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Medpacks no longer count as healing for PVP medals?


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Ya, sorry medal farmers.


Guess you'll have to go healer and stack surge to get that one ^^


Oh well, you'll just have to settle for 10 medals not 12. :(


I could get 11 on my Shadow with gratuitous use of medpacs and taunts.


2.5k Heal

if lucky 5k heal.

2.5k protection

5k protection.

10 enemies

25 enemies



75k damage

Defender points depending on map.


If you're pure DPs have fun with 5/6

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Ya, sorry medal farmers.


Guess you'll have to go healer and stack surge to get that one ^^


Oh well, you'll just have to settle for 10 medals not 12. :(


or they'll just have to get redbuff and hit a heal...

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Sorry. This is a retarded change.


The only class this really screws over are the pure DPS classes. They are limited to one path to get medals. Everyone else has two options and they all take advantage of it.


Medipacs gave Sentinels/Marauders/Gunslingers and Snipers access to the lower end of the healing tree to supplement their couple of DPS medals.


I don't care that this let tanks get an extra two medals easy. Doesn't bother me.

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Sorry. This is a retarded change.


The only class this really screws over are the pure DPS classes. They are limited to one path to get medals. Everyone else has two options and they all take advantage of it.


Medipacs gave Sentinels/Marauders/Gunslingers and Snipers access to the lower end of the healing tree to supplement their couple of DPS medals.


I don't care that this let tanks get an extra two medals easy. Doesn't bother me.


not to mention with 50s only the 300k dmg is semi impossible ot get (even with AoE classes)


healers still in trouble if they dont tag kills for 10 and 25 kills.


only people benefit from all this are tanks as they g et 6 or 7 badges FREEEE

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Sorry. This is a retarded change.


The only class this really screws over are the pure DPS classes. They are limited to one path to get medals. Everyone else has two options and they all take advantage of it.


Medipacs gave Sentinels/Marauders/Gunslingers and Snipers access to the lower end of the healing tree to supplement their couple of DPS medals.


I don't care that this let tanks get an extra two medals easy. Doesn't bother me.


Right, because it's super easy for pure healing classes to get those damage medals. Hey I never had a "one-click-give-me-my-medal" button for dps medals..I am working my freaking *** off to get medals as a pure healer.


Might be true that the tanks still have it easier but stop with the "poor-only-us" mentality.

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Sorry. This is a retarded change.


The only class this really screws over are the pure DPS classes. They are limited to one path to get medals. Everyone else has two options and they all take advantage of it.


Medipacs gave Sentinels/Marauders/Gunslingers and Snipers access to the lower end of the healing tree to supplement their couple of DPS medals.


As an Assassin you can now get max 4 medals.


- killing blow

- 2,5k blow

- 75k total damage

- 10 kills


Due to the gimpyness of the class we can never make 300k dmg, 5k dmg in 1 blow or any of the other medals. At least the medpack would give another 2 so we would average on 6.


So this only introduced even more imbalances, as simply everyone had access to medpacks but only a handful of classes have access to healing spells.

Edited by Scalare
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As a Marauder you can now get max 4 medals.


- killing blow

- 2,5k blow

- 75k total damage

- 10 kills


Due to the gimpyness of the class we can never make 300k dmg, 5k dmg in 1 blow or any of the other medals. At least the medpack would give another 2 so we would average on 6.


So this only introduced even more imbalances, as simply everyone had access to medpacks but only a handful of classes have access to healing spells.


Eh? Your missing Solo Kill and even healing which they do via a skill? Also 25 kills is not hard to reach if you are working on that.


I have seen many good Sentinels push past 400k damage on both Republic and Empire sides.


The Medpack medal change was needed, they did that part right at least.

Edited by Magnesium
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It's a good change for obvious reasons.


Remaining to-do-list regarding the medal system:


1. DPS specs bagging easy tanking medals - solution: Tie protection to the tanking tree, not a stance.


2. Pure DPS ( Sentinel/Marauder + Gunslinger/Sniper ) classes are screwed - solution: ??


3. Objective based rewards need to be increased or the existing ones made much more visible and transparent.

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Yay another nerf to Marauder/Sentinel. The only class that can't heal or taunt. Means we're destined for less medals than every single other class every game. Thanks!! So ridiculous. Gimped class that can't even taunt or anything, and doesn't even do dps that is much better than any other class in an ops setting.


While you're at it BioWare, shields shouldn't count as healing as well, so please don't let that count for Sages or Sorcs. At least have some CONSISTENCY.

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Right, because it's super easy for pure healing classes to get those damage medals. Hey I never had a "one-click-give-me-my-medal" button for dps medals..I am working my freaking *** off to get medals as a pure healer.


Might be true that the tanks still have it easier but stop with the "poor-only-us" mentality.




To the person acting as if pure DPS are hurt the worste: let's assume you ONLY DPS, and I ONLY heal. You'll be able to get medals for a killing blow as well as 10/25 kills, and possibly a 1v1 medal. Healers will get none of this. All of the other medals equal each other out (dmg done/healing done/highest dmg/highest heal/etc.)


In short, if you purely DPS you can get up to 4 medals more than a healer quite easily. Healers have to step out of their path to even come close to achieving this.


Edit: noticing so many individuals stating that DPS have it the worst. Please, consider the healers. You can obtain up to 4 medals by virtue of doing what you do normally - DPSing. Healers must step into a different role to *try* and get these medals. Doing this often makes it harder to get the 300k healing medal, thus reducing one medal we can get.


I won't even say healers have it worse, but please can we agree that healers have it no better than pure DPS do? To say healers have DPS abilities and therefore it's fair is not a balanced perspective. Taking the time to get DPS medals simply reduces the healing ones received.

Edited by Shlamorel
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As an Assassin you can now get max 4 medals.


- killing blow

- 2,5k blow

- 75k total damage

- 10 kills


Due to the gimpyness of the class we can never make 300k dmg, 5k dmg in 1 blow or any of the other medals. At least the medpack would give another 2 so we would average on 6.


So this only introduced even more imbalances, as simply everyone had access to medpacks but only a handful of classes have access to healing spells.



You are full of it. As a Darkness Assassin I was getting about 10 medals on average, even seeing some games as high as 12 or 13. This only means 2 less medals. My average is now 8, and I've already had a game where I got 10. In a great game, I can probably get 11, assuming it's at all close.


1) 75k Damage

2) 10 Kills

3) 25 Kills

4) 2k Protect in one life

5) 5k Protection

6) 10k Protect in one life

7) 50k Protection

8) 1k Defender Points

9) 3k Defender Points

10) Killing Blow

11) One vs. One


If you're argument is: "I play Deception! I don't use Dark Charge/Guard!" Then hush your face. It's irrelevant, because Darkness is an available option for amazing medal farming.

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To the person acting as if pure DPS are hurt the worste: let's assume you ONLY DPS, and I ONLY heal. You'll be able to get medals for a killing blow as well as 10/25 kills, and possibly a 1v1 medal. Healers will get none of this. All of the other medals equal each other out (dmg done/healing done/highest dmg/highest heal/etc.)


In short, if you purely DPS you can get up to 4 medals more than a healer quite easily. Healers have to step out of their path to even come close to achieving this.


You're right sorcerers have a seriously hard time reducing their own health and healing themselves up or getting a killing blow by attacking somebody with low health. Medals are the most important thing in a battleground and pure DPS classes have a harder time getting them than any other.

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If you're argument is: "I play Deception! I don't use Dark Charge/Guard!" Then hush your face. It's irrelevant, because Darkness is an available option for amazing medal farming


Correct, if I wanted to play a melee tank then I would have rolled a Juggernaut. I want to use my DPS TREE and DPS SPEC to get DAMAGE MEDALS and not a TANK spec or hybrid spec to get DAMAGE MEDALS.

Edited by Scalare
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Yay another nerf to Marauder/Sentinel. The only class that can't heal or taunt. Means we're destined for less medals than every single other class every game. Thanks!! So ridiculous. Gimped class that can't even taunt or anything, and doesn't even do dps that is much better than any other class in an ops setting.


While you're at it BioWare, shields shouldn't count as healing as well, so please don't let that count for Sages or Sorcs. At least have some CONSISTENCY.


Please read another response I had earlier in the forum. Pure DPS classes have access to 4 medals that pure healers do not.

Edited by Shlamorel
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You're right sorcerers have a seriously hard time reducing their own health and healing themselves up or getting a killing blow by attacking somebody with low health. Medals are the most important thing in a battleground and pure DPS classes have a harder time getting them than any other.


First, you realize that sitting still to drain your own life/heal yourself means you're losing time on DPSing, right? So you won't be making the 25kill/300k dmg done medals nearly as easy.


Second, Sorcerers are not the only healer. Please use broad examples if you want to prove a point - singling out very specific abilities in order to gain medals does nothing to further the argument (whether it's a healer or pure dps arguing that their side has it harder).


It's easy to find specific examples to favor one side or the other. Let's talk archetype/role and not specific advanced classes.

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Shields already don't count for healers...


On top of that, please read another response I had earlier in the forum. Pure DPS classes have access to 4 medals that pure healers do not.


uhhh it's not that hard to just tag people for the 10 and 25 kill medals as a healer.

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