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If you hit Biochem, hit other professions too.


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I pointed out something, that had little to do with what OP was saying, nicely, and was ignored/cry. I tried it again, and was dismissed /cry and after I insulted someone, I was insulted /omgsadfacepandaWAAHHHHhhhhSobBabyshriekCry.


^^^fixed that for ya^^^

LOL Are you friggin serious?

You're acting as though you're 5 y.o.


If you plan on dishing it out, don't cry when you get it back.


A half-way observant individual would note that neither OP nor I ever claimed that Bio is not currently THE best crewskill.


A half-way observant individual would notice that OP has said repeatedly that the other crewskills need to be made relevant @50 with consumables or SOMETHING.



A half-way observant individual would notice that OP is simply calling for some consistency in the way that the items, which are currently BoP, are used.

Edited by Rareyrare
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^^^fixed that for ya^^^

LOL Are you friggin serious?

You're acting as though you're 5 y.o.


If you plan on dishing it out, don't cry when you get it back.


A; Insults B.

B: Insults A right back.

A: If you plan on dishing it out, don't cry when you get it back.

Stay classy.

A half-way observant individual would note that neither OP nor I ever claimed that Bio is not currently THE best crewskill.


A half-way observant individual would notice that OP has said repeatedly that the other crewskills need to be made relevant @50 with consumables or SOMETHING.



A half-way observant individual would notice that OP is simply calling for some consistency in the way that the items, which are currently BoP, are used.


That means you still have not yet realized that the thing that was nerfed about Biochem is something that NO OTHER CRAFTING SKILL (sans Cybertech) HAS!

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A; Insults B.

B: Insults A right back.

A: If you plan on dishing it out, don't cry when you get it back.

Stay classy.



You're seriously trying to say that I started the insults? My, my, how interesting selective memory can be. I suspect I could write a Psychology paper on you.


Why don't you try and backtrack the discussion. Notice where I reply to you? THEN the posts start disappearing... hmm, what could that POSSIBLY mean?




Ah well, I'm sure you're particular brand of psychosis STILL won't allow you to see the truth and you're really not worth the time, so have a nice day and have fun!

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It's funny how they put a requirement to use some items... Considering your character is the one using the item, but has absolutely nothing to do with the item's creation, short of telling your crew what to make. On a rational RPG stand-point, it makes no sense.



I don't quite see the point of having the 400 level requirement anyway. Biochemists are still going to have the advantage because all the other crew skills seem useless.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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Biochem isn't broken - it's simply incredibly useful to every player in the game. The only logical fix here is to make Biochem available to everyone without counting against the 1 crafting skill. Think of it as the cooking and first aid professions in WoW. Players don't have to spend the money to level it; high end med packs, stims, and adrenals can be sold to other players, but the reusables and the implants are all BoA.


I say BoA because what I hope to see in the future is the ability to have my alts benefit from each others professions.

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Yea they definately cleaned it up, all my angry immature responses are gone.


That means they at the very least, have seen this thread. Hopefully we get to a point where everyone is content.

Edited by idipper
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Lets see. Gear that you can get equivalent (most times far superior) from pvp or tier vendors opposed to a reusable medpack, stims, and adrenals that are far superior to everything else that you have exclusive access to as Biochem. The difference is, you can get gear other ways. There is no way anyone but a Biochem crafter can obtain/use all that crap. There's no alternative path. Hence, the BoP is completely fine. If anything, It should've been hit harder with the nerf bat.


Edit: This is worded horribly. I think the point is clear enough though and I'm too lazy to fix it so it makes more sense.

Edited by Reyom
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Synthweaving is so horrible putting a 400/400 requirement on any gear will be pointless. The BiS gear is crap. Total garbage. Crit or not it's still garbage and will be garbage to anyone NOT on a PVE only server. There is absolutely nothing anyone can say to negate the fact that Rakata gear is pure and utter **** for anyone on a pvp server.


However, Biochem and Cybertech are both useful on pve and pvp servers.


Your complaint about the other professions is unwarranted and likely to only cause the nerf biochem crowd to scream louder.

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Got to the second page and decided to chime in. I hope that someone else in the community has already pointed this out, I really do.


IF a synthwever, armstech, or artificer could learn a BiS schematic from their TRAINER. An enhancement, barrel, or crystal from the guy that taught them the level 10 recipes, then i agree whole heartedly that in order to maintain the use of that BIS mod they should maintain the crafting requisite needed to create it. That would make them in line with biochem stims/adrenals and cybertech grenades.


BUT currently there exists no BIS craftable gear from these professions that can be learned at the trainer. And that, my friend, is where your argument falls apart.

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Got to the second page and decided to chime in. I hope that someone else in the community has already pointed this out, I really do.


IF a synthwever, armstech, or artificer could learn a BiS schematic from their TRAINER. An enhancement, barrel, or crystal from the guy that taught them the level 10 recipes, then i agree whole heartedly that in order to maintain the use of that BIS mod they should maintain the crafting requisite needed to create it. That would make them in line with biochem stims/adrenals and cybertech grenades.


BUT currently there exists no BIS craftable gear from these professions that can be learned at the trainer. And that, my friend, is where your argument falls apart.


You don't know BiS when you're looking at it.


Rakata gear with an augment is BiS.


Augmented relics are BiS


Augmented orange weapons are BiS once hilts past 51 are floating about.


Don't throw around that assertion without thinking it through.


So whose to say someone doesn't max synth, artifice and what have you, augment crit craft themselves various pieces of gear, shop around 3-4 professions, then once finished...


end up as Biochem with all the 400/400 req consumables.


Quote - currently there exists no BIS craftable gear from these professions that can be learned at the trainer. And that, my friend, is where your argument falls apart.



Where exactly did my argument fall apart? Your assertion is that the crafting trainers offer no BiS items? If your position is that crafting trainers offer no BiS items, you are flat out wrong. So if thats the only point in which my argument falls apart - it has yet to fall apart according to you.

Edited by idipper
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I'm not enraged at all man. You're really clueless. Players can crit craft Rakata BOPs, get 2+ augments granting +56 in the main stat, then drop it and PICKUP biochem and get the added benefits from BIOCHEM.


Did you read my post? Hello?


Are you following me or do you drool over yourself a lot?


Its not about profits, its about min/maxing. Go play eve or farmville.


- (maybe he was trying to go around it by dropping biochem with rakata consumables, if so he should have thought about it and not taken the risk and is fully capable of releveling biochem).


Nope, been bio since day one, it treates me well. Will not drop it, not ever. Good assumption. Good input. I can tell you're a quality player.


I dont get that part of your comment. I understand your original point and I somewhat agree, but you lose me at grouping Eve with Farmville. Two vastly different crowds of people man. Besides....Eve is 5 times the game SWTOR is IMO.

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All of the highest crafting shoudl either be BOE, no restrictions, or BOP (craft) restricted. The first would be more fun, stimulate more commerce, and make people happier and able to choose whatever profession they wanted and still get the "best" gear. The second would be "even" because everyone gets something special, but you'll constantly have comparison whining. The third system, which BW has now, is a mix of BOE/BOP and restricted/non, which just doesn't make any sense.
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EXACTLY. Two things need to happen, and you've just very plainly stated them. Make whatever is "special" about a Crew Skill, those perks, those Artifact items, and make them require the Crew Skill to stop people from flip-flopping and reaping the benefits of having 2 crafting Crew Skills which Bioware has tried to impede by only allowing us to have 1 crafting Crew Skill.


Simultaneously they need to make whatever perk/specialty that Crew Skill offers can be both BoP and competitive with the perks/specialties that the other Crew Skills offer, so that those players running Operations still have something fun to work on, and don't have 1 clear Crew Skill that is valued above all others.


The fact that it takes Armor/Weapon crafters longer to get their desired Perk/Special gear due to the RNG gear prefixes/discoveries issue is a whole 'nother can of worms ;)


This quote made me believe that you agreed with the "BUFF & 400/400" route. Maybe I was mistaken???:confused: Adding


I re-read my own post to be sure, and indeed I never once used the word "Equal" I simply used the word "Competitive." Please, don't disagree with a point I didn't make, solely to disagree. As for your other point, guess what? You already can't sell most if not all of the Artifact craftable gear, because it's Bind on Pickup. Adding in a Crew Skill requirement would not change this at ALL it would simply impede people from gaining the benefits of TWO crafting Crew Skills.


How exactly do you make a piece of gear "competitive" to a consumable? Unless you mean add a "consumable perk". If so my mistake, but if more BoP's & 400/400 are added, the gap will become wider.


Yes, I know your purps BoP, but all the other stuff is sellable. At lvl 50, are you unable to sell that inferior (blues) stuff? If so, this more of a reason NOT to restrict it to 400/400. If someone else @ 400/400, in the same profession, buys blues from you then.....:rolleyes:



Is your crafted artifact gear stronger than the drops from raids and/or PvP? I am lvl 40 now with no hardcore raiding, but I have heard that it is not. So you still end up switching anyway (regardless if 400/400 requirement on syth, armor, etc is added) right?


Once again, this whole thread is about people switching to BioChem from a different craft because of consumables. The OP stated his beef was that other crafts don't have the 400/40requirement on most top level items, but we BioChemist (yes me too) have them. Unless I am mistaken, his point is to introduce more restrictions on the other classes to be fair.


The "reusable" restrictions started this whole issue, so adding more BoP and 400/400 "perks" only works is a resuable consumable is introduced to all crafts.

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