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Should BioWare/Blur Studios make a full length movie?


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What does it matter for new backdrops/new characters? The cost would go down as you are using the same characters for the whole movie instead of just 4 min. Your 80 month estimate is ridiculous. You do it concurrently, not consecutively. It would take 3 years tops. Yeah, they might have to hire more people, so what? What's the difference between paying 3 people $50,000 a year for three years and paying one person $50,000 a year for nine years? (I don't know what animators get paid, just chose a number) There is none!


My point was that if they have to hire more people the costs increase exponentionally.


The difference between having 1 person do everything and 50 people working together would be vast and not just salary.


You're forgetting about equipment, office space, computer liscenses (Graphic software is not cheap at all, even on multi-million dollar budgets), support staff, and benefits (not salary).


So lets say total salary was even between our 1 person and 50 people. The 50 people would still cost the company FAR FAR more than the single employee. You have to pay benefits for each and every one of those 50 people, insurance, HR, managers, etc.




And you're not just using the same characters the whole movie. That would be boring as hell. Each person on screen is someone they have to spend a lot of time developing and creating. And Star Wars movies do not take place in one spot so you'd have to create a few different planets, each with specific locations, etc.


It wouldn't be 4 people standing around the jedi temple talking about politics. This isn't Episode 1 all over again.


You seem to think the most expensive and only time-consuming thing about this would be actually animating it. There is a lot more to a good movie than animation (or acting).

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What I would like to see, is perhaps shorts. About the length of the cinematics for the game, and used in places like Cartoon Network or Spike to help advertise the game. Run them during Spikes near weekly star wars film marathons, or on Cartoon Network during any airing of The Clone Wars. They could be serialized in the way that inspired the OT, and can be concurrent with the most recent patch/expansion.
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My point was that if they have to hire more people the costs increase exponentionally.


The difference between having 1 person do everything and 50 people working together would be vast and not just salary.


You're forgetting about equipment, office space, computer liscenses (Graphic software is not cheap at all, even on multi-million dollar budgets), support staff, and benefits (not salary).


So lets say total salary was even between our 1 person and 50 people. The 50 people would still cost the company FAR FAR more than the single employee. You have to pay benefits for each and every one of those 50 people, insurance, HR, managers, etc.




And you're not just using the same characters the whole movie. That would be boring as hell. Each person on screen is someone they have to spend a lot of time developing and creating. And Star Wars movies do not take place in one spot so you'd have to create a few different planets, each with specific locations, etc.


It wouldn't be 4 people standing around the jedi temple talking about politics. This isn't Episode 1 all over again.


You seem to think the most expensive and only time-consuming thing about this would be actually animating it. There is a lot more to a good movie than animation (or acting).




So like a new location and new characters every few minutes? Oh, just like the trailers?


Paying benefits to 5 people over 1 year = paying benefits to 1 employee over 5 years. Probably less so the way that costs are rising...


Yes there would be some additional costs to expand the employee base and get it done sooner, but its an investment and the additional costs are marginal and nowhere near what you claim.

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So like a new location and new characters every few minutes? Oh, just like the trailers?


Paying benefits to 5 people over 1 year = paying benefits to 1 employee over 5 years. Probably less so the way that costs are rising...


Yes there would be some additional costs to expand the employee base and get it done sooner, but its an investment and the additional costs are marginal and nowhere near what you claim.


Well, my logic isn't going to convince you and you can't pull anything beyond "I don't think so, computers are better" out of your argument pile.


Benefits vary widely between people by the way. Ever hear of children and spouses? I know, I know, you're thinking that there's no way computer animators get laid, but I'm sure there would be at least one.


Also, OH ****. I just found out that marketing was NOT included in a film's budget. Hahahahahaha.


Avatar cost over 460$ million with marketing.

Shrek 2 was $48 million in marketing alone!


You think a new Star Wars movie wouldn't have far more marketing than Shrek 2?

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What I would like to see, is perhaps shorts. About the length of the cinematics for the game, and used in places like Cartoon Network or Spike to help advertise the game. Run them during Spikes near weekly star wars film marathons, or on Cartoon Network during any airing of The Clone Wars. They could be serialized in the way that inspired the OT, and can be concurrent with the most recent patch/expansion.


That is such an awesome idea, EA/Bioware should run with it _and_ pay you for it.


They probably won;t do the former, and they certainly won't do the latter. But still.

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Dunno about a movie. Cinematics and story in a video game are MUCH different than in a movie. Timeframes are totally different and the gameplay gets you more involved and changes your perception of things.


One feature in this game that would have been neat is if it saved all your dialogue choices and took some vids of the places you explored and the bosses you beat and turned that into some kind of mini-movie you could save for posterity. That thought came to mind yesterday as I saw all these amazing surroundings that kind of get lost in the gameplay.

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Well, my logic isn't going to convince you and you can't pull anything beyond "I don't think so, computers are better" out of your argument pile.


Benefits vary widely between people by the way. Ever hear of children and spouses? I know, I know, you're thinking that there's no way computer animators get laid, but I'm sure there would be at least one.


Also, OH ****. I just found out that marketing was NOT included in a film's budget. Hahahahahaha.


Avatar cost over 460$ million with marketing.

Shrek 2 was $48 million in marketing alone!


You think a new Star Wars movie wouldn't have far more marketing than Shrek 2?



You haven't combatted any of my arguments.


You said that they will need far more locations and characters than the trailers - I said that if they multiplied the locations and characters in the trailer by 6 this would be the equivalent of making 6 of the trailers and give them plenty of characters and locations.



The costs are higher now than they were in the past - Costs now are drastically reduced. 16 years ago there were no full length CGI movies. Ever seen District 9? That movie is filled with CGI, yet only cost $30 mil. Simply look around and you will see CGI everywhere. Does this mean people are spending more? No, its easier to make.


Benefits for 1 person over five years is less than 5 people over 1 year -You mentioned that some people have family on there as well. When you have family you pay higher premiums. What's the difference if that one person you had working had a family?


Similar movies cost hundreds of millions -Most movies get a budget based on what they are expected to earn. Why did the budgets increase for the Transformers sequels? Because they were proven to be big earners so you invest more in them. I'm not saying an Old Republic would have to make 100's of millions. You could make the movie for $50 million and still end up being very very profitable.


Marketing costs would make up the entire cost of what you mentioned! Avatar spent over a hundred million on marketing!! -Marketing costs aren't set. You can spend as little or as much as you want. Star Wars already has a dedicated fan base that would buy the DVD or go see the movie.



The bottom line is this: Other full length CGI films have come out so why can't Star Wars be the same? If Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children was able to be made completely in CGI and go straight to DVD why can't their be an Old Republic movie that is equivalent? Simply answer that.

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I think it would be sweet if they made a live action movie instead of CGI. I'm not really into CGI except for video games.


Also, I could really care less how much it costs to make a movie and if the people making them ever made any money off of it. I just enjoy watching them. But I'm weird like that.


I'm not very good with movie money, but I'm pretty sure it cost Pixar eleventy billion dollars to make Toy story 2. They were a shade under their budget of a gajillion pesos.

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Flashy lights, explosions and no plot.. Sound familiar?

Episode I, Episode II, Episode III..




Sure these movies would be great for satisfying your eyes, the directors wallets and the walk of shame in the Star Wars saga.. BUT, oh wait I just told you why it won't and should never happen..


they would ruin the StarWars saga even more


I'm seeing this from a lore perspective, what it would do to the StarWars series and not how good it would be for money/our eyes.. It's become an inflation of power, what characters can do.. Pulling spaceships out of the sky, stopping lightsabers with their little telekinetic powers..


I'm just gonna say this, I don't want flashy explosions, I want a space adventure..


EA is not gonna let BW focus on the "lore".. they are gonna force bW to focus on what characters can shoot out of their fingertips..

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Blur generally runs 10 projects at a time that take roughly a month to make per minute of footage. If they dedicated all of their staff to one project full time and didn't have loose guidelines of "have it done by E3", they could produce a full movie in about a year and a half to two years. The Budget for old republic was 22 million, and I believe only 2 million was set aside for advertising. 80% of that is buying ad space, so it cost about $300,000 - $500,000 to produce all three trailers. If we follow a conservative formula of $300,000 per six minutes, that is only 12 million in budget. If we add in option costs, licensing, marketing, distribution, disc sales, and ancillary costs, this movie could very easily be made for 50 million in under two years.


Hurray research.

Edited by The-Light-Shadow
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Blur generally runs 10 projects at a time that take roughly a month to make per minute of footage. If they dedicated all of their staff to one project full time and didn't have loose guidelines of "have it done by E3", they could produce a full movie in about a year and a half to two years. The Budget for old republic was 22 million, and I believe only 2 million was set aside for advertising. 80% of that is buying ad space, so it cost about $300,000 - $500,000 to produce all three trailers. If we follow a conservative formula of $300,000 per six minutes, that is only 12 million in budget. If we add in option costs, licensing, marketing, distribution, disc sales, and ancillary costs, this movie could very easily be made for 50 million in under two years.


Hurray research.


That's basically what a decently produced sci fi movie costs anyways. and probably a shorter amount of time.

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So you have to admit: Return, Deceived, and Hope were amazing trailers. They contained some of the, if not the best action sequences in Star Wars media. They captured the "lived in" feeling the Star Wars universe is supposed to have. The characters even had great personalities and I loved seeing the return of the smuggler type.


Do you think BioWare should look into making a full length movie set in The Old Republic? Do you think it could be profitable? The Clone Wars movie made almost $100 million in box office and DVD sales. Depending on how much it cost to make the 20 minutes they have so far it could be very profitable.


Would you pay $10 to see it in theaters if one was made? Would you pay $13 for 3D?



Edited to indicate that Blur Studios, the ones who made the trailer, would animate the movie with collaboration from BioWare.


I don't know who would ultimately write out a movie/script or what actors would potray the characters... but if a live movie and/or animate movie (by the makers of the trailers) ever came out, I would certainly pay to see it.


I wonder if its possible to petition for them to do so. (Or, like, make a web-movie that fans could watch.)


It might be expensive, but I like the thought of it. I, for one, would definitely be a loyal fan and watch.

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I doubt any serious SW movies will ever be made until George Lucas and his "it's my toy and you can't play with it" mentality finally kicks the bucket.


Not bashing or cheering for Lucas either way, but the fact is that he owns EVERYTHING to do with SW and it's licensing. I doubt he will ever let someone make a serious movie (Clone Wars ultimately being considered a kids cartoon by most), live action or CGI, without being heavily involved and stomping his feet to do it his way. He's already said that he won't do anymore because the criticism makes him all sensitive.


I wish like hell that he would just allow some good writers and directors to make more movies, in the Old Republic universe and beyond, but I just don't see it happening. Can you imagine how butt-hurt the guy would be if someone made a movie or a set of them that blew his numbers away and that fans considered to be the new pinnacle of the SW saga? He would cry all the way to the bank whilst collecting his millions from the licensing.


@ the OP


Yes, if it were to happen, I would be in line to see it.

Edited by Nerzhul
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A Blur movie would be amazing, I'd pay 50$ to see it and bring a date! If...it was done right.


I'm a huge SW fan,but I will not watch clone wars cartoons. The animation is HORRENDOUS! A 3 year old kid with crayons could do better. The 1980s hand drawn cartoons are a million times superior in their animation skills.


Cartoon wars is so horrible it has probably killed any chance of a CGI SW flick :(

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  • 3 months later...
15 years? Get real. There have been other full length CGI films that have been profitable and done for less. Look at Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. These films USED to cost a huge fortune to make, but technology has advanced quite a lot.


but look at final fantasy spirits within. that cost sony and square over 100 million and it was the biggest loss making venture in sony's history. the lead producer at square got sacked after that (which is a shame because his film may have sucked, but he did make exceptionally great games)


advent children was very much a cult classic that hit its market well, but spirits within, was sposed to be mainstream and failed epicly. so if Bioware did think of making a CGI film i hope they learn from others mistakes.


but lets be honest, of all the company's associated with, the old republic, why would bioware and blur be making a starwars film, when lucasarts is a film studio?

Edited by grandmthethird
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No. While for whatever reason a lot of gamers think they are brilliant writers, they really aren't. I would, however, like to see a movie done by someone else during the time of the old republic.


The WORST writer on BioWare's staff could write circles around George Lucas!


Let's do a rundown:




Storytelling: Check


Dialogue: Check


Character development: Check


George Lucas


Storytelling: Check


Dialogue: Not in a million years


Character development: Hardly, compared to the backstories done by other authors in the Star Wars franchise.


George and his script doctors are left waxed and boobytrapped by BioWare's writers. Your argument is invalid. But thank you for playing. :)

Edited by Captain_Zone
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I think a quality CGI movie close to that of the trailers is possible, check out Tekken: Blood Vengeance. The quality in that would work great for a new Star Wars film, even if they end up being straight to DvD. As much as I love the movies, it would be great to see the Jedi use their full power, and human actors just can't move the way Jedi would in combat.


Tekken: Blood Vengeance: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2005363/

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Bioware can't make what they claim to do (Games), I rue the day they ever decide to do a Star Wars movie...


So what's Baldur's Gate? Or Neverwinter Nights? Or KotOR? Or Mass Effect? Or Jade Empire? Yeah, last I checked, those are all games, and very good games, might I add. And who did those games? A little company called BioWare. Your hate has made you sloppy. :p

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Blur generally runs 10 projects at a time that take roughly a month to make per minute of footage. If they dedicated all of their staff to one project full time and didn't have loose guidelines of "have it done by E3", they could produce a full movie in about a year and a half to two years.


Well done. That dude who kept saying that Blur's videos are OMG-so-freaking-good that it'd take 15 years to make a full-length movie of the same quality -- well, let's just say he was giving me a migraine. Fanboy logic at its finest: if Blur's costs (in money, in time) were as high as he estimates, then Blur wouldn't be in business. They're animators, not astronauts.


Blur does fine work, in any case. I'd like to see more of it.

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