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Am i the only person that is happy?


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It seems a lot of people are very unhappy at the moment with SWTOR for one reason or another, but rather than focus on the bad, I would like to take a moment to focus on the good.


Yes this game still has a lot of issues, but with the dev post going up a little while ago about the issues present in Illum today, this is what I have been given by Bioware since release that has made me happy:


They gave me a 50 only WZ bracket so my 50 and my alt can PvP in a much more even and fun environment.


They changed Illum from the swap-fest it was originally to something that may actually lead to some decent PvP in the future. Yes I was present for the lag filled camp fest that occurred today, but making it so you cannot be camped in base and reducing the population cap so the side with lower numbers can have a chance at getting enough people to make a fight of it are two great changes in my opinion. The fact they are patching it one day after the original changes is also a good sign. Also, they took companions out of Illum.


They have already put in a bucket load of bug fixes, and the ones to EV are the ones that personally make me the happiest.


New content, a new Flashpoint and what equates to basically a whole new operation.


Sensible nerfs to Biochem and Cybertech, and another sensible change to stop buff/adrenal/stim stacking.


Taking the randomness out of Battlemaster gear, I can handle it on the lower level stuff, but by the time you get to BM you really don't want to be getting duplicates.



That's most of the major stuff I think. Between all of those changes I can PvP and have fun, Raid and have fun... generally just have fun. I can quite happily deal with the other things that bug me about the game for now as I actually think the patches have at least shown that Bioware are trying to do the right things to make the game better.




Just my two cents.

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Nope, i love the game and am very happy. Yet I'm not a whiny sniffling crybaby kid that wants everything and has to have everything RIGHT NOW. People today are just so impatient. Yes, there is a sub to be paid, but every game has it's share of bugs and patches to fix those bugs.
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I'm perfectly happy, I love the storylines, and for now they are keeping me intrigued with the game. Then again, I have loved most of Biowares. RPG's, KOTOR, Mass Effect, Dragon Age. So for me, this is just those, but that I can actually play with my friends also.


I am also older, so have learned to be able to wait. This game is far and above some other MMO's that I have tried from the start. Not as good as others also, but for those who tried Galaxies in the very beginning, or Anarchy online. Well you will understand what I am talking about. :)


No game comes out ready to go. Heck, I still remember all the issues that WoW had when they launched, as well as DAOC. I got into EQ a year after launch, so not sure how their launch was, but I remmber what the servers were like for their first expansion. :p


So this is nothing. Its Bioware, and well I havent been let down by any of their games yet, so they have time with me. I have 7 other classes to learn their class story, so I have time. :p

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I'm not happy but I'm not mad. Tonight's patch may have fixed some things, I don't really know because the things that bothered people before didn't really bother me at all. But in fixing them they introduced new problems (most notable and annoying is the frequent loading screen pop-up) that actually do bother me.


However, unlike some, I have patience.

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The reason there is so much hate on this forum is because most of the people who actually enjoy this game (which is A LOT of people) are playing it right now. I know many friends, both RL and ingame, that are not unsubscribing. Haters may make up a large percentage of the people who are on this forum right now, but they are nothing in comparison to the entire playerbase and the people who do actually enjoy the game. If the entire playerbase was active on this forum right now, the hate posts would be drowned in all of the positive and anti-hate posts.


So no, you are not the only person that is happy. You are one of hundreds of thousands :)

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They gave me a 50 only WZ bracket so my 50 and my alt can PvP in a much more even and fun environment.


I can't get excited over any warzone changes until they fix the game engine. Having every ability take 1.5+ seconds to activate when I'm sitting around 150 MS latency does not make for good pvp.


They changed Illum from the swap-fest it was originally to something that may actually lead to some decent PvP in the future. Yes I was present for the lag filled camp fest that occurred today, but making it so you cannot be camped in base and reducing the population cap so the side with lower numbers can have a chance at getting enough people to make a fight of it are two great changes in my opinion. The fact they are patching it one day after the original changes is also a good sign. Also, they took companions out of Illum.


They're turning Ilum into a glorified warzone. That just makes me sad.


Sensible nerfs to Biochem and Cybertech, and another sensible change to stop buff/adrenal/stim stacking.


The nerfs to biochem and cybertech were unnecessary and incredibly short-sighted.

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It seems a lot of people are very unhappy at the moment with SWTOR for one reason or another, but rather than focus on the bad, I would like to take a moment to focus on the good.




No, heaps of people are happy. And heaps are angry. The easy valor gains angered a lot of people(esp Rep PvPers) and I think it's easy to see why that is.

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Only responding to the topic, you are not the only one.


A very FEW who are the vocal minority are unhappy and the rest are in-game enjoying it. It will clean up a bit after the free month runs out. Those only staying until their sub runs out are here to make it hell for everyone else. Happens in every MMO release that doesn't include tools that make it easy mode.


Some people just don't want to put any time and work into anything.

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I can't get excited over any warzone changes until they fix the game engine. Having every ability take 1.5+ seconds to activate when I'm sitting around 150 MS latency does not make for good pvp.




They're turning Ilum into a glorified warzone. That just makes me sad.




The nerfs to biochem and cybertech were unnecessary and incredibly short-sighted.




Changes to the game engine are not something I ever expected to happen already, and they have said they are aware of it and are looking into it so I'm fine with that for now.



I would argue that even though it's called "Open World PvP", any sort of PvP that is limited to one area and has specific objectives is already a "glorified warzone" as you put it. It is just a bigger map with more people and no timer. The more important point is that if you are going to have it in the game then at least try and make it fun and interesting.

My definition of "Open World PvP" in the truest sense would be what happens when you are levelling, you stumble across people and spontaneously fight because they are the opposite faction to you, not "lets all go to this specific area where we have been told to go to so we can do some completely random PvP".


Nerf to Biochem unnecessary? Really? Do you perhaps have Biochem?

I had a 400 Synthweaver and dropped it to roll Biochem, I got 400 Biochem 2 days before they changed it and I am over the moon they nerfed it. It was widely know that Biochem was so retardedly overpowered that it was virtually mandatory for anyone who was even remotely serious about PvP and to some extent raiding. It needed nerfing badly and I wholeheartedly disagree with your statement.

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You gotta remember that only a small fraction of the ToR community even bothers checking these forums. Smaller yet is the number of people who even post...and then we get to that misfit street gang of trolls. They are loud, whiney, and small. ;)
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Happy player here.


Level 36 Sorcerer, taking my time, enjoying the story and the scenery.


As for the issues, there is nothing going on that is outside the norm for a major MMO launch. One thing that has impressed me is how awesome the communication has been from Bioware.


I'm also impressed with the number of bug fixes and a content patch in the first month.


There are some issues that need to be addressed, but seeing how things have been handled so far, I am not worried the polish will get there in due time.

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There are some issues that need to be addressed, but seeing how things have been handled so far, I am not worried the polish will get there in due time.


I hope so... Because I actually want the game to succeed more than I thought I would before launch :) It's up to Bioware, and I really hope they measure up!

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Let's say there are 1-2 million subscribers, and furthermore, that only 1% are unhappy. That's still 10-20K people. Let's say that 10% of those post to vent their frustrations. That's 1-2K. If each made their own thread, we'd be talking around 50 pages. Let's say that only 50 threads are made, and the respond to only one, once. That's still 20-40 replies on each thread.


It's hard to know from an outside viewpoint just how happy or unhappy a community is by looking at the forums, because it tends to magnify the extremes. Only time will tell, and only BW/EA will know their subscription numbers.


I for one am quite satisfied with the game.

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