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10 Good
  1. The ship is the best thing about the imperial agent by far - my Sith warrior would kill for my agent's ship. Don't get me wrong, the Fury looks well-designed and appropriate but the agent's ship is really the lap of luxury - just the kind of ship a smug and conceited patriot who flirts with their handler every opportunity they get would use. And no, female agents don't get a manbot. They have to settle for the fembot too
  2. I see this argument made about macros and about add-ons and it's absolutely ridiculous. Both macros and add-ons aren't all-empowering devices as ideas - the problem occurs when restrictions occur as to what they can or can't do. Rift, for example, went too far as to what their macros could do and the spells in the game complemented the design so that an iwin-button could be made using macros. WoW went too far during WOTLK and Cataclysm in what their add-ons allowed for, making some of the more challenging encounters trivial. Both were the result of a lack of restrictions on the API rather than the feature themselves. TOR wouldn't suffer from the ability to merge two buttons into one to save space on the UI nor would it suffer from the ability to change the size of buffs/debuffs if people want it. Mistaking a terrible facet of a feature as making the whole feature terrible needs to stop.
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