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Legacy System - New playable species?


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The point behind the Legacy System is that once it’s activated the Legacy System will allow a person to begin building their own online family.


This system runs by logical work, meaning that a Twi-Lek cannot suddenly enter a family full of Zabraks unless by marriage or adoption. From what has been released by SWTOR, the Legacy System has three key uses: gaining more accessible species, earlier luxuries, and power bonuses.


My main is a Sin and I saw it more as his retainers rather than family but maybe thats just how my sith brain works, I can't see my Sith Pureblood having a Zabrak child you know, blood purity and all that.

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My main is a Sin and I saw it more as his retainers rather than family but maybe thats just how my sith brain works, I can't see my Sith Pureblood having a Zabrak child you know, blood purity and all that.


I understand, however I'm just sharing with you what the SWTOR Team told the public. The Legacy System creates a family, I think it be better if you could have a few more options but that is how it works.

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Mandalorian please.


The Mandalorians aren't a race, they are a culture. They trained their children practically from birth to be hardened and skilled warriors. Any race is capable of being a Mandalorian; Mandalorians were known for adopting the infant children of their slain enemies because they didn't know their real parents, and welcoming in powerful fighters that had proven loyalty to their society.

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I would like to see a droid race. They already have parts mad that would take the place of armors. They can speak basic. I think it would be cool.


While Droids are a common sight, they are the least likely to ever be made accesible. Droids follow protocalls meaning they cannot deny orders, programming, or functions making it incapable of letting you have your own story choices. Also the game is built for you to undertake, meaning the races have to be more humanoid, sentinent, and organic individuals.

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good luck. they've adopted a design philosophy that conveniently cops them out of any lasting creativity the game may have had the potential for.


Exactly. Bioware has routinely provided awful reasoning, behind what is ultimately, lazy development of playable species. All of their excuses are cheap cop outs. It's absolutely mind boggling how little they seem to give a ****.

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I just hope to see Falleen someday. I don't care when I don't care how, hell I will pay real world cash for it I don't care. I just want to play a Falleen. Don't even care what class it can be, or which side it is on. If they make in Empire only I will switch from the Republic side.
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Exactly. Bioware has routinely provided awful reasoning, behind what is ultimately, lazy development of playable species. All of their excuses are cheap cop outs. It's absolutely mind boggling how little they seem to give a ****.


It's not laziness, it's practicality (at least IMHO).


I mean, I can see why all the races are basically humanoid. It allows them to do things like use one voice for a class, instead of needing to do one per race. Considering the size of things like sound files, it would massively increase the game's disk footprint if they had to revoice the entire game (which is already pretty large) for a single species. What you're asking for would, I would guess, multiply the size of the download (and possibly future patches as well) several times. That's a pretty big concern, especially considering places like the Oceanic market where internet bandwidth usually comes with a monthly cap.


You'd also have to pay new voice actors to come and voice that race multiple times (once for each of its classes), which isn't free.


There are several other reasons, but really what it comes down to is design decisions and cost considerations. Not that I'm saying it shouldn't be done, just that it's really unfair and probably nowhere near accurate to chalk it up to laziness. There are some pretty valid reasons not to.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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It's not laziness, it's practicality (at least IMHO).


I mean, I can see why all the races are basically humanoid. It allows them to do things like use one voice for a class, instead of needing to do one per race. Considering the size of things like sound files, it would massively increase the game's disk footprint if they had to revoice the entire game (which is already pretty large) for a single species. What you're asking for would, I would guess, multiply the size of the download (and possibly future patches as well) several times. That's a pretty big concern, especially considering places like the Oceanic market where internet bandwidth usually comes with a monthly cap.


You'd also have to pay new voice actors to come and voice that race multiple times (once for each of its classes), which isn't free.


There are several other reasons, but really what it comes down to is design decisions and cost considerations. Not that I'm saying it shouldn't be done, just that it's really unfair and probably nowhere near accurate to chalk it up to laziness. There are some pretty valid reasons not to.


A sensible post with actual logic and understanding behind it? Amazing, simply amazing. +1 for you, good sir.

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I want to be a Gand, just to speak in third person all the time.


I would Gand to be playable but as the current voice overs dont speak 3rd person not sure if they will allow Gand to be playable, That said by the end of chapter 1 most of the hero haracters have done something truely great the player would propably be allowed to refer to himself as I.


While I can see reasons some species are not going to be allowed because of story, voice over and heroic feel (things that mean less to me than playing my desired species) there are about 20 species people have listed which could fit right in.


Kel'Dor, Gand, Mon'Cal, Devaroian, Weequy, Cathar and a load more I can't spell. I hope we get in as many as possible.

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Ugh, please no cathar. If you want to yiff with your fursona's go play 2nd life please. Keep that rubbish out of star wars.


Oh do shut up. It's not like they're furries, they are a sentient alien race that are capable of far more than humans.

Edited by WyrenTamer
Spelling error
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Some species simply wont work, no matter how much people want them. Trandoshans, wookies, rodians - they cannot speak basic, this is established in star wars lore. Voice acting is class based, not species based, so any species that cannot use the existing voice work isnt going to happen for any of the current classes (and new classes are not likely to happen for quite some time).


Making custom gear models for every piece of gear in the game for species like that isnt going to happen either. There's a reason that the wookie, trandoshan, dashade, jawa, etc. companions do not show gear that you equip on them - because those gear models do not exist, so all appearance customization must come from companion customization kits.



There are very few species in the game which can be added without having to make any real alterations to the classes, voice overs, or gear models. Those are as follows:







Of those the Togruta, Devaronians, and Nautolans would all have to have head slot gear automatically disabled due to odd head shapes. Cathar are currently the ONLY species in the game which has no issues with gear or voice acting, and as I mentioned in a previous post there are already at least two male and two female body types present in the game being used by NPCs, enemies, and companions.


They should've been included at launch, and the only reason I can think of that they werent is because Bioware wanted to either make them a microtransaction option (which we havent seen any evidence of yet) or a legacy unlock. I dont care which one they go with, as long as the race is added sometime soon.


Good to know you're fighting hard for the Cathar; special request is you could look out for us Selonians to. We can already pledge neutrality considering Corellia (one of our home planets) is one of the key neutral battle grounds.


Honestly I think the Cathar deserve to be added. They offer much character variation, they can open range for more players, and let's face it they're just that cool.


Also while Wookies cannot speak basic, it's been shown a couple of times that Rodians and Trandoshans can.

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The Kaleesh are a reptillian race from Kalee. The most notable individual from this race is the cyborg General Grevious, who kept similarities of his species and armor. They often have red or brown skin are highly known for their bone masks.

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Rodian Please, please! PLEASE :rod_angel_p::rod_angel_g:


If they start making more playable species the chance for Rodians are high my friend.


Below is a list of all the species that SWTOR could make playble, I'm surprised how many there are. The ones labeled under Possible are just that, possible; theres no yes or no that they would be added, while those under Likely have a good chance. There is a grand total of seventeen species, so let's hope for the best.


Likely: Togruta, Selonian, Deveronian, Cathar, Nautolan, and Selkath.


Possible: Kaleesh, Rodian, Mon Calamari, Trandoshan, Kel Dor, Weequay, Neimoidian, Gran, Duros, Jenet and Chagrian.

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The idea of Cathar is definitely interesting, but either way, I don't need to know what races are coming, that isn't information I think is dire at this moment in time, all I want from Bioware is whether or not the Legacy system will unlock additional races or not...


Truly, if they just come out and say, (Legacy will unlock new Race/Class Combos!) Or (Legacy will unlock new hairstyles only!) Then I will be able to decide whether to wait or play an alt.


Truth be told, given how the legacy system is meant to be a family line or such, I actually believe you should be able to play some of your factions races, on a different class, such as Rattataki Sith Warriors...


I really don't feel like I'm asking for a lot of information, a 1 sentence clarification on that one statement would make so many players happy right now...

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