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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mob Difficulty


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There's some area quest on Voss that spawns 2 silvers at one stage. Shortly after spawning in and beginning their attack they did something (no combat log -_-) to my sniper that caused, I'd say, about 5000 damage. I had at this point maybe 9000 hp total and since I roll with Temple and just burn everything to the ground this was a rather alarming loss of health as I had no good way to get it back. Mashed a medpack and Shield Probe but it was too late and I went down. Respawned and killed them by tossin a flash bang first, popping ballistic shield, shield probe, evasion, etc. but I mean, I was expecting it this time so yeah.


I think I had a point in here somewhere... I think what I was trying to say is, there's a difference between "reasonable challenge" and "surprise you're dead lol"; fan of the first one, not so much the second.

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There's some area quest on Voss that spawns 2 silvers at one stage. Shortly after spawning in and beginning their attack they did something (no combat log -_-) to my sniper that caused, I'd say, about 5000 damage. I had at this point maybe 9000 hp total and since I roll with Temple and just burn everything to the ground this was a rather alarming loss of health as I had no good way to get it back. Mashed a medpack and Shield Probe but it was too late and I went down. Respawned and killed them by tossin a flash bang first, popping ballistic shield, shield probe, evasion, etc. but I mean, I was expecting it this time so yeah.


I think I had a point in here somewhere... I think what I was trying to say is, there's a difference between "reasonable challenge" and "surprise you're dead lol"; fan of the first one, not so much the second.


Yeah theres too many times I've been suprise attacked after a cutscene on my Jedi Guardian, no CC and no self heals, CD's dont go a long way when your companion gets nuked by 2 silvers and an Elite.. so yes to your first option.

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No thanks.... i like the semi challenge. i dont feel like brainlessly pressing buttons and win with no effort.


I have a lvl 50 powertech and a lvl 35 sniper i really dont think its that hard.


Just my opinion though


Agree with this guy:)

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I've now leveled an Immortal Juggernaut and a Marksmen Sniper to 50, and while my Sniper did have a few encounters that were somewhat tougher than they were on the Juggernaut (I leveled him to 50 first) there was no elite I came across anywhere I wasn't capable of taking down as long as I used my stuns and interrupts to keep control of the fight.


Not sure who/what exactly is giving you trouble, but I've had none playing two completely different character types so far. The one thing I will say, is healer companions are definitely skewed in effectiveness vs any other companion types for non-healer players. That is something I wish they would address sooner rather than later but since I'm 50, it's an issue I don't come into contact with as much as when I was leveling up.

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Personally I'm with the OP. I started out the game playing on Zez-Kai Ell not knowing it was a low pop server. I've just recently started re-rolling on Mind Trick because finding people to do any Heroics was rare. Throughout Corruscant I simply did all my other missions until I almost out leveled the Heroic so I could do it solo (at least the 2+ one's). I have a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian & am on Taris doing the story line. I tried doing one of the Heroics the other day fightning mobs of 3-4 that are strong/elite that are FOUR levels below me & got my *** handed to me every single time & in no time at all to boot. THAT is pretty Pathetic, ESPECIALLY with a build that is described in game when you choose your advanced class as a "Tank". I've never played WoW but played CoH & CoV for several years & I can tell you that any "tank" in SWTOR is a weakling compared to a tank in CoH/CoV. I cannot for the life of me figure out how the various enemy levels con in relation to MY level. For instance in CoH/CoV you had minions, Lieutenants & Boss' as well as color coding according to your relative level. An even level boss was about 3 levels above your level, an LT 1-2 and minions even. Armed with that info I could decided whether I could face the particular mobs or avoid one's that had too many LT's or Boss'. I don't see anything like that in SWTOR & being on an unpopulated server I don't like that I'm now forced to abandon 5 toons or somehow almost out level the Heroics just to solo them. I agree that I don't want these missions to be a cakewalk. In CoH for instance some missions were perilous, but you could use tactics to get through them & avoiding aggro from other mobs & then have a more difficult fight from a Boss or Arch Villain. A Heroic that is 2+ & equal to the level that you receive it should not be almost impossible with you & your companion. This is proof that there is a big gap b/w the mobs in these missions & the level at which you get the mission. You shouldn't have to wait 5-6 levels just to be able to do a Heroic 2+ mission with your companion.
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As you said, your mileage may vary...but I have a lvl 42 Merc.


I have been fighting strongs and elites 1-3 levels higher than me at times.


I like the challenge and have yet to feel that any mob was too much except for one on Hoth for my class quest.


He was destroying me with his AoE but he was +2 Elite to me. Once I realized what I needed to do to avoid his AoE it was a cakewalk even at +2.


Personally I think the difficulty is spot on for the level appropriate content....at least for a Assault Spec Merc.

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I find that it greatly depends on your class, build and technique.


With my two main characters (1 powertech and 1 gunslinger), I have less trouble with certain Elites more than others.


It really depends on if the Elite is more ranged or more melee and if the Elite's AI has been written to use more abilities or not.


Also, the choice of your companion makes a difference also. Even if I am just using Mako, sometimes I turn on her MedWatch and have her just heal, while other times I need her to help with the DPS.


It's really a question of adapting yourself to the Elite / Strongs, you are fighting and not relying on the typical rotation of skills, powers, stances you use against standard npcs.


Hope this helps!



Mix_N_Match_Canuck :)

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Necro or not, I've not had a problem beating a similar level non-bugged Elite story / quest mobs across multiple classes. My latest character to 50 was an IA Ops that I finished the class story at 46 and started doing the dailies at 47, all solo save the Old Enemies H4 and the H2 Jedi on Ilum.


The only things I have found that I sometimes cannot beat on my own are similar level Champion or better mobs, typically the named mobs hiding in the corner of a map somewhere with ridiculously high amounts of health.


Yes, I sometimes get wrecked when an Elite fight starts, but everything I've fought has always had a solution, from changing your companion to kiting to LOS to using lots of interrupts. Just because it might take a couple of tries to figure it out doesn't mean it is over tuned. And yes, some fight will suck more for certain classes than others, such as fighting an elite that spam heals themselves on a class with no reliable interrupt ability.


It would be nice if they had combat logs though so you could actually review to see what is killing you. Sometimes it is a difficult to see aoe effect, sometimes it is a stacking debuff, sometimes they just have a really hard hitting melee or ranged attack they spam.

Edited by DawnAskham
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What level did you begin having issues?


I have a powertech at 35. I have not run into a single mob I was unable to solo outside a flash point, other than the world bosses.


I have a Jugg at 34 who is comparatively tough.


If something happens between there and 43 then, that sucks. I'll have to re-examine my opinion on my tanks. If not, I don't understand the problem.


I do see a lot of griping about how hard this game is. I know I am not that awesome, but this game is not hard. They show you where the AE is going to land or when the heavy hit is spinning up or when the stun is coming.


My wife and I duo the 4 man heroics and FP's with almost no problems. We brought someone with on Mando Raiders because we'd both been drinking and I kept running into walls, so the extra DPS was nice. I also didn't realize that dude with the dogs is aggro-management resistant at first and kept apologizing to my wife, who also was busy running into walls anyway. The DPS just yelled Leeroy a lot and danced in between killing things, which honestly was fine with me since he kept his clothes on and we spent most of our time afk getting more rum or trying to get around that damn wall again.


CSB aside, I don't know what it looks like for powertechs in the 40's, so if it gets harder then, well, bleh. Otherwise.. dunno what you are talking about.

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Oddly enough I'd like to see things made a little more difficult.


A better mob AI would be a great place to start. It'd be great to see mobs run for help etc. as opposed to standing their with their blaster/vibrosword/whatever until their bitter end..

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I wouldn't say the game overall is too easy or too hard but for me there are a few elites that are just unexpectedly tough - mostly melee-heavy mobs that tore through me and my companion in a few hits.


So the game generally doesn't push you. But when it does, it pushes you from behind over the cliff edge.


A lvl 50 dps sage talking here who still hasn't managed to defeat the last story boss.

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Oh no!!..they better not nerf them! I have no issues with how hard the mobs are. Not uncommon for me to solo with my companion 2 man heroics. The key is to use the right companion and have some type of CC. Also, donot try to solo a 2 man heroic when the mobs are higher than your char is. But soloing them with your companion makes for a very challenging run. Love it. :)
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Strong and Elite enemies need to be tuned down a little. When I fight an even level elite, with my companion out, I should not be getting completely trashed in under a minute. My build should not matter. My gear is up to date, my skills are all up to date, and my companion is up to date and her gear is current. Despite this, for some reason, there are a number of elite mobs that can just absolutely annihilate me.


This is not true for all Elites. Most elites are of a challenge that they could kill me if my rotation gets messed up, if I get distracted, or if I screw up somehow. They are tuned, however, so that I can and will beat them if I do it right. It takes strategy, timing, skill, and knowledge of my character. I like that. Some elites, however, are so overtuned that no matter what I do, no matter what strategy I try, no matter how well geared I am, they cannot be beaten. Period. I simply cannot beat them at all. These are not elites that out-level me. These are even-level elites and they are demolishing me in a matter of seconds.


This is an unacceptable level of difficulty. It's one thing for an enemy to be challenging or even deadly. It's another thing entirely for an enemy to be utterly impossible for certain builds. To give an example : There is an elite named Reiki. He is part of the BH quest "Target Rich Environment". He is level 43. I am also level 43. I am a BH, Powertech, Advanced Prototype spec. I tried to fight this particular enemy. He tore me to pieces in under a minute. I tried 4 times using a different strategy each time. He destroyed me every time. I have a friend who also plays a BH. He is also level 43. He is a DPS specced Mercenary. He fought the same enemy right after I gave up. He smashes Reiki into little pieces without ever being seriously hurt. This is the sort of thing that really aggravates me. I should not have to play a specific class and spec to beat certain enemies. They should be universally defeatable by all classes and specs, you simply have to use different strategies. I have encountered a number of elites like this. Some of them, I can beat but my friend cannot, others, vice-versa. This is, in my opinion, unfair tuning of mobs and needs to be looked into.


I have the same issue with Strong enemies. One strong is no problem, as well it should be. A strong and 2-3 normals are also a challenge, but are totally beatable and are only a true threat if you aren't paying attention to what you are doing, as it should be. 2 strongs will wipe the floor with most people. 2 strongs are just as bad if not worse that most elites. This can be mitigated only by playing exactly the correct class and spec for those mobs. Again, in my opinion, this is seriously overtuned and needs to be looked into.


Keep in mind now, I'm not asking for a cakewalk. Elites SHOULD be able to kill you. That's what makes them elite. I'm just saying that being able to kill you, and being guaranteed to destroy you unless you are either playing a particular spec, or get extremely lucky, are two entirely different things. I like a challenge. A brick frickin wall, I hate. 2 Strongs SHOULD be able to kill you. Again however, there is a difference between challenging and impossible. I don't want the game to be overly easy. All I am saying is, overtuning the enemies to be TOO hard is just as bad as being too easy.


As a preemptive strike, to those who will tell me I want everything handed to me, or that I should go back to WoW, I will say this.... I came here from WoW because the challenge was gone. WoW has become so casual friendly that there is no longer any challenge left. Everything is handed to you on a silver platter. That's not what I am asking for here. I am asking for enemy tuning to be looked into and adjusted. The elites and strongs are currently a little overpowered, and in some cases extremely overpowered, and are in need of an adjustment.


Beyond this one complaint, I am enjoying the game immensely, and have no intention of quitting or leaving over this. I am not QQing, I am not whining, I am simply pointing out what I think is an issue and asking for the Devs to look at it.


Thank you for listening. Keep up the good work. Have a nice day.


Surprise! You found a mob that uses tech or force damage! Your armor and damage mitigation talents are almost entirely useless against them, so it becomes a DPS race you cannot win (to be fair, I never had this problem. I kite tanked hard elites and line of sighted them when I needed my companion to heal me).

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The game has a handful of encounters, for a handful of advanced classes, that are slightly more difficult than others. The devs have statistics on what quests people are dieing on, and who knows, they might make changes...but they are aware, and have posted this before.


I remember my final class quest for my Juggernaut, I tried 4 times and never got the end boss below 25%. You had to be perfect with interrupts (melee range) and avoiding his AOE (out of melee range). I wasn't able to be perfect with both.


Then I brought a buddy in for help, and we killed him so fast it was faceroll silly.


He had the similar problem with a Sniper class quest on Correllia. He'd get really close, but not quite win. He brought me along, and it was a joke.


Every once in a great while, if you need a friend to finish a quest, that's not game breaking. It's actually fun that the game is occasionally a challenge.

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This is an unacceptable level of difficulty. It's one thing for an enemy to be challenging or even deadly. It's another thing entirely for an enemy to be utterly impossible for certain builds. To give an example : There is an elite named Reiki. He is part of the BH quest "Target Rich Environment". He is level 43. I am also level 43. I am a BH, Powertech, Advanced Prototype spec. I tried to fight this particular enemy. He tore me to pieces in under a minute.


What's giving you fits is the damage he's typed for that bypass your armor and the melee potency he's got. He is made to bend you over and break you up close, and I think he's the nightmare fuel for most BH's when you meet.


I don't think most same-level BH's can tank and spank him in any case, regardless of build- you have to stay moving and buy as much time as possible to wear him down. LOS kiting is probably your best bet here- anything that won't let him pummel you with bleeds and burns up close. Being the one build that can't snare doesn't help matters much, either. Long as you can keep him focused on you with taunts and such, you probably can call in a companion that'll be able to do the damage while you do the dance.

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