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3 major insults and "We don't care" attidude from BW leadership


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First, BW refuses to do an actual rollback of people gaining unfair valor advantages with their failed patch. Really gives one wonder why Gabe still has a job this morning. I don't care if someone only went form 50 to 55, that was gained by an exploit. Don't ban them, because it was Gabe's fault, but roll it all back. Have the guts to do what is right, which might not be easy, but it is right.


Second, horrible timing in rewarding some of us with a Founder title, while the whole time many many problems still affect the game like ToT, usuable UI's, addons, meters, ability delays, health bars not updating, revelation that graphics will not be as advertised, etc...


Third, you actually have the balls to make the patch during primetime hours for many players. Gabe failed at this patch and you add insult to injury to heap upon your player base more waiting?


It is clear that BW does not care to communicate with the community except for rare blog type responses after hours and hours, sometimes never, delays. Either you want us here or you don't, and clearly these three things indicate you don't read the forums, you don't care to interact with your customers and you don't have your priorities right. Hire leadership that will get these things done.


First, as of yet they have no said a word about if there will be a rollback or other action taken.

Second addons meters and more customizable UI are not "problems" they are just things you would like to see added to the game

Third, even this hotfix let alone their maintenance is not during primetime for the countries where they game has been officially launched. It might be during the prime playign time of soem of the peopel but they can only go by what is considered the primetime in that area. Which is usually early evenings not middle of the day.

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I would have no issues if they just did a rollback for everyone.


Would be a bonus if they creditted everyone with a day of playtime but I would accept the rollback.


But I expext Bio to do nothing.


Its an absolute minority that have been exploiting.


Far better to just ban those players.

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You do realize Valor is 52100 per level after 60+ right? I did WZ exclusively since level 10 to level 50 and was a Battlemaster a week ago. I don't see how people are stating that someone hit level 100 Valor, surely there must be server logs; and this type of extreme gain should be glaringly simple to find and the devs can manually "adjust" those players valor.
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I'm not so sure tbh, I'm Imperial and tbh the amount of advantages we have is pretty staggering.


Certainly not arguing that there are some design oopsies in areas of the faction mirroring - but saying that 'the developers (or whoever) would shut the servers down if this was a republic exploit' is a fantasy of the most epic scale :p

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I don't think they have got the technical ability to perform a roll-back of valor without it affecting other things too. I think this is the real reason they aren't doing it.


If they did a "rollback" to before the patch it would rollback everyone's characters till then. So as an example all the work i did yesterday completing my class quest would be lost. What they would have to do would be to go account by account and remove any valor they feel was earned through an exploit after those accounts warned that what they were doing was an exploit and not normal game play

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Spoken like a true exploiter. Lucky you are IMP, they would have shut the servers down if this was a REP exploit.


I'm pretty clueless on this, but I was in Ilum today, and theres was the mob outside the pub base, but only one entrance. There was NOTHING stopping the pubs getting on their mounts and heading out the other way.


Why are they complaining about spawn camping when you had the option to leave?

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Couldn't agree more.


I'm sorry to say this but cya in GW2


Yeah seeya there, though I might not be able to talk much because I'll be busy closing in-game ads telling me I need to purchase the "super clicky function pack" to be able to actually close the ads. Then I'll try to loot a body but I've used my free 2 inventory slots and need to buy "super inventory slot pack" to add 10 more. Then I'll get to level 10 and stop getting exp when I do quests, then get an ad telling me I need to purchase "super duper leveling pack" so I can advance to level 20.


But when I get a break from the F2Pness I'll add you to my friend list.


Only to find I need to buy the "super duper friend pack" to be able to add friends to the friends list.



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While the valor exploit on Illum was extreme, truthfully, it is no less extreme than the swapping on zones on illum prior to the patch for easy champion bags. Both exploted a broken game mechanic.


The folks truthfully complaining about battlemaster for PvP earned plenty of EASY champion pieces by exploiting Illum before the patch. They are also running around in PvP doing 7K crits and three shotting players while the expertise rating gives them insane increased survivability.


PvP Gear is just way too easy to aquire and expertise should either be heavily nerfed or just removed from the game.


did they not bann or suspend those people. After all were people not screaming and QQing in the forums that it was not fair when they did that after giving those people a warning.

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They'll never do any kind of rollback, believe me. Since when do they truly acknowledge these kind of mistakes? And I also don't believe that they will take away the farmed valor either. Makes me a sad panda.


Once upon a time they used to acknowledge thier mistakes and did a great job of communicating the issue and the expected date of resolution, including the status of the patch (development, QA, being uploaded, etc.).


Now they're like my old ISP... "Nothing is wrong with our service, it must be your router, modem or computer." When, of course, the problem was them, 100% of the time... Fortunately, like with my computer games, I have choices in ISP and my new one is 100% on, 100% top-speed, 100% of the time...


And like my old ISP, blaming me for your lousy work isn't making you points. This is the only game I play, MMO or single player, that has constant problems from Day 1. Problems that were easily avoided I might add.

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I'll be fine if they do a valor rollback. but don't punish my PVE leveling last night for the PVP exploiters. Ban them instead if you need to, since as they say - once a cheat, always a cheat.


let's be serious all this problem come from 1 bigger problem. they don't have a game -> they don't have subscribers(why do you think this founder thing right now), they may have 2mil maybe 3 mil sales but they know people will not follow with subs more than 1 2 months -> they can't afford to fix they re own mistakes with bans, rerolls, because that will get them even less subs, if they do nothing that will also get them less subs, so they are screwed anyway


people brag that they sold 2-3mil in first month, but they don't think most players only got the game(to try it out), most of them haven't hit max level so they can't see the full flawed game that is, so for now they seem to be safe successful mmo.


wait a few months let's see if after 3 months after release they will brag about actives subs being at least over 1 mil.(with all this bs patch and rushed ideas to fix the game)

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You are of course failing to take into account that the reason for this 'fix' is because BioWare 'broke' the game in the patch they put on yesterday.


It's is solely the fault of BioWare that they have to add this patch because they didn't test 1.1 thoroughly enough before implementing it. The community is now locked out of the game at ridiculous hours for BioWare to fix their balls up.


or you could blame the people on the test server for not fully testing this. Unfortunatly, in alot of games when people find an exploit they do one of two things. Report it or make note of it for when it goes live so they can use it.

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I would have no issues if they just did a rollback for everyone.


Would be a bonus if they creditted everyone with a day of playtime but I would accept the rollback.


But I expext Bio to do nothing.


well i woudl be pissed if they did a rollback. After all I did not exploit anything so why should i be punished.

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or you could blame the people on the test server for not fully testing this. Unfortunatly, in alot of games when people find an exploit they do one of two things. Report it or make note of it for when it goes live so they can use it.


There was plenty of feedback on the PTS which showed the patch wasn't ready, unfortunately, as with much of the beta feedback, it was largely ignored.

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or you could blame the people on the test server for not fully testing this. Unfortunatly, in alot of games when people find an exploit they do one of two things. Report it or make note of it for when it goes live so they can use it.


Trust me that they have reported these issues.

Countless of bugs, inbalances and design flaws are in the game that was reported in August last year.


Illum has been reported on since it became available, even if they reset the beta build far to often for the majority to reach endgame (3-5weeks)

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Their responses to the problems have bothered me far more than the actual problems. If they had positive and affirmative solutions to real problems... then I would be confident that my issues with the game would go away.


With how they have failed to act or address most of the issues with the game... I am uncertain that it will be any better in the years to come.

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This is true, you can not roll back the servers and punish those people who did nothing wrong. OP don't you think they maybe have a solution to those who used this exploit? You guys who hate this game so much should really just leave, I am saying this game would be so much better if we didn't have all this complaining whiney crybaby posts. You don't point out things you whine/cry and call names. It really is very sad to see people post in the manner you do. You play the blame game, you call anyone who likes this game a fanboy or biodrone and then you have the gall to expect people to take you seriously. Sure there are problems, sure there are expoliters. OMG have you never played a MMO where that hasn't happened?:rolleyes:


How about you shut your whiny crybaby responses down? Just go away? That's a valid solution that doesn't interfere with the legitimate expressions of anger over this second-rate game. You know, you could do yourself, and everyone else, a favor and just stay out of any thread at any website that has negative posts about this game. That way you can live in your rose colored world and pretend it's all rainbows and unicorns.


Or how about you and the other fanboys grow up and realize THEY PAID FOR THE GAME TOO. And they have every right within the terms and conditins to speak thier minds. And if their expressing their dismay, disgust and general contempt over this over-hyped, third-rate MMO it gives you the vapors, call someone who cares.


As for me, I'm not quitting yet, though I see the handwriting on the wall that's not too far away... But I have yet to see any sort of mass "BS complaints" that legitimizes your inability to handle valid criticism of this product. Overly emotional it may be at times.


This game is a friggin' joke and runs poorly even on high-end, highly-optimized, highly-maintained systems like mine... I can't imagine how bad it'd be for those who simply can't over-power the shoddy programming with thier CPU/GPU/quad-RAID0.


And pretending the game isn't a mess is, frankly, far less mature than ranting about it because at least they're NOT IN DENIAL. Better to rant in an honest expression of feeling than living in denial from a psychological/emotinal standpoint. And right now, anyone who supports this game without acknowledging it's massive flaws is in denial. Just flat-out denial. There are huge problems through-out this game in technical and design areas which affect everyone and not' just 5%.'

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There was plenty of feedback on the PTS which showed the patch wasn't ready, unfortunately, as with much of the beta feedback, it was largely ignored.



Many, and I mean MANY of these current issues have been around since closed beta. Very few have been addressed; there seems to be a big push for BW to produce something even if it's not ready, one would assume that the force behind that is EA... I'm no insider but it's a bit obvious even to the layman.

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