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Darth Baras' mask


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Now I've been wondering. I hop that some of those who've been in beta know - when did Baras get his mask ingame?


Because I remember watching the Space Combat video and thinking "ah, some imperial hangar lackey finally giving out our ship". Only now I realise after rewatching that it was actually Darth Baras and I didn't even notice that the lines he said made it clear he was our master.


I really feel that Baras' mask really.. "defines" him and can't imagine him being half as impressive without it.

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Thats the same vibe I get from him. And I love it :)


Psychotic is a good quality in a Sith.


What's worse is he's cool and calculating like most other Sith aren't. When he does get angry, it means something.



When he was torturing the Republic spy during the class questline, and he couldn't break the guy, I remember being really impressed with the voice acting when he totally lost his **** and started screaming. Scary.


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What's worse is he's cool and calculating like most other Sith aren't. When he does get angry, it means something.



When he was torturing the Republic spy during the class questline, and he couldn't break the guy, I remember being really impressed with the voice acting when he totally lost his **** and started screaming. Scary.



Yeah, i remember actually being kind of scared when he did that, which is saying a lot, sine I'm not usually scared by guys who look like they've been having a bit too much space McDonald's :p that being said, I'm kind of sad that you don't really see many more scenes with him like that afterwords :( then again, I could be wrong. I'm level 47 on Correllia right now, so here's hoping I get some more scariness from him later, because it was freaking awesome when he was that scary.

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As much as I hate the downright stupid amount of fat people the devs throw at us because they only bothered to make those 4 body types, 3 of which just comically out of proportion (innovation! wooo!), I loved baras. He really gets that sith lord thing across, voiceover is a perfect match and this just makes him even more creepy, which is awesome.


disclaimer: I'd never dare to berate anyone on his physical appearance in rl like that, but in a game like this, those character model are a heavy immersion breaker for no reason at all. I mean fat special forces soldiers in a downright faschist military like the empire? C'mon, theres no way their superiors would not make them lose that weight, if they even bothered and no killed them that is.

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Darth Baras and his VO was actually part of the reason I liked the SW storyline so much. Him and Vette pretty much caried it for me.


Same. :) The warrior story is amazing.



my question is: can you get this (or similar looking) headgear for yourself? :)

if it is somewhere near the end of the class storyline pls use spoiler tag ;) or pm me


At the end...


He does drop his mask in a cutscene, but I don't think you can pick it up no.


Edited by Avatorius
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  • 4 months later...
There is something about the roundness of the mask, and some of the other facial features, that remind me of Cartman. I really have a hard time taking him seriously because of it. Edited by colakaine
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Well end game Sith Inquisitors get a similar looking mask and i always saw Baras as an inquisitor type.


So glad my first character was a Warrior that story line and him are a great advert for the game.

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When he was torturing the Republic spy during the class questline, and he couldn't break the guy, I remember being really impressed with the voice acting when he totally lost his **** and started screaming. Scary.


First time I saw that scene was in beta, had my volume up really high. Did NOT expect him to start screaming when I entered the room, almost made me jump out of my seat.

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  • 1 year later...
i Was just roaming through the threads and came accross this and remembered , in beta you could loot his mask. and it was heavy armor but just like the purple crystal they took it out of low level... i know for a fact you cant get that mask anymore at least below 55 you cant i think they took it out of player loot table. sorry i had a bunch of screen shots from beta illl look for them, but yes i know we couldnt show anyone the screenshots in beta so yea just saying.:o
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