedback and responding to bug reports with fixes that work.


I do however wonder when Guild Banks will be released. As for the new War Zone.. It should be nice considering I've been playing HuttBall all day every day. Oh and here's a simple solution for all the "BioWare Sucks" people. If you don't like it.. don't play it.

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An idea:


Change how Neutral Auction terminals work. Allow them to load all items from Republic and Imperial postings.


Suggested balance would be adding a Hutt's "Service Charge" to each sale.


This would be a big and I believe a positive change to the current MMO auction house restrictions.

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All sounds good. However I wanted to discuss something that wasn't directly addressed there :)


I will share the biggest secret, possibly not so secret, to MMO success. Everybody and their great-grandmother always talks about content: more PvP content, more PvE content, more items. Better interface, better mechanics :p More story! People will talk your ear off with requests for additional game content. However -- the quantity of game content is actually -not- why people do or do not play a game. It isn't, it never has been. *Quality* of game content, sure, that has a lot of impact. One really solid, high-quality piece of content is 10x better than 10 pieces of half-baked content. For example, I'd rather watch one amazing video over and over; than watch 12 mediocre or boring videos in a row. Likewise, people would rather play 12 iterations of a really amazing game, than play even one iteration of 12 poorly designed games. All this should be old advice by now. But it's easy to forget the classic wisdom when you're chasing the newest things. So this is all worth emphasizing, and re-iterating on a constant basis.


That all said, the top reason why people play MMOs is not the content. The main reason is actually community. Namely, the other players, and how they interact with those players.


When I played Warcraft, I remember doing Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley, Arathi Basin more times than I can count. And while sure, the "gear" was the nominal motive. The truth is that in *every* single game, whether or not it was an enjoyable experience was entirely dependent on *who* was there, and how we played together. If people were there to compete and have fun, and we worked well together, the game would be amazing. If people were not there to have fun, we didn't work together, nobody was there except to get their badge timecard punched... that led to some of my worst experiences in all of WoW. The same is true with PvE. You're with a good group, one that's competent and good-natured, the raid will be fun. You're with a horrible group of incompetent players or anal-retentive douches, well the raid will be a chore or an outright disaster. This carries on into guilds, exploring the world, interacting in towns, etc. etc. And at the end of the day -- the people you meet, the people you interact with and form relationships with, are the main reason why people do or do not keep playing an MMO. This is the reason why people will keep playing TOR, even when there's no new content. Because of their friends, their guildies, that one legendary enemy PvPer that's always in their way... Or just the general player environment they're routinely exposed to.


Since this MMO is just starting out, the designers have a golden opportunity to focus on this issue from day one. I know that in the past, this has often not been considered a design issue; I guess designers figure, "oh the players will figure that out on their own. They'll get together with people they like, and avoid the ones they don't. And everything will take care of itself" etc. Sure, a lot of the social interaction is player driven, and ultimately their responsibility. However, that does not mean there's nothing the designers can't do to facilitate good interactions, and to minimizing negative interactions. Indeed, another way to look at it, is to say that's ALL an MMO designer does: facilitate interactions among players. So the top priority, beyond simply "adding new content", has to be anything which allows players to create and grow bonds of community. So for example, right now, guild banks and guild functionality should be at the top of the list. So should being able to play on the same server as your friends. So should ways of being able to find like-minded individuals in the game; as well as increased rewards for positive interaction with people. If we're talking about PVP, then rankings, bragging rights, etc all that type of functionality should go to the top; so that you have increased incentive to be part of the group. (in a productive way, not an AFK for badges kind of way) New stories, planets, quests, items etc are fine; but at the end of the day, just remember that there are two M's in MMO; TOR is a social game before it is anything else. If you can become the best designers at facilitating and encouraging the player interactions, then you will be the top MMO, no doubt.


Thanks for reading. Best wishes, and take care.


I agree 100%.


When I played SWG many years ago (Pre-CU and NGE), this was what kept me playing mostly. It wasn't the content, because content was something SWG lacked much of.


What made me eventually quit SWG, along with many others, was the massive changes (mostly NGE). Most people that left felt the game changed to a point where the community nolonger functioned as it once did.


As people left SWG, the community slowly fell apart leaving low populated servers.


This ultimately led to the downfall of SWG.


Someone once wrote a whole Thesis for college called: Star Wars Galaxies and the Division of Labor. Even though the Thesis is a very long read, it explained why the community worked for the most part.


Unfortunetly it was written before NGE. If you are interested in reading it below is the link:



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