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Im not really sure wich servers or time you guys log in. But usually i take a look at the other servers when i log and they dont show up that low. Since i usually play mmo's on rp servers the only 2 on english language are usually heavy(?) (in red) or the lvl bellow (wich i cant recall the name). What i did noticed was a very large list of servers in several languages. That usually tends to disperse players. I dont say have the amount of rp eng servers but the total amount seemed huge.


btw....gif moar eng rp servers for my alts

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I wonder how people choose their server. Why were just a few servers completely bogged down when the game was released, with queues, and others were so low pop that you don't run into anyone else for hours?


I think they went a little crazy with releasing so many servers at release.


They did not release so many servers at once. After the first batch, they added more and more incrementally depending on the load.


And during the" pre-order play phase", there was lot of load with queues, so it was clearly not too many.


Personally, I just chose the server with the lowest population at the time because I did not want to experience a login queue (and never have experienced a single one so far).


I guess most players who complain about the lack of player are either level 35+ characters (most of the active player base is below level 35) because they don't have much people to party with, or playing during the less busy hours.


Also I think SWTOR being story driven, maybe many players, like me, focus at first on the single player content without caring much about the multiplayer aspect. Because I see many single characters questing around without a party.

And some of them, also like me, may create a new ones after reaching the end-story to enjoy each different classes :p

Edited by Elysith
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Bear in mind that 75% of the currently player base can quit, if the 2 million figure is taken as truth, and the game will still be profitable...don't have the link, but there was an interview that stated the profit barrier is broken with 500,000 players.


This is true.


Warhammer Online has lost about 95% or more of its playerbase. It's over 3 years old now.


No matter what people say, SWTOR will last far longer than they think it will.

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Wow, I join a Warzone and the first thing that happened was a random loading screen followed up by major flickering as I was approaching the middle turret. Hotfix didn't fix ****, I give up.


Epic fail.

Edited by darthtoph
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my server is DEAD . if i dont see something done about it in the next month i quit. i rolled to this low pop server BECAUSE BIOWARE TOLD ME TO


The game is a month old. People play MMOs for years on end, I don't see why you can't just reroll on another server.

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The game is a month old. People play MMOs for years on end, I don't see why you can't just reroll on another server.


i have a level 50, valor rank 54 working towards battlemaster, the idea of starting over again before accomplishing my primary goal is frustrating to say the least.


I guess i was dumb to expect bioware to put any effort into population management, other than ensuring minimal load on their patheitc servers

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You know that server maintenance finished about...10 minutes ago?


im talking about in general not right now. apologies if im coming across like a whiner but it really is frustrating


the most people iv ever seen on the imperial fleet is 102, prime time theres usually about 65


last night on ilum at 1030 pm there were 4 empire players. working as intended?

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There aren't at least four people on your server at any given time? I mean that is what it takes to make a group, right? That must be a really, really, low pop server :rolleyes:


I was in prime gaming time last night. I went to the fleet to finish up the first arc of my class quest and move on to Balmorra. 12 people were on the station. Three were obviously noobs just coming out of Tython and Ord Mandell. At one point yesterday I was on Alderaan and there four people on it. For about an hour. Now it was in the daytime. But just four people? It's a big area with quite a lot of content that you must do to move on...


And I'm seeing it other areas. Last week, you might see 80 people in Corusant during the day and a 120 at night. This week, I've seen as few as 40 during the day and well under 100 at night. And nothing is close to approaching the first couple of weeks where there'd be over 200 during the day...


And I'm not on a low-pop, post early-game-release server. I'm in an early game access server. So roll your eyes all you want... There are already grouping issues on servers because people just aren't playing like you imagine they are playing...

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i'd like nothing more than to see a huge influx of new players, in the mean time however how about fixing the play time of those players u do have.


Customer retention is just as important as gaining new customers, this is basic business sense right?

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I interact with a ton. Regardless, it's a matter of having to find groups (since they're too stubborn to put in a freakin LFG) and the feel of a living population. Even if you aren't talking to people, a dead chat and nobody running around you makes the game feel dead.

You speak the truth. I find it funny when I see people say "Oh no it's Barren Chat all over again. Stop please."

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When I was on this morning, every servers but one was low. I know the morning isn't peak on a game this popular (or that was popular) where every server was high to full a week ago, it is concerning. There should at least be a few full servers at all times. Having 95% of them being low isn't a good sign.


The server population indicator has nothing to do with how many people are online or how many have quit since release.


The dev's have said that they are slowly increasing the server population cap over time. That is why there was large queues at the beginning because they had lower caps on the servers to get people to spread out and not all end up on the same server. Over time they have increased that cap and hence you will see those server population indicator's change because more people can now create on those servers then they could before.


So, seeing low or standard in the server population is not an indication that there are less people playing now then there was during the first couple weeks after the release of the game, it is only that those server caps have increased.


If you have time to search through the dev tracker forum you can find this information for yourself.

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