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Maintenance hitting EU Primetime! LOL times updated


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Vindictus looks cool, but I am so burned out on Midevil Fantasy MMO's. It's either Star Wars, or Fallen Earth, and I already played Fallen Earth and found the end game to be completely non-existant.


Eve Online is out there still too, but that is totally pointless. Too many well established players to ever be able to compete.

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It's not "the PvP crowd" it's the legions of forum crybabies with their overblown sense of entitlement that flooded the forums yesterday.


Sure, on some servers it was outrageously imbalanced and, sure, the lack of protective areas around spawnpoints was a huge oversight but Bioware are absolutely kidding themselves if they think it's important enough to warrant shutting down the primetime play of an entire continent of players.


No matter how horrendous it was, I'm certain that all the frustrated EU players would have gladly waited another 10-12 hours for the patch and just avoided Ilum for a bit.


I've said it on so many threads now I've lost count but region-specific maintenance windows have been the industry standard for MMOs for a decade. Deciding against their implementation in this game, on top of being completely incapable of sticking to their scheduled windows, on top of them taking longer than any other MMO does for bugfix patches to be deployed, is frankly terrible business sense.

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Without wanting to sound melodramatic and without wanting to appear like a diva I can say that I have also cancelled my account.


I pay for this service and this service is unavailable to me far too often for my liking and at the worst possible times.


I can understand mornings but I cannot accept a large downtime for all afternoon. If I am late for work I get penalised, if BW doesnt have their servers updated and up and running I am supposed to be understanding?


I would much rather have the patch a "day later" like in WoW than have these issues.


At the same time I can say that the game is decent... definetly not a WoW-killer (the only thing that kills WoW is old age that is experiencing right now) but a good one none the less.


Thank you everyone for the moments in game that made it worthwhile to play this game online.

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Eve Online is out there still too, but that is totally pointless. Too many well established players to ever be able to compete.


EVE's not too bad for a newbie really - a newbie tackler in a frigate is just as vital to a fleet's success as a veteran in a kitted out battleship. Just have to find the right kind of corp. It has a steep learning curve, but you can be effective in PvP within about 3 hours of making a character :)

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hm, servers should be back at 21:30 CET? Erm. .... Why do you hate EU players and prefer US players


Maintenance should be from 14:00 PST - 18:00 PST. EU players can sleep and US players are still at work/school/outside.


And for US players - be quiet.:mad:

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I work off hours and live in the US! I can only play during patch times! I demand reimbursement too! Oh noes!


Suck it up, princess.


It's not about off-hours, it's about it being in prime time for an entire continent. I don't personally feel like I need a refund on my day or anything, but it's a far bigger issue than "welp, I happen to have a funky schedule" it's a case of "oh, that's the vast majority of people who play at this particular time of day".


This is not an insignificant issue, no matter how many worthless comments you make.

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Dont make this a USA versus Europe fight...

I come from the Netherlands i work hard for my money and payed this game in 2 fold.

Around 170 euro with 2 timecards 28 euro a piece.

I had alot of disconnections and problems playing SWTOR from start some are fixed.



Emergency patches should be done in timeframes where the least of USA and Europe players are affected.

The same counts for maintenance.


The game already get loads of negative feedbacks from the playerbase about PVE and PVP.

SWTOR cant use alot more negative stuff and shareholders are already backing down on SWTOR.

Sales dropped and Lucasarts aint happy as they where promised around 4 million sales, (yes that was a prognose somewhere on the internet for Lucasarts)


They need to devide server downtime for USA and Europe so we dont have to miss out on gameplaytime.

If you count the amount of time Euro players miss out in a year with these downtimes on primetime you will be amazed and should get a free month every year...



Bioware makes a bad move pissing off europe playerbase with many games incomming.

Diablo 3 / GW2 / Archage / Terra / Blade and Soul / etc / etc.

Not even a hey guys sorry we have to take servers down on your primetime...


EA/Bioware need every damn sub they can get already and this aint helping much i can tell you that.

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Too many well established players to ever be able to compete.


So, you don't play games because you enjoy the actual gameplay, you play them because you can be ahead of someone else? And if someone else is ahead of you, you don't bother?


I wonder how a game company could make a game that appeals to that kind of player.

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Who cares for Prime Time, PvP is broken, you cant see your cooldowns, Game Perfomrance is worse than ever, loading Screens pop up everywhere and most importantly PVP IS BROKEN


I might be repeating myself, but pvp is broken, so let them fix it, or this game will die a slow Death starting today.

And I know, PvP isnt all, but its a major part of the Endgame in the current State of the Game

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Lets ask us this -


1. This was a PvP exploit right?

2. Are the exploiters banned or otherwise punished for their misconduct?

3. Why not just - temporarily - close the area where it was possible (ilum)?

4. But here is the 1 million dollar question:


If it was (more or less) ONLY PvP related - then why not the shut only the PvP servers and fix it on those, so that the other non-PvP aka PvE players could keep enjoying their gametime?

Edited by DarianeKamutsovy
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you do realize we get the same amount of downtime you do?


This must be the most retarted comment I have read entire day...


Americans really think like this? If so its beyond pathetic really. You guys have zero emphaty or understanding of the situation.


There has been like 5-6 maintenance since launch and almost everyone of them was in 2AMCST. Do you guys also realize we have time differences in europe? Its not a friggin island and i am not at GMT. In fact I am at GMT+2 which totally messes my total day as a player. I might be able to play the game (if things go right) at 9:30PM my time today. Now lets have a moment and think together shall we? You are saying you are waiting the same amount of time. Yeah sure...but what friggin part of the day? You guys almost never have to WAIT for "anything". Maintenance has been starting when you hit the pillow and finish when you are yawning looking at the mirror. So dont give me that bull about waiting the same amount...


Been playing mmos for a very long time now and i have never seen such poor customer management (strictly maintenance time based). Its rude even; considering we are paying the same amount of money as you do yet loosing days...not just hours.


If you really have to do a single maintenance period then you plan a maintenance plan according to the worse timeline possible; not just a center of a whole continent. Or simply think of a method like taking turns between friggin continents. 1 week US suffers day time next week us. Not so hard is it? There are many possible solutions actually but BW just showed many times that they dont give a damn.

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hm, servers should be back at 21:30 CET? Erm. .... Why do you hate EU players and prefer US players


Maintenance should be from 14:00 PST - 18:00 PST. EU players can sleep and US players are still at work/school/outside.


And for US players - be quiet.:mad:


Be mad all you want. Throw a tantrum. Servers have been up for 30 mins.

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This must be the most retarted comment I have read entire day...


Americans really think like this? If so its beyond pathetic really. You guys have zero emphaty or understanding of the situation.


There has been like 5-6 maintenance since launch and almost everyone of them was in 2AMCST. Do you guys also realize we have time differences in europe? Its not a friggin island and i am not at GMT. In fact I am at GMT+2 which totally messes my total day as a player. I might be able to play the game (if things go right) at 9:30PM my time today. Now lets have a moment and think together shall we? You are saying you are waiting the same amount of time. Yeah sure...but what friggin part of the day? You guys almost never have to WAIT for "anything". Maintenance has been starting when you hit the pillow and finish when you are yawning looking at the mirror. So dont give me that bull about waiting the same amount...


Been playing mmos for a very long time now and i have never seen such poor customer management (strictly maintenance time based). Its rude even; considering we are paying the same amount of money as you do yet loosing days...not just hours.


If you really have to do a single maintenance period then you plan a maintenance plan according to the worse timeline possible; not just a center of a whole continent. Or simply think of a method like taking turns between friggin continents. 1 week US suffers day time next week us. Not so hard is it? There are many possible solutions actually but BW just showed many times that they dont give a damn.


There are actual metrics behind this. They support doing the maintenance in this window. If the situation changed and more people played in EU peak time then US peak time, they would switch it. Until, deal.

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I was waiting for the servers to go online, MOSTLY to be able to post...


I have 3 PRO suggestions...


1. Bioware, I know it;s super hard for you to comprehend, but please...




2. You US people who are so cocky (OFC NOT ALL, they are also brilliant US residents, I know a lot playing EvE), saying "go out, etc", sounding like they wouldn;t complain if this sheet happened to them... Stop being SUCH hypocrites. You are ridiculous. Go start a war or something, stop trying to say something smart, you are incapable of it.


3. You PvE carebears stop trashing PvPers, because we are one and the same tbh. A lot of us were those that gave you piggyback rides into PvE, while you were just filling up the spots and later on, it was YOU bragging about it, we were busy PvPing... We were with you making top50 world kills happen, we are not strangers to PvE I've been in a lot of guilds, even in top50 world in a 10+ million subs game. Best PvErs were those who ALSO PvPed. So get a grip and stop trashing PvP players... some of us grew older and PvE grew old for us. We never asked for these downtime to fix PvP, PvP in this game is STILL NOT FIXED and who cares tbh. This is a carebear PvE game... We are just passing through...


We are with you on this, we don't want downtimes... until we are through passing.. well... through.

Edited by Paralassa
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Instead of complaining about how one continent gets a larger amount of consideration on maintenance, I should turn off my computer, go for a walk, or other activities people are suggesting ..


According to most people who aren't in the EU or in (zones where the game doesn't have servers for your continent) so thus it wasn't even intended for your territory either way, that or people have a work schedule that compromises with the current schedule.


Unless you aren't aware, I would guess most people's life cycle would conclude they sleep at night .. about 11pm?, and wake up around 8am.


2am - 8am is a fair compromise where most people would be asleep


10am - 2pm / 2pm - 6pm / 4pm - 8pm - isn't very practical, whether you have a job or not.


So yeah, I think I'll root for the people complaining about this issue, ignore the people that aren't annoyed due to their location thus doesn't affect them as much or people who have a job that is convenient, so isn't it affecting them personally in anyway.


Don't worry I'll ignore the dim witted, pseudo intellectual posters who post snide and sarcastic comments the whole day, who keep sticking feathers in each others butt and patting themselves and fellow sheep on their backs, sad clique.

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Lets ask us this -


1. This was a PvP exploit right?

2. Are the exploiters banned or otherwise punished for their misconduct?

3. Why not just - temporarily - close the area where it was possible (ilum)?

4. But here is the 1 million dollar question:


If it was (more or less) ONLY PvP related - then why not the shut only the PvP servers and fix it on those, so that the other non-PvP aka PvE players could keep enjoying their gametime?


Because it was a PvP area that exists on both PvE and PvP servers. Much like Wintergrasp/Tol Barad in WoW, the RvR zones in WAR, 0.0 space in EVE, etc. It was a consensual PvP area which existed in the same state on every server, so any fix had to affect them all.


Also, it wasn't an expoit per se - just a huge oversight and misunderstanding of player behaviour on the part of Bioware. But nobody broke any rules or did anything against the terms of service. They just used gameplay elements that Bioware somehow didn't realise would present an issue. Those gameplay elements are now being amended in this never-ending patch of doom that means people throughout Europe are becoming increasingly irritated.

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Be mad all you want. Throw a tantrum. Servers have been up for 30 mins.


hm? my launcher: "The servers are currently unavailable while we deploy a patch. We except the servers be available again at 2:30 pm cst (12:30 pm pst, 3:30 pm est, 8:30 pm gmt, 9:30 pm cet)"

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hm? my launcher: "The servers are currently unavailable while we deploy a patch. We except the servers be available again at 2:30 pm cst (12:30 pm pst, 3:30 pm est, 8:30 pm gmt, 9:30 pm cet)"


Don't believe everything you read. Try it.

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I was waiting for the servers to go online, MOSTLY to be able to post...


I have 3 PRO suggestions...


1. Bioware, I know it;s super hard for you to comprehend, but please...




2. You US people who are so cocky (OFC NOT ALL, they are also brilliant US residents, I know a lot playing EvE), saying "go out, etc", sounding like they wouldn;t complain if this sheet happened to them... Stop being SUCH hypocrites. You are ridiculous. Go start a war or something, stop trying to say something smart, you are incapable of it.


3. You PvE carebears stop trashing PvPers, because we are one and the same tbh. A lot of us were those that gave you piggyback rides into PvE, while you were just filling up the spots and later on, it was YOU bragging about it, we were busy PvPing... We were with you making top50 world kills happen, we are not strangers to PvE I've been in a lot of guilds, even in top50 world in a 10+ million subs game. Best PvErs were those who ALSO PvPed. So get a grip and stop trashing PvP players... some of us grew older and PvE grew old for us. We never asked for these downtime to fix PvP, PvP in this game is STILL NOT FIXED and who cares tbh. This is a carebear PvE game... We are just passing through...


Well said with the exception of the PVE bashing!

Edited by Paralassa
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EVE's not too bad for a newbie really - a newbie tackler in a frigate is just as vital to a fleet's success as a veteran in a kitted out battleship. Just have to find the right kind of corp. It has a steep learning curve, but you can be effective in PvP within about 3 hours of making a character :)


This is good advice. EVE has a plethora of roles for players to consider and some are very necessary and new player friendly. As Mertissielle says, just find a good Corporation to join, and they will soon help you to find a useful and fun job to do. The learning curve is very steep, be prepared for some tired brain cells :p

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U-S-A, U-S-A


repeat after me...







this is supposed to be ironic. But currently I do not know what is more funny, my fellow europeans or the US people just happy. that it doesnt concern them and having a little fun on the trolling front igniting nerd rage.

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