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Children rate this game poorly.


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Well, we did say children..

And STD and MI(Myocardio Infarction) are much more enjoyable then the mess that is STO and APB.

Umm opinions, how do they work? ;)




Yeah, I do have a problem with inappropriate quotes.


Quote accurately in your future endeavors.

Ok sorry.

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I do hold people who saw the Star Wars Movies as episodes 1-6 at a lower level than those who saw it as 4,5,6, wretched in horror at 1, vomited through most of 2, and sat numbingly through the pain of 3.

I watched 4, 5 and then 6 with my uncle. He had the AT-At that you could fit storm troopers in and it walked on its own.

He had a massive sized millenium falcon too.


I enjoyed all 6 movies, I own them all on DVD and 4,5 and 6 on VHS as well. Gonna buy them all on blue-ray too!


Also, Han shot first and ETS is best.



This thing was the shiz when I was little.



Edited by titanmike
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I do hold people who saw the Star Wars Movies as episodes 1-6 at a lower level than those who saw it as 4,5,6, wretched in horror at 1, vomited through most of 2, and sat numbingly through the pain of 3.


It wasn't that bad.


I find 1-3 less offensive than the ham fisted and idiotic changes to 4-6. I thought it couldn't get any worse until he added a big fat nooooooooooooooooo! at the end of rotj...


Seriously, the most made fun of aspect of the prequels. "Hey we should add that to the originals guys."

Edited by savagepotato
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In truth most people don't like SWTOR once they've played it a while. Just take a look around.


My age is higher than I could stand to level my character.


It's true. Everyone who has purchased this game are in the forums.

Like my wife..no she hates forums...my guildies..no, just me and another out of 50 ever come here.


Well, I am sure the rest of the SW:TOR gaming community frequent it daily and post.


No one comes to a forum unless they are a glutton for punishment (myself) or having issues which they are seeking a resolution for.

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Or Modern Warfare 3, or Little Big Planet 2 and so on.


My son tried SWTOR and was bored with it.

He then went to his Ipad where he proceeded to play an app for over an hour where he stuck pins in a virtual voodoo doll. :rolleyes:


He also likes ketchup on vanilla ice cream, that's what tipped me off that he has no taste. :D


ROFLMAO. Of course kids don't like this game. They don't like any game that they have to take time to build up a character. They want it now, and they want to run around and grab the little powerups and they want to finish the level, now. Console games offer immediate gratification, which is what we all wanted when we were kids.



The problem is, many ONLINE game developers listen to the kids and ruin games. The developer forgets one thing in all their research and it's the most important. KIDS DON'T HAVE CREDIT CARDS. When doing research, you want to pay attention to who is paying the bill and if they will buy what you are selling.

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It's true. Everyone who has purchased this game are in the forums.

Like my wife..no she hates forums...my guildies..no, just me and another out of 50 ever come here.


Well, I am sure the rest of the SW:TOR gaming community frequent it daily and post.


No one comes to a forum unless they are a glutton for punishment (myself) or having issues which they are seeking a resolution for.


Some of us are at work, passing time.

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ROFLMAO. Of course kids don't like this game. They don't like any game that they have to take time to build up a character. They want it now, and they want to run around and grab the little powerups and they want to finish the level, now. Console games offer immediate gratification, which is what we all wanted when we were kids.



The problem is, many ONLINE game developers listen to the kids and ruin games. The developer forgets one thing in all their research and it's the most important. KIDS DON'T HAVE CREDIT CARDS. When doing research, you want to pay attention to who is paying the bill and if they will buy what you are selling.

I thought some study or other rated the average age of a pc gamer (or was it mmo player) over 30.

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I know this is a movie website. But I found it funny that only the 18 and under rated this game 7 and below while everyone else rated the game pretty well :p!




Well at least I know what the hate machine does when it's not posting here..scouring the internet to see who else hates the game.




What a wonderful life that must be



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Like I said in some other post, older and mature people have more patience and know that nothing comes out perfect, be it a single or multi player game.


There's always bugs and errors but in the end, if everyone's patient enough the team is running to fix them as fast as they can.


Patience and lack of experience and memory is what make so many young ones cry over minor game problems.

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It's true. Everyone who has purchased this game are in the forums.

Like my wife..no she hates forums...my guildies..no, just me and another out of 50 ever come here.


Well, I am sure the rest of the SW:TOR gaming community frequent it daily and post.


No one comes to a forum unless they are a glutton for punishment (myself) or having issues which they are seeking a resolution for.

Children do tend to exaggerate more often too. That must be why they love fairy tales and folk stories.

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In truth most people don't like SWTOR once they've played it a while. Just take a look around.


My age is higher than I could stand to level my character.


Maybe some. I'm retired and have put more hours into playing swtor than most 2 players combined. I have deleted advance chars and started over, just to see if I can do it faster. I don't have all the pvp gear (only one piece and it's an implant). I played mainly on a pvp server, but recently switched to a PvE server. I like to try it all.


I like the game's theme - lots of things frustrate the ?el? out of me. I was/am highly disappointed in how they have channeled us into zones on the worlds and sticking mobs everywhere. No just wondering around, taking in the sights.


Believe it or not, one is almost forced to level quickly in this game. I just tried wondering around, and was forced to kill enough mobs to level up quickly. But all these things that I don't like, and I have a list of more stuff, it is ALL fixable. The question comes, will they get enough of them fixed/improved before my frustration level hits the red-line?


Only time will tell which one prevails.


But it is STAR WARS - enough said.

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