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50 Bracket Sucks


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This bracketing is honestly probably one of the best things that could happen to the Pvp in this game.


Lets compare the problems before and after.


50 before patch


Mild class imbalances

adrenal and biochemical stacking.

Faction imbalance.

new 50s had trouble killing 50s with full expertise.


1-49 before patch


Mild class imbalances

adrenal and biochemical stacking.

Faction imbalance.

being killed by level 50s with 4k more HP and a massive expertise handicap.





Problems now.


50 now.


Mild class imbalance.

faction imbalance.

Que times

expertise handicapped


1-49 now.

Mild class imbalance.

Faction imbalance.





Big picture here is that the first to 50 got a few weeks of farming lowbies and now have to wait a few more for que times to come down.


Lowbies however get to gave fun now. Fair fights and all that.


In addition everyone wins with the biochemical and adrenal fix. This patch added only one "problem" that will fix itself and fixed several gamebreaking ones that made anyone not 50 dread Pvp.

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I'd like to add a problem to the level 50 bracket, as a Jedi Sentinel, i find the game getting more and more redicules.


I've access to half the amount of medals that any other class has, i have no taunt or any heals - since they removed the medals for pots.


People now have so much hp that our damage no longer add up, in 50 only there are so many cc's that its simply impossible to kill anyone.


If they make 18k hp for everyone, and our crits are around 4k, it makes no sence.


Before the level 50 brackets, you got like 60 kills in a 15 min wz, now its closer to 10.


You just made hack and slash for pvpers.




And to add that i cant do **** as melee in Ilum just makes it even worse.


Sorry if double post but this is.... Your QQ'ing because you can no longer farm 60kills against undergeared/lvled players...


Your also QQ'in because you can't farm kills in ilum since your melee...


As a melee you can go to mid and get the cases, if someone attacks you its prolly a 1v1 and you have an advantage if your not a bad, but well....


In the 50 brackets if your having trouble killing people then your either undergeared or underplayed, sent's aren't in a bad spot you may just need to do research, yeh it sucks to beat on a full BM guy with only 200 expertise, but you figure out who they are and stop trying to kill them, if they are around stun n run, just try to disrupt them if you cant kill them and they are part of the objective your trying to attain.


In WZs its all about playing objectively, if you want to kill people, make it objective killing by getting 2-3 people focus firing the enemy and keep them respawning at their base. If your solo you have a better shot going for objectives then trying to farm kills/medals

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Hey, TOR's engine is no gem, either. I can't get my GTX 470 to run higher than 60%, even in Ilum, yet I'm slide-showing like a champ. And don't forget the delay bug--try PvPing as an instacast melee and having to hit the same button 10 times before something fires.


It's a system/server/network specific problem. I'm a Powertech, and I'm running on a 5770, and everything is glassy smooth with graphics options maxed. This engine just seems to randomly hate certain hardware configurations. My girlfriend's machine struggles like hell with it, and it's not significantly worse than mine.


Not that this should come as any great comfort, mind you, but there's some hope, at least, that the game will eventually be properly optimized and have proper driver support.

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A lot of this is because they copy/pasted WoW's broken system of using gear to "balance" PvP.


The bracketing system was needed, but came way too early. They really should have just disabled or temporarily nerfed Expertise until the 50s population was high enough to not have these insane queue times.


I'm level 29 valor and just respec'd to tank from DPS for HM FPs and Ops (guild was short on DPS, now they're short on tanks/heals). We ran up against a premade with gear (had one friend queued with me), and it really wasn't that bad. Ended up losing 5-1, but it didn't feel anything like when we were getting rolled by 8 50s and we had a bunch of derp low levels who didn't know what to do.


I thought it was a much better experience and I'm sure 10-49 feel the same way about their WZs, but the queue time is just a game killer. And I can't get gear because BW ****ed up the Ilum dailies, too. I think I got 11/30 objectives after rolling around Ilum for 2 hours last night... You should be able to do your DAILY within the DAY...as in it should take 20-30 minutes, maybe an hour at the very most.

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This is not the case on every single server.


Reading through this thread has actually surprised me. On my server, pretty much every single match prior to this patch would be full of level 50 republic sages and troopers geared out to the max. On empire, our 50's were far fewer, and usually only 1 or 2 on the entire team. As opposed to maybe 1 or 2 non 50's on the republic team.


Servers that don't have far more imps? NOWAY! Haha well, my argument could go either way then.


I don't think the side who has been doing matches with far more 50s than the other side for awhile now is going to (on average) be as good of a player -or at least very rusty now that they don't have that huge advantage.


Again I saw that firsthand last night and we are not decked out in battlemaster.

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So basically... All the baddie 50s who farmed lvl 10s who now face the good 50s. An get roflstomped. Are QQing that they don't get to farm level 10s? Oh wait they are cheating cause they have battle-master gear because your entire server cant beat them in a single war zone?


This. Whichever side had far more 50s and aren't very skilled pvpers just got nailed by a semi truck lol.


I'm sure these players will improve over time but they are going to hvae to learn to work for their wins now and not just destroy lowbies.

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So basically... All the baddie 50s who farmed lvl 10s who now face the good 50s. An get roflstomped. Are QQing that they don't get to farm level 10s? Oh wait they are cheating cause they have battle-master gear because your entire server cant beat them in a single war zone?


Where did anyone say any of this? You have a pretty active imagination. All I see is people not having fun primarily due to lack of 50s in the game. Where do you get wanting to farm level 10s out of that? Are you stupid?

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Premade vs Pug sucks for both, unless the Premade loves farming less experienced players.


I am hoping to see Rated Ladders and ability to queue for Rated Matches with full group. That said, if that comes anytime soon, there WILL be the NEED for Cross Server Warzones.

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OH MY GOD! This is friggin EPIC! Empire player QQing about loosing to Empire premade!

Dude, you just made my day, no you just made my WEEK!



You are EPIC, seriously, I want to give you some awards, so here, have three internetz from me!


Can't farm lowbies for free empire gear enymore? You poor thing.


Ever notice how certain avatars attract common personality types?

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While I understand the need for lower levels to not face level 50's in champion gear, i'm speaking from a level 50's perspective.


On my server, the majority of 50's are Empire, so we get more huttball matches then anything else. Now this wouldn't be a problem, except one of the guilds is already Battlemasters... They group up, and it's basically a 100% chance that they are going to win. Even if they are up against another premade.


While this bracket was necessary, it came to soon for the level 50 population. Our queues are way to long, and in the case of my server, if your playing during a certain part of the day, your going to end up facing the battlemasters...


My guild doesn't have enough 50's for operations, so PvP was the thing I was doing to keep myself entertained. I loved it. After two hours of PvP today, I dont ever want to PvP on my level 50 again...



Level 50 PvP sucks now. Bracket screwed over the 50's.


I completely agree with you even if I try to get a group together we don't stand a chance. And we try to get gear from WZ and dailies but since we can't mange to win but maybe 2-3 out of 10 it makes it not worth my time.

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While I understand the need for lower levels to not face level 50's in champion gear, i'm speaking from a level 50's perspective.


On my server, the majority of 50's are Empire, so we get more huttball matches then anything else. Now this wouldn't be a problem, except one of the guilds is already Battlemasters... They group up, and it's basically a 100% chance that they are going to win. Even if they are up against another premade.


While this bracket was necessary, it came to soon for the level 50 population. Our queues are way to long, and in the case of my server, if your playing during a certain part of the day, your going to end up facing the battlemasters...


My guild doesn't have enough 50's for operations, so PvP was the thing I was doing to keep myself entertained. I loved it. After two hours of PvP today, I dont ever want to PvP on my level 50 again...



Level 50 PvP sucks now. Bracket screwed over the 50's.


Its funny a 50 ************ about being 50 and getting outgeared... Were you one of those people that wanted to seperate the lowbies from the 50's?




Are you one of those that said 50's didnt make a difference?

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I have a fix for your problem. Now, it's a little complicated, so stay with me...


1. Roll Republic.

2. Level to 50

3. ???

4. Profit


That's not the point. We have enough 50's in my guilds to coordinate 50 vs 50 pvp. But this issue effects the entire server. Not just 1 guild.

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That's not the point. We have enough 50's in my guilds to coordinate 50 vs 50 pvp. But this issue effects the entire server. Not just 1 guild.


Who said anything about guilds?


Your queue times are directly related to the population imbalance. Roll the opposite faction and you'll see your queue times dramatically improve. It's really that simple.

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Who said anything about guilds?


Your queue times are directly related to the population imbalance. Roll the opposite faction and you'll see your queue times dramatically improve. It's really that simple.


No it's not. You can queue Empire vs Empire if you have 6 vs 6. The problem is we need 12 people online at the same time.


Repubs never pvp anyways on PVE servers, they are carebears.

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On our server now 50's have been forced in to a bracket the republic side only send full pre-mades in to WZ now and well basicly I lose every single game now and I havnt won one since the patch yesterday.


Theres just no chance all this bracket business has taken the fun side out of pvp and thrown in the hardcore side straight in to your face.


It's not enjoyable


I can't pvp with low level friends anymore


I'm stuck in a dead end server with no hope of moving.


BioWare I really don't know what you was thinking.


Remember not all of us are MMO gaming nerds who spend every waking moment playing games to become the best of the best..

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valor rank 55 assassin here, ever since they made PvP bracket for 50's, None of us high ranked/decked out PvPers on Shii'Cho ever solo queue. We run full champion/battlemaster premades because we have to wait 20 minutes for queue, we HAVE to win. We also coordinate our premades so that we never fight each other, we just roll disorganized PuG's. I liked it better when queues were fast and we'd all solo queue, so at least each team had a few good players. Oh well, people wanted this for their alts, so now their mains pay the price. Doesn't affect me either way.


Umm, no you don't HAVE to win. You could just play.

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On our server now 50's have been forced in to a bracket the republic side only send full pre-mades in to WZ now and well basicly I lose every single game now and I havnt won one since the patch yesterday.


Theres just no chance all this bracket business has taken the fun side out of pvp and thrown in the hardcore side straight in to your face.


It's not enjoyable


I can't pvp with low level friends anymore


I'm stuck in a dead end server with no hope of moving.


BioWare I really don't know what you was thinking.


Remember not all of us are MMO gaming nerds who spend every waking moment playing games to become the best of the best..


This guys said it best, re rolling on other side is not a solution is just faks the game more.

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Now you know how it felt to be a lowbie in pvp. Let me tell you what everyone told me, all you low life level 50s. STOP CRYING, REROLL.


LOL? When I was 35 I was killing 50's now that I'm 50 I cant pvp at all. You think I'm crying because I can't fight your noob ***?

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