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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nothing has Changed!


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I gave them the benefit of the doubt, i gave them a second chance and I went to Ilum HOPING that something would have changed- Nothing has.


1. Empire dominated- completely.

2. Empire base camping just a little further down the hill.

3. Leave the base and your insta gibbed by 5 to 1 odds.

4. Empire still farming valor just as before, only not as obviously.


Great fix.....

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Just to put the numbers i had from my server in again:


Ilum 1: 35 - 55 ( This is probably the closest to playable)

Ilum 2: 25 - 85 ( Yeah, rofl)

Ilum 3: 05 - 19 (at that point of time, now it's around Ilum 2)


Limiting the size of Ilum doesn't fix the core problem. The Faction Imbalance.

And the imbalance still is being ignored completely.

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Ilum needs a bolster buff. Incentive to be on the losing side.

Like 50% more valor for being outnumbered.


No thanks, Warhammer did this called Against All Odds...


Doesnt help if you cant ever kill anybody.


Damage/Hp/Healing buff based on a % of how out numbered you are or faction population caps are the only way at this point.



Going to check out RIFT again this weekend, gave me 3 free days.... WARs adding relics/forts...

Edited by Ratham
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Its funny to see that you actually expected any different outcome. What did you THINK would happen? That the empire players just lay down their weapons in awe of the instagib zone and stop playing because the ratio is so unfair?


Just lol...

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Most importantly we need valor gain for everyone in the raid. And not just one person accidentally tagging or dealing a killing blow.


There are no BGs because everyone is on Ilum, however there you can't get any valor because you're not credited for any kills. So in short valor gain has no pretty much halted. I'm not going to put in countless hours of killing folks with no valor reward, I'll be playing another game then.


This needs fixing for these changes to become successful in anyway.

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I gave them the benefit of the doubt, i gave them a second chance and I went to Ilum HOPING that something would have changed- Nothing has.


1. Empire dominated- completely.

2. Empire base camping just a little further down the hill.

3. Leave the base and your insta gibbed by 5 to 1 odds.

4. Empire still farming valor just as before, only not as obviously.


Great fix.....


If the Imperials are camping outside the Republic's base can you try either going into the warzone on your speeder or taking a speeder to the other warzone shuttle locations? If the Imperials are camping out in all 4 locations (just outside the tunnel leading into the Ilum warzone, the Republic base, and the two other landing pads) then there's probably a severe population imbalance on your server.


But it may be that you will now have to perpetually go in with your guild, just like the Imperials probably do. That's probably the intent of the developers anyway now.

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Most importantly we need valor gain for everyone in the raid. And not just one person accidentally tagging or dealing a killing blow.


There are no BGs because everyone is on Ilum, however there you can't get any valor because you're not credited for any kills. So in short valor gain has no pretty much halted. I'm not going to put in countless hours of killing folks with no valor reward, I'll be playing another game then.


This needs fixing for these changes to become successful in anyway.


It hasn't halted, it's back the way it was. You gotta work for it now. You know...Maybe go warzone and fight with equal numbers for a change?

Edited by SneiK
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So you thought a patch would somehow change the imbalance on your server?


What is wrong with you people


Go unsubscribe please and don't make a thread about it.. we don't care


In the next week or two you will care a great deal.

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So we get more valor for kills we'll never get because of huge inbalances?


EXACTLY!!! More valor means NOTHING! We need a massive increase in DAMAGE, enough that 1 Reb will take down 5 Imps if outnumbered 10:1. There needs to be enough of a fighting chance or PvP on Ilum will die.

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when people start quitting this game, and there are no republic layers in Ilum at all for sith to kill, then maybe you will start to care and ask for some kinda change. Until then, maybe its time to start looking at diffrent games Edited by willovsbetty
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when people start quitting this game, and there are no republic layers in Ilum at all for sith to kill, then maybe you will start to care and ask for some kinda change. Until then, maybe its time to start looking at diffrent games


I couldn't agree more! Instead of getting on the forums, ranting and raving about something that may or may not have even impacted you (yes, I'm looking at everyone thats crying about Ilum who isn't even level 50 and doesn't even PvP) you should look at another game.


Instead of logging onto the forums and trying to turn new players away from what was, is, and will continue to be a great game simply because you got your face rubbed in the snow, you should go take an arrow in the knee.


Maybe instead of crying your eyes out about other people getting access to gear that you spent an inordinate amount of time focusing on attaining, you should go slay dragons as a damn panda.



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No thanks, Warhammer did this called Against All Odds...


Doesnt help if you cant ever kill anybody.


Damage/Hp/Healing buff based on a % of how out numbered you are or faction population caps are the only way at this point.



Going to check out RIFT again this weekend, gave me 3 free days.... WARs adding relics/forts...



WoW did this for the wintergrasp PvP zone - It worked nicely, there were level 80's on the alliance side running around with like 80-100k hp and 1 shotting people lol... granted there was like.. 5 of them.. maybe.. and like 40 horde..


So they had fun though, 1 shotting people, but then they would get piled by 20+ horde and die.. but still.. more fun then 5 vs 40

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