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Class Starships


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Just putting a thread out there to see what people think of their starships and what they like, dislike, or would change. In my personal opinion i think that the smugglers ship (XS Stock Light Frieghter) has the most personality because your character has a history with the ship and it is overall a bad *** ship. What do you guys think of your own starships?
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I found the Jedi ship to be unexpectedly spacious and swanky. I suppose we're expected to entertain high-level political types onboard, but when Luke spent the entirety of the original trilogy flying around in a beat-up snub fighter or a frankensteined-together freighter, it feels weird to be flying around on a boat that's clean, attractive, and has loads of room.


Kinda want to install a meditation chamber though, for extra Jedi awesomeness.

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I found the Jedi ship to be unexpectedly spacious and swanky. I suppose we're expected to entertain high-level political types onboard, but when Luke spent the entirety of the original trilogy flying around in a beat-up snub fighter or a frankensteined-together freighter, it feels weird to be flying around on a boat that's clean, attractive, and has loads of room.


Kinda want to install a meditation chamber though, for extra Jedi awesomeness.


yes, but remember that Luke was basically an outlaw working in the underground and was a fighter pilot for the Rebellion first, Jedi second (until RoTJ). And sorry, the Falcon was not "frankensteined-together" she was lovenly repaired with the parts at hand :D


This is the height of the Jedi Order and you're one of the most powerful and influential Jedi around. Makes sense to have state of the art hardware.



As for my take, I like the Fury, very cool, sleek fighter, very much what one would expect a high ranking Sith to have (outside of their own capital ship).


Bounty Hunter ship....freaking ugly as sin, it's a box with 3 wings. I hate it. take one of the wings off and it's better, but they could have done something a lot more interesting and cool. this...ugh POS.

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Overall the Defender and the Phantom could look a lot better in my opinion. The Defender is a cool looking ship for sure but things aren't where they should be (why would i put my bed next to my cockpit and not put my cargo storage in my cargo bay). Along with this it seems like Bioware has to make the defender shorter, and the front of the ship seems very flush but the back is blocky and i can't help but think how much cooler the ship would look if it was stretched out and rounded out. In terms of the phantom i think that the blocky cockpit hanging out of the bottom of the ship again messes up the lines of the ship.
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Thunderclap is bloody lovely imo. Looks "military" and hard as nails, both inside and out.


I'm a little disappointed with the Jedi's Defender though. Mainly how it looks toward the back of it.

It seems quite sleek until about the middle of the ship, then looks like its manufacture encountered a few budget constraints leaving it a little ugly in the rear end.


BH ship is quite nice though, I'd say it's my second favourite so far.

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I love the look and feel of the XS Freighter, probably because it has that Millennium Falcon feel, and really does look like its a smugglers ship -- i just wish it had a secret compartment area. :)


I like the feel of the Defender, as it does give that aura of respect a Jedi would be "expecting" during this time period as well as the Prequel era. its big, because as a Jedi, you may be involved in peace negotiations or trade deals to see that they get done, and if neither side can agree on a location for the meeting, then you bring them up to your starship!


The Imperial Agents Phantom is sleek on the outside, and has an interesting interior - theres an order and reason for everything. Plus, I like how the engine room looks!


The Fury just screams dark side to me. Its a sharp contrast to the Defender, and I like how it looks like a TIE-fighter on steroids.


The Thunderclap does have the military feel to it, sparse inside but looks like it can hold its own in a dogfight.


The DS-Mantis is the only one I haven't been in, as my bounty hunter is still screwing around on Hutta.


I'm hoping that with future expansions these "homes" get some new upgrades. Anyone else wish that holo-chess table really worked?? :)

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I like the Mantis, it's rustic and individualistic which fits the bounty hunter pretty well. Plus it's supposed to be stolen and frankly its a lot easier to steal a clunker and improve it than steal a top of the line imperial/republic ship.
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And sorry, the Falcon was not "frankensteined-together" she was lovingly repaired with the parts at hand :D


"Lovingly repaired with the parts at hand," is a good description for Frankenstein's creature, so my descriptor stands. The Falcon was a marvel in operation, but she bore a lot of obvious aftermarket modification, and very few people passed on the opportunity to remark on how overwhelmingly ugly she was. :p


For the Defender, I'm probably thinking in-character when I'm surprised at its condition. My knight tends to believe that the core mission of the Order should be to relieve suffering and help make regular peoples' lives better; she's pretty uncomfortable with the "Dogsbody for Republic Politicians/Savior of the Galaxy" job description.


I was leaning toward a Sith Sorc as a secondary. I'm more certain that I'd like to do that now that I've seen how attractive their boat is.

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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The Phantom is everything an Agent's ship should be. Sleek, bleeding-edge state-of-the-art design, cramed with high-tech comm gear, a fembot* autopilot (unlocked at level 25), hidden weapons locker, a wet-bar (unlocked at level 30), and hybrid Kolto/jacuzzi tank (you can see it at level 10 but not use it until level 40).




Office of Advanced Cipher Agent Ship Procurement



* I assume female agents unlock the "manbot"(?) version of the autopilot.

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I absolutely loved the outside aesthetics of the Defender. Each time I came through a spaceport's hangar I would take a few seconds to admire the gleaming hull of the Ship. Now that I play an inquisitor I have to say that, while not as pretty, the Fury looks much more dangerous and fit as a weapon of war. Edited by Pathlight-
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The Phantom is everything an Agent's ship should be. Sleek, bleeding-edge state-of-the-art design, cramed with high-tech comm gear, a fembot* autopilot (unlocked at level 25), hidden weapons locker, a wet-bar (unlocked at level 30), and hybrid Kolto/jacuzzi tank (you can see it at level 10 but not use it until level 40).




Office of Advanced Cipher Agent Ship Procurement



* I assume female agents unlock the "manbot"(?) version of the autopilot.


awesome dude, is the phantom the only ship that you can unlock things for? cause ive played to 30 on my sentinel and i havnt unlocked anything.

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Design-wise, as appearances go, I like my Fury-class interceptor. However, it hasn't really felt 'alive'. Maybe the companions could walk around in there a bit more. Maybe have more cutscenes that happen in there. I don't know. Maybe its just that for the most of the time, the companions just stand in their assigned corners. And the ship never rocks or tilts, or feels like a space ship, with the only exception being when Im travelling somewhere. And I have to be in the drivers seat then.


I like how my ship looks, but so far it has felt a bit too static.


ps. Theres been one quest where I got a ship item as reward, however it was already outleveled at that point so the item just went straight to vendor.. I wish there were more personality and that 'special feeling' in the ship upgrades. Have more of them named, with some special attribute. Make the player think that he is tweaking his/her own millennium falcon instead of just buying a grade 5 shield generator.


ps. I also think that the space missions are too difficult, but that may be just me.

Edited by Karkais
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The Phantom is everything an Agent's ship should be. Sleek, bleeding-edge state-of-the-art design, cramed with high-tech comm gear, a fembot* autopilot (unlocked at level 25), hidden weapons locker, a wet-bar (unlocked at level 30), and hybrid Kolto/jacuzzi tank (you can see it at level 10 but not use it until level 40).




Office of Advanced Cipher Agent Ship Procurement



* I assume female agents unlock the "manbot"(?) version of the autopilot.


Wait, I have a hot tub? Why have I never explored my ship!!!!

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The ship is the best thing about the imperial agent by far - my Sith warrior would kill for my agent's ship.


Don't get me wrong, the Fury looks well-designed and appropriate but the agent's ship is really the lap of luxury - just the kind of ship a smug and conceited patriot who flirts with their handler every opportunity they get would use.


And no, female agents don't get a manbot. They have to settle for the fembot too :p

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awesome dude, is the phantom the only ship that you can unlock things for? cause ive played to 30 on my sentinel and i havnt unlocked anything.


sorry, to clarify i meant the upgrade for the inside of your ship you mentioned (hot tubs etc.), not ship upgrades.

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Design-wise, as appearances go, I like my Fury-class interceptor. However, it hasn't really felt 'alive'. Maybe the companions could walk around in there a bit more. Maybe have more cutscenes that happen in there. I don't know. Maybe its just that for the most of the time, the companions just stand in their assigned corners. And the ship never rocks or tilts, or feels like a space ship, with the only exception being when Im travelling somewhere. And I have to be in the drivers seat then.


I like how my ship looks, but so far it has felt a bit too static.


ps. Theres been one quest where I got a ship item as reward, however it was already outleveled at that point so the item just went straight to vendor.. I wish there were more personality and that 'special feeling' in the ship upgrades. Have more of them named, with some special attribute. Make the player think that he is tweaking his/her own millennium falcon instead of just buying a grade 5 shield generator.


ps. I also think that the space missions are too difficult, but that may be just me.


If you find them too difficult, just buy good upgrades from the AH, I did and I am breezing through them.

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So I have seen all of the ships and here is what I think of them:


XS-Freighter (Smuggler)

Great interior design with a good layout. It gives off the feel of a flying cantina which is just where you would expect to find a smuggler. The exterior is reminiscent of the Millennium Falcon and Ebon Hawk already part of Star Wars cannon.


X-70B Phantom (Imperial Agent)

Probably my favorite ship for exterior and probably exterior. The sleek design is just what you'd expect for a secret agent who wishes to remain undetected. The interior is orderly and very business-like. Simple and effective.

Defender (Jedi Kinght/Consular)

Not a bad ship. Kind of reminds me of the head of a hammerhead shark. For a ship that is supposed to be an envoy of peace, the ship could use some sprucing up on the outside. It's kind of clunky and generic. Inside is a bit better. Bright colors and openness make for a good place to host a bunch of officials or hold a war meeting. One thing that the Defender is missing is a crew quarters. Seems to be the only ship missing such a thing.

Fury (Sith Warrioer/Inquisitor)

Now this is a good ship. The outside makes it look like a weapon of war. It could easily strike terror (or at least surprise) into the enemy. It's a lethal machine. Inside it is simple. Bridge here, med-bay there, everything has a place. It is a place for the cold and calculating Sith.

BT-7 Thunderclap (Trooper)

Now this is one great ship on the inside, everything a trooper needs. Weapons aplenty, place to relax when on leave, a debriefing room for before and after operations, pin-ups of naughty female aliens. :cool: It's a home away from home. Outside, this one made me laugh. Can't take a sideways Y seriously, lol.


D-5 Mantis

Now this ship I have to say, somewhat reminded me of Firefly. It's a very simple ship on the inside. On the outside...it's a box with engine wings. Needs a bit of work.

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I adore the Fury interceptor, because I've always been a fan of TIE Interceptors in the old games and the design is sleek and symmetrical.


However, playing a little bit of my operative actually makes me second guess the "favorite ship" sticker on the Fury... That Phantom is just so... Hot.


My absolute lowest rank is my republic trooper's ship, which I am using as one of the reasons why I never play him anymore. Holy hell in a handbasket is that ugly.

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I really, really, want (when they have the time and resources to devote to it) more internal items in my ship, and more ways to visually customize the outside -- color, weapons emplacements, different armor patterns, etc.


There's a guy frozen in carbonite on the wall of my ship (BH Mantis). I have no idea who he is or how to get him out. There's ought to be a quest for him.


(I'd love for all classes to have "trophies" they can mount in their ships from their adventures. It would make your ship feel more like "yours", as it slowly fills up with momentos of the quests you've done.)

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I really, really, want (when they have the time and resources to devote to it) more internal items in my ship, and more ways to visually customize the outside -- color, weapons emplacements, different armor patterns, etc.


There's a guy frozen in carbonite on the wall of my ship (BH Mantis). I have no idea who he is or how to get him out. There's ought to be a quest for him.


(I'd love for all classes to have "trophies" they can mount in their ships from their adventures. It would make your ship feel more like "yours", as it slowly fills up with momentos of the quests you've done.)


if they incorporated ship customizations into achievement in the future that would definitely give people a big reason to go for them. Bioware has also stated that the ship element of the game is a placeholder for something "much bigger" in the future. My guess is that in a future expansion they will bring back the classic space fighter experience from galaxies (which was added in jump to lightspeed). This would also allow them to use ships as the star wars equivalent of flying mounts, as conventional flying mounts would completely break the game, as well as adding an entire new depth to the game.

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