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[Bug] Jedi Knight Sentinel - Zealous Strike (and others) often not working


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Zealous Strike often starts the animation but stops it at the point where the to sabers are showing to the back.

Then an on-screen message appears, something like "Ability not available".


When this happens i won't ever work, no matter how often you try or wait before the next try. To temporary fix it you either need to change the target or move a bit away and use another attack skill.


This behaviour seems to be unique to Zealous Strike. But many other skills also seem bugged in a similar way:

even though gcd ran off they do not activate, instead the icon "blinks" as if you tried using them during the gcd is still running.

Or you need to press the skill several times to actually have it been activated.


This happens quite offten with most of the skills, especially in pvp. Skills off the gcd seem to affected the very most but also channeling skills like stasis are affected very often by this.

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Hi !


It also happens very often with the Jedi Knight Guardian. For instance "blade storm", "force leap", just to quote these two also have a problem.


The Jedi starts his/her move, then reset and eventually strikes down his/her opponent.


I opened two threads to discuss this matter which seems to be really serious.


I even sent an in-game ticket to Bioware in hope to see the bug fixed, even if I am more and more hopeless to see that matter resolved

Edited by DamienForlan
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Zealous strike will often consume the global cool down while starting the animation. It gets to the point where my character draws both sabers back in preparation to strike, then does nothing.


I can activate it like normal right after, but sometimes this behavior makes me stacking buff fall off.


Oh, and the new cool down overlay for the skills is terrible. (light blue over light blue, really?) I can't see when things are on off of CD on a handful of my skills since their icon is light blue. I have to mouse over it. ;_;

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Zealous strike will often consume the global cool down while starting the animation. It gets to the point where my character draws both sabers back in preparation to strike, then does nothing.


I can activate it like normal right after, but sometimes this behavior makes me stacking buff fall off.


Oh, and the new cool down overlay for the skills is terrible. (light blue over light blue, really?) I can't see when things are on off of CD on a handful of my skills since their icon is light blue. I have to mouse over it. ;_;


The devs didn't notice the CD color issue because they all play Empire where the skills are red/yellow. It makes perfect sense for Empire, so learn your place and shut up.

Edited by PantsOn
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It is a very simple to solve this. Since all of those problematic moves are labeled "instant", they should make damage and any other effect apply as it says instantly at the very second we started skill animation, and not after the animation.


And then let the animation roll, so even if animation gets bugged, atleast we got the desired effect (done damage/CC/whatever).


Animations are here only to make delays between moves and for coreographed fight, so the idea to make skill effect apply at animation end on a skill labeled instant is bad and misleading design even if skills would work always. It's still possibe to be CC'd before skill effect triggers so whre is that 'instant' then?

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I'm in the same boat. Incredibly annoying in PvP when damage output can make the difference between victory and defeat. Patch 1.1 made my Sentinel be all like, "I'm gonna get yaaaaa ahhh just kiddin, bro lololololol." Hopefully BW is aware. :) Edited by Xansyn
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i know its not helpful to this particular thread but the animation stutters i see i experience in game, force sweep and blade storm especially. I've convinced myself its a feature honestly. Bioware has the forsight and thoughtfulness to worry about the speed at which i'm hammering on my keyboard. I get caught in a stutter loop and i think " Ok, slooooow down. "


My keyboard thinks "Oh thank god, he was pounding the everloving hell out of me"


Bioware is just looking out for our keyboards best interest.



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In PVP this happens to me with many abilities that have a medium or longer length animation.


I think it has to do with facing/range. I trigger the ability with the person in front of me and in range, but then a split second later the animation does another check on positioning/facing. If the target has moved out or range or behind me during that split second (happens a lot in warzones because of lag) the animation stops and the ability doesn't finish.


The opposite is true with master strike though - if the same thing happens (out or range, not in front) the animation will continue but the effect isn't present (target isn't rooted or damaged), even though the animation keeps my character rooted.


I think the whole issue is an unintended effect of the combat animation system linking various moves together and triggering animations on the target - IE:


Player 1 (caster) stars the animation with Player 2 (receiver) in range/facing etc.

Player 2 moves out of range/behind Player 1 in the first instant of the cast animation

Player 1's cast animation attempts to trigger a response animation on Player 2 (sparks, dodge, grunt etc.) but Player 2 is now out of range or not infront of Player 1 and an error occurs, cancelling the cast animation (and associated skill but still triggering cooldowns/gcd in some cases)


My 2 cents anyway.

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Actually there is another bug related to this same system where animations do not finish.


I've been in warzones where I've died and when I appear in the spawn area someone is still shooting me from across the map (animation only, no effect). I think the animation was waiting for a signal from the caster that the cast had finished but never received it.


Its the same issue again - the system for animations triggering other animations doesn't have proper error handlers (and sometimes has wrong error handles - ie cancelling "instant" skills if the animation can't finish (not instant))

Edited by Volacious
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To the OP:


This issue is caused by range changing from your target and the server not clearing something in its cache. Resulting in all melee range abilities not activating properly when you meet their criteria. The ability animation will start and stop halfway before the animation is meant to deal damage. Additionally the games GCD wont be trigger.


This is similar to the floating bug and has the same work around. The floating bug is when your character hovers like it just jumped. Channeled abilities cant be used.


Work Around:

Create distance and use Force Leap. For some strange reason this will clear the bug and resolve the issue. Crushing Leap wont work in resolving the bug.



And to the person talking about not being able to use Force Stasis. My theory on your matter is the new CD Indicator introduced in patch 1.1. The indicator now is identical in color to that of the abilities icon. See Image: http://imageshack.us/f/696/cdforcestasis.jpg/


Thats how the abilities icon looks with 5-6 second left on it. At 2-3 seconds left on CD that indicator messes to well with the ability icon coloring that the ability appears to be off CD.

Edited by Mahdii
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To the OP:


This issue is caused by range changing from your target and the server not clearing something in its cache. Resulting in all melee range abilities not activating properly when you meet their criteria. The ability animation will start and stop halfway before the animation is meant to deal damage. Additionally the games GCD wont be trigger.


This is similar to the floating bug and has the same work around. The floating bug is when your character hovers like it just jumped. Channeled abilities cant be used.


Work Around:

Create distance and use Force Leap. For some strange reason this will clear the bug and resolve the issue. Crushing Leap wont work in resolving the bug.



And to the person talking about not being able to use Force Stasis. My theory on your matter is the new CD Indicator introduced in patch 1.1. The indicator now is identical in color to that of the abilities icon. See Image: http://imageshack.us/f/696/cdforcestasis.jpg/


Thats how the abilities icon looks with 5-6 second left on it. At 2-3 seconds left on CD that indicator messes to well with the ability icon coloring that the ability appears to be off CD.




I always attack from the same range and the issue seems to happen when i don't expect it. It's just as I said in one of my thread, it's random.

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To the OP:


This issue is caused by range changing from your target and the server not clearing something in its cache. Resulting in all melee range abilities not activating properly when you meet their criteria. The ability animation will start and stop halfway before the animation is meant to deal damage. Additionally the games GCD wont be trigger.


This is similar to the floating bug and has the same work around. The floating bug is when your character hovers like it just jumped. Channeled abilities cant be used.


Work Around:

Create distance and use Force Leap. For some strange reason this will clear the bug and resolve the issue. Crushing Leap wont work in resolving the bug.


i some how doubt this explenation. the reason is this:

i mentioned that most abilities (mostly only the ones being off of gcd) are hving problems getting activated BUT ONLY Zealous Strike can stuck in the situation thet it NEVER EVER gets activated if i do not use the normal strike in between.


now, after your post i did some tests: went to melee mobs and fought until it happened again. no there is no reason for the melee mob to move away while we are in fight. so there can't be any issue related to wrong distances.

also, the normal strike still worked so this also contradicts your assumption!


during this fights it also happend several times that abilities that are off of the gcd didn't wanted to fire some times in a row which also CANNOT be due to distance to the target as no one was moving and they were melee mobs, so they had no reason to run away.


EDIT: oh and also your explanation for the not activating force stasis is 100% wrong. it also happens to me quite often during pvp and it happens on the first try ever since i am in the warzone to use stasis. i verified this several times to ensure it was not due to not seeing the cd of it.

Edited by me_unknown
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