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Where are all the players gone?


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A bit of a joke but on the serious side - I noticed yesterday evening (after the 1.1 patch) that on my server on the planets where I roamed I noticed that the player counter was rather low.


When usually Balmorra and Nar Shadaa had about 100 players at the time I usually play (EU evening) then yesterday evening there was like 40 on Balmorra and 35 on Nar Shadaa. Whats up with that?


Either the counter acts now differently or more than half of the players are gone?



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Sharding is the culprit as to why you don't see as many players as usual like in other mmorpg's. This is due to the game being heavily instanced and a crappy engine that can't support more than 5 people on screen without lagging to pieces.
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My server was pretty stocked I found an instance 2am CET in 5-10 minutes by using general channel. Maybe it was luck but there was plenty of ppl my lvl online.


A good tip is writing your lvl (or around that lvl) in the search field when lfg, easy way to find groups members.

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Sharding is the culprit as to why you don't see as many players as usual like in other mmorpg's. This is due to the game being heavily instanced and a crappy engine that can't support more than 5 people on screen without lagging to pieces.


Nope, instancing isn't even as heavy as an AoC or EQ2 at all. One of the reasons is that SWTOR's planets altogether are BIG, like 10 times as big as Rift and even larger than WoW and LotrO, regardless whether it is divided into 17 planets.

If you have 1000-1500 players in a world the size of Outland, like Rift's world is, or 2500 people spread out over 10 such continent-size worlds, that definitely makes a difference.

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this morning I was the only one (!) on Alderaan. I felt so utterly alone. and then I felt bad for logging off because I left the poor poor people to their misery (note though that it was about 3AM, and at the same time there was strangly about a 1 minute waiting time for warzones. so I guess that's where people were ;D)
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Probably most have just gotten to 50 now and not all are rolling alts, so you see a lot less population in the low-mid level planets.


nah, bioware offically announced that the Majority of players are still in their lv20's-30's and only a small minority are at lv50 so far.


that was just the other day in one of their posts still kicking around on the forums.


Sharding is your main reason to be fair, I was in fleet with 89 in local last night, went to get a cuppa came back and had to log back in and was in an shard with nearly 250 people in it, then grouped with someone who brought me to their shard that had around 100 in it.


lots of reasons, but I am seeing more players rather than less these days which is great!

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Nope, instancing isn't even as heavy as an AoC or EQ2 at all. One of the reasons is that SWTOR's planets altogether are BIG, like 10 times as big as Rift and even larger than WoW and LotrO, regardless whether it is divided into 17 planets.

If you have 1000-1500 players in a world the size of Outland, like Rift's world is, or 2500 people spread out over 10 such continent-size worlds, that definitely makes a difference.


The planets and not larger than Wow and defiantly dont feel like it either.

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Me on the other side experienced an increase in Alderaan. Im almost finishing the planet and i saw 7 different people running thru the map, even republic faction.


Don tknow if its due to the patch or the time frame.


Ula VII server

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nah, bioware offically announced that the Majority of players are still in their lv20's-30's and only a small minority are at lv50 so far.


that was just the other day in one of their posts still kicking around on the forums.


Sharding is your main reason to be fair, I was in fleet with 89 in local last night, went to get a cuppa came back and had to log back in and was in an shard with nearly 250 people in it, then grouped with someone who brought me to their shard that had around 100 in it.


lots of reasons, but I am seeing more players rather than less these days which is great!



^ This

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Just a FYI, many people had problems with the launcher yesterday (I had to reinstall the whole game, many others did or had to redownload 11gb of data and it didn't always work)


yesterday isn't a good day to gauge servers pop


btw, even with this problem (and others introduced by the patch) there were quite a few heavy servers and a some very heavy/full

Edited by mutharex
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Sharding is the culprit as to why you don't see as many players as usual like in other mmorpg's. This is due to the game being heavily instanced and a crappy engine that can't support more than 5 people on screen without lagging to pieces.


^ +1 cookie for you

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They heavily sharded the game to make sure the launch went smoothly, which it did, by and large.


But they probably overdid it. Furthermore, the rumors are that the underlying technology can only accommodate about 4,500 players per server, which is much lower than some other games.


Would expect to see server mergers or some kind of technological solutions to this problem. It's not much of an MMO when you're Republic side and there are only 2 other people on the entire planet.

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A bit of a joke but on the serious side - I noticed yesterday evening (after the 1.1 patch) that on my server on the planets where I roamed I noticed that the player counter was rather low.


When usually Balmorra and Nar Shadaa had about 100 players at the time I usually play (EU evening) then yesterday evening there was like 40 on Balmorra and 35 on Nar Shadaa. Whats up with that?


Either the counter acts now differently or more than half of the players are gone?




Should have went farm ilum , i saw some lvl 39 + there yesterday doing it.

*Awesome* patch is *Awesome*

BW + clueless everyday.

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