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How's your server balance?


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Jedi Covenant has tons of... you guess it - Jedi.


Hyperspace Cannon has lots of Commandos (and mercs), almost rivaling Jedi numbers. But Imperials still outnumber 1.5x.


But both servers are PVE, so faction imbalance isn't that important. :p

Edited by aivedoir
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Hex Droid from tests we have done making chars and checking zones its aroud 70-80% Empire 30-20% Republic.


Hence why the Ilum patch is the 2nd worst Patch ever made in MMORPG history , just asking for us Sith to destroy and zerg the republic to kingdom come.


Number 1 was the rebalance game AO patch in the early days that made nearly all mobs unkillable =D , and they said working as intended = ) .

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As everyone else has said, empire outnumber heavily. People are too selfish to even consider playing on the Republic to make things fairer, it's all about me me me. They knew there would be an imbalance and still picked Empire.


I think every single person on the Republic on PvP servers should roll empire so every server can just be 100% empire. Lets all make the game really crappy to satisfy our own selfish desires.

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