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EA falls on broker concerns about 'Star Wars'


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I know people will find this hard to believe but, the reasons EA's stock falls in the winter months and raises in Spring, Summer, and Fall..........its called thier money making sports games, Madden, NBA, NHL and FIFA Soccer. Check EA's stock next time they release Madden in August, proabably be the yearly high.


Umm, no. Their stock really doesn't have a seasonal pattern to it.

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Company name






Chg %


d | m | y


Mkt Cap







Electronic Arts Inc.

















THQ Inc.

















Activision Blizzard, Inc.

















Take-Two Interactive S...

















Zoo Entertainment, Inc.

















Zynga Inc

















Glu Mobile Inc.


































Majesco Entertainment Co.

















Microsoft Corporation

















Gravity Co., LTD. (ADR)













Have some perspective lol

Edited by Viera
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Probably because they had a hand in them.


They created the product, sure, but that doesn't mean they knew what would happen to the underlying asset.


Most CMBS's failed because the underlying assets (houses) lost value or were underwritten fraudulently. The security itself, generally, had a sound construction.

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who cares what some stocks say, Is the game still going to be out? Yeah it is. None of this affects my gameplay or view on the game. I see some gamers though play games that are only succesful.


Some people only use things that work :cool: heh, they're dumb.

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So some stock analyst tried the game and isn't a fan, and he hears some unsubstantiated rumors about sales not meeting "expectations," whatever that means, and rates EA stock lower than he had before.


Stop the presses!


Actually if EA stock falls some more, I'll buy. EA isn't going anywhere, and neither is Bioware, and long term it's probably a decent investment.


This has been my point. If people had bought at around 2:15 pm (Central) when I said, "Hey, you may want to buy at this point", they would have made .65 cents on every stock bought by EOD. And, judging by their past normal price, they'll probably have made around $3.00 back on every stock bought. But, nope, they wanted to QQ on the forums instead.:D

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My boss’s friend is an analyst for wall street.


He asked me my opinions of the game from the perspective of a systems engineer. While I touted the potential, I was honest about how EA / Bioware is managing the game and how the product felt rushed, and they doubled their error by further mismanagement (rolling access causing people to dog pile into servers, the game feeling less like a beta during beta than during production).


Wonder if this review was fed by my review -_0

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I like this game enough to keep playing because i am easy to please. but i must admit there is some thing wrong with SWTOR. after playing four different character classes to lvl 25-30 I have come to realization that this game is not what it was marketed to be.


they marketed this game as an MMO





SWTOR is not an MMO in the classical sense. It is much more accurate to call it a single-player cooperative RPG.


The way the galaxy of planets is built with the loading screens in between every zone, and the dynamic layering of zones, or sharding or whatever it's called, making only a limited number of other players appear in your "shard" or "layer".


then ontop of that, if you are on one planet, and kinda bored, and thinking, I will run quests here, and watch chat for groups forming for flashpoints somewhere or some Heroic quests from another planet, YOU CAN'T! When on a planet you have no access to the chat of any other planet or the fleet. You must leave your current planet and stand around on the fleet if you wanna find any flashpoint group. or you must travel to another planet if you want to do the heroic's there.


this makes it so frustrating and time consuming. if there was a galaxy wide GLF channel then you could hang out anywhere you want in the galaxy, and grind mobs, or harvest crafting mats, or do quests, and simply watch the galaxy GLF channnel so you can jump in any group you want.


Bioware really mislead everyone by marketing the game as a fullblown MMO. It is not an MMO. It's a single player quest-story driven RPG with cooperative multiplayer elements.


If you don't believe me. Go play an actual fullblown MMO like LOTRO, or RIFT or WOW, and you'll see how different it feels. You actualy feel in those games like you are part of a huge world of players and you can hang out anywhere you like without having to leave that area to find groups. You can find a group from anywhere.

Edited by Gilbara
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Umm, no. Their stock really doesn't have a seasonal pattern to it.


Actually it does if you look at the last 2 years, if has significant seasonal flux.



Edited by themistocles
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I like this game enough to keep playing because i am easy to please. but i must admit there is some thing wrong with SWTOR. after playing four different character classes to lvl 25-30 I have come to realization that this game is not what it was marketed to be.


they marketed this game as an MMO





SWTOR is not an MMO in the classical sense. It is much more accurate to call it a single-player cooperative RPG.


The way the galaxy of planets is built with the loading screens in between every zone, and the dynamic layering of zones, or sharding or whatever it's called, making only a limited number of other players appear in your "shard" or "layer".


then ontop of that, if you are on one planet, and kinda bored, and thinking, I will run quests here, and watch chat for groups forming for flashpoints somewhere or some Heroic quests from another planet, YOU CAN'T! When on a planet you have no access to the chat of any other planet or the fleet. You must leave your current and stand around on the fleet if you wanna find any flashpoint group. or you must travel to another planet if you want to do the heroic's there.


this makes it so frustrating and time consuming. if there was a galaxy wide GLF channel then you could hang out anywhere you want in the galaxy, and grind mobs, or harvest crafting mats, or do quests, and simply watch the galaxy GLF channnel so you can jump in any group you want.


Bioware really mislead everyone by marketing the game as a fullblown MMO. It is not an MMO. It's a single player quest-story driven RPG with cooperative multiplayer elements.


If you don't believe me. Go play an actual fullblown MMO like LOTRO, or RIFT or WOW, and you'll see how different it feels. You actualy feel in those games like you are part of a huge world of players and you can hang out anywhere you like without having to leave that area to find groups. You can find a group from anywhere.


They marketed it as an MMO because there's no way the throngs of sheeple would have paid a monthly subscription for it otherwise.


As to the OP, it's a bit disconcerting, but like all financial news, you should take it with a grain of salt. The world economy wouldn't be utter garbage right now if finances were an exact science.

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They created the product, sure, but that doesn't mean they knew what would happen to the underlying asset.


Most CMBS's failed because the underlying assets (houses) lost value or were underwritten fraudulently. The security itself, generally, had a sound construction.

Too bad regs aren't enforced until a speculation-based market implodes and insiders blow the lid off. :( Edited by GalacticKegger
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Apparently Goldman Sachs can predict what will happen since they *knew* certain investments would fail.


Way to contradict yourself. Next time use less hate.


They knew they were going to fail because they built them to fail.

They bundled trillions of dollars in bad loans as investment products then sold them to their own customers as good investments...

Yes, these were Goldmans Sachs OWN products that they knew were garbage and would eventually fail. They then took out insurance policies again them failing THEN shorted the stocks of the insurance companies. They knew that trillions of dollars in failed investments would bring down the insurance companies stocks, making them millions on the short.


I dont expect most people on these forums to understand just went down in our financial markets, but it was EVIL ugly and 20 years ago would have all been illegal. Big money buys laws that big money likes.

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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Borrowed from http://www.marketwatch.com/story/ea-falls-on-broker-concerns-about-star-wars-2012-01-19?link=MW_home_latest_news


Even though you have solid proof that people in the business end of gaming are making a considerable one day cut in share prices they will say everything is all right. This is a market analyst who actually know how much subs are going to be paying the bills. This game is tanking fast. Fanbois are the ones that will be left on the deck of the ship after all the smart people take the life boats. And the band played on....

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Well whatever you think.



I personally think it's a rational response due to the relative "recent" history of the MMO Market. Nearly every game launched post WoW has seen huge plummets in their playerbase after the first free month has ran out. and of course it's the business in stocks to sell high while you can and anticipate a decline in value such as when a newly launced MMO's first free month runs out.



However one line in the article baffles me.


This one:


"Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions,"



Initial sales were below expectations?!


It sold over 2 million copies in a month, which I'm not staring at every MMO every to be launched or it's sales in the first month but I tend to lack any memory of any other MMO selling that many copies in it's first month, at least not in the Western market... So what exactly was their "expectations"?

Edited by HavenAE
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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.


Anyone have any thoughts on this?


Borrowed from http://www.marketwatch.com/story/ea-falls-on-broker-concerns-about-star-wars-2012-01-19?link=MW_home_latest_news



I call BS. They are definately pulling in huge profit from this game. Not to mention SWTOR isn't the only game EA is making money on. lol

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The way the galaxy of planets is built with the loading screens in between every zone, and the dynamic layering of zones, or sharding or whatever it's called, making only a limited number of other players appear in your "shard" or "layer".

You mean like Guild Wars?


then ontop of that, if you are on one planet, and kinda bored, and thinking, I will run quests here, and watch chat for groups forming for flashpoints somewhere or some Heroic quests from another planet, YOU CAN'T! When on a planet you have no access to the chat of any other planet or the fleet. You must leave your current planet and stand around on the fleet if you wanna find any flashpoint group. or you must travel to another planet if you want to do the heroic's there.

You mean like WoW?


this makes it so frustrating and time consuming. if there was a galaxy wide GLF channel then you could hang out anywhere you want in the galaxy, and grind mobs, or harvest crafting mats, or do quests, and simply watch the galaxy GLF channnel so you can jump in any group you want.

Wasn't LFG channels initially a player created channel in WoW?

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