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Everything posted by Ayrciao

  1. IMO the worse part of the game is the snark and ignorant community, especially the people that are on the same server that I'm on.
  2. The game looks and feels very solid, a really well made game that is plagued with loads of bugs due to it being an MMO.
  3. Instead of complaining about how one continent gets a larger amount of consideration on maintenance, I should turn off my computer, go for a walk, or other activities people are suggesting .. According to most people who aren't in the EU or in (zones where the game doesn't have servers for your continent) so thus it wasn't even intended for your territory either way, that or people have a work schedule that compromises with the current schedule. Unless you aren't aware, I would guess most people's life cycle would conclude they sleep at night .. about 11pm?, and wake up around 8am. 2am - 8am is a fair compromise where most people would be asleep 10am - 2pm / 2pm - 6pm / 4pm - 8pm - isn't very practical, whether you have a job or not. So yeah, I think I'll root for the people complaining about this issue, ignore the people that aren't annoyed due to their location thus doesn't affect them as much or people who have a job that is convenient, so isn't it affecting them personally in anyway. Don't worry I'll ignore the dim witted, pseudo intellectual posters who post snide and sarcastic comments the whole day, who keep sticking feathers in each others butt and patting themselves and fellow sheep on their backs, sad clique.
  4. It is monotonous and boring, yes. Bioware are unlikely to change it anytime soon because .. Time = Money. The time wasted doing this means more subscription time in the long run.
  5. Instead of complaining about how one continent gets a larger amount of consideration on maintenance, I should turn off my computer, go for a walk, or other activities people are suggesting .. According to most people who aren't in the EU or in (zones where the game doesn't have servers for your continent) so thus it wasn't even intended for your territory either way, that or people have a work schedule that compromises with the current schedule. Unless you aren't aware, I would guess most people's life cycle would conclude they sleep at night .. about 11pm?, and wake up around 8am. 2am - 8am is a fair compromise where most people would be asleep 10am - 2pm / 2pm - 6pm / 4pm - 8pm - isn't very practical, whether you have a job or not. So yeah, I think I'll root for the people complaining about this issue, ignore the people that aren't annoyed due to their location thus doesn't affect them as much or people who have a job that is convenient, so isn't it affecting them personally in anyway. Don't worry I'll ignore the dim witted, pseudo intellectual posters who post snide and sarcastic comments the whole day, who keep sticking feathers in each others butt and patting themselves and fellow sheep on their backs, sad clique.
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