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Considering 6 month subscription plan!


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Or as I've done, cancel, save your money, keep an eye on the game and if it looks like things improved resub. Not very difficult.


This is really a PvE game and for those who don't care much about PvP or whose needs around it are minimal, it will be fun I'm sure. For folks like me who require good pvp, this game appears beyond repair, not just from what is lacking and needs fixing but the damage yesterday created will have a ripple effect for a long time to come.




Your choice to leave me I will stay...take care.

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6 month here.

Any MMO that I paid $60 for just to start I'm going to give a full look thru before I set it aside.


My thihnking exactly.


Who in their right minds that is also a gamers, thinks a month old game will play like a 7 year old game?


I hope none that I have contact with in game thats for sure.


I'd give this game at least 6 months before making a call to quit it. It's to fun to not give it at least that much time.

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I'm with you!


Honestly, I'm quite convinced this is just people looking at previous MMO launches through rose-coloured glasses.


When you actually sit back and recall the launches of other MMOs, they have all had massive issues. The most obvious comparison being WoW, it was almost entirely unplayable for about a week after launch, with massive server queues, people not even able to install the game etc. It took another month after that before server lag was noticeably improved.


Here's an old forum thread from 2004, you'll note that it looks much the same as the threads on these forums:



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Potential? Where?


This game is a dead end, they left themselves no room for potential....


It will always be somewhat like it is now...the game isn't changing so I am not sure what potential you are referring to.


Mind elaborating?


"will always be somewhat like it is now"


That implies it will change, at least somewhat, because it will be similar.


"the game isn't changing"


This part kind of makes the first half of your sentence sound pretty stupid. If the game isn't changing, it wouldn't be "somewhat" like it is now, it would be identical

Edited by jellosandwich
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"will always be somewhat like it is now"


That implies it will change, at least somewhat, because it will be similar.


"the game isn't changing"


This part kind of makes the first half of your sentence sound pretty stupid. If the game isn't changing, it wouldn't be "somewhat" like it is now, it would be identical

What he means is that the game won't make any big changes. It will still be the same level up to 50 then sit in imperial fleet while spaming /1 for flashpoints.

Only difference that will come over time is minor changes, more flashpoints and daily quests. But how the game is played will still be the same.

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I know for a fact I want to stick around and am seriously considering the 6 month payment option, anyone else going 6 months or considering it?


There is so much potential here, and I am patient enough to stick around while the fix the bugs that are all part of a new mmo release.


I was thinking this too but i went with the 3 month plan ( just in case they completly mess up the game )

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I know for a fact I want to stick around and am seriously considering the 6 month payment option, anyone else going 6 months or considering it?


There is so much potential here, and I am patient enough to stick around while the fix the bugs that are all part of a new mmo release.


I went the other way, had 3 months and changed to 1. I should note I don't like typical modern MMO endgame. I played EQ for 4 years but had Alternate Advancement to keep me from getting to end game, here I will make it in a few more weeks. I plan to level one alt on the other side then will see how I feel at that point.

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I actually cancelled my 6 month sub since I know money is the only language EA understands. Not because I hate the game or expect it to be perfect at launch. No, I expect bugs. I mean, I survived Vanguard, so...yeah. But the reason I'm cancelling is nothing less than because of BW/EA's dismissive responses regarding customer concerns and issues as well as their atrocious "customer service." I'm still going to be checking in on the game to see if they finally learn to get out of their own way. If they've fixed a lot of these issues and/or clean up their act, I'll get back on board. Edited by VorpalCheese
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