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Every major MMO is the same at launch


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Incidentally, the WF proc on shamans back in the day had nothing on trinket/pom-pyro mages. Just so we're clear.


Even though he failed in his attack on me(lulz) I share his hatred of Shamans. They ruined my shot at T1 armor because "Wow's Developer" thought that putting Shaman loot in for Alliance before they existed on Alliance would be fun:confused:

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I met a designer and QA from the Rift team at PAX Prime in Seattle this past August. They seemed a bit worried. Maybe it was just pressure over the event, because it was *huge*.


Kind of seems like that game is in some trouble. I played it a little bit and just wasn't really impressed

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Ok lets say every MMORPG has a bad launch... Ok now what makes the difference between the MMORPGs that are successful and last for years with a Subscription playerbase and the ones that fail and either close or have to go Free to Play...


You cant just say well WOW had a bad launch and that means SWTOR can have a bad launch.. Thats not some benchmark you need to meet to have a successful MMORPG.. Shadowbane had and bad launch and failed, Asherons Call 2 had a bad launch and failed, DCUO had a bad launch and failed, Champions Online had a Bad launch and failed.. Whats your point exactly?

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The trolls may be gone soon, but bioware needs to step up if they want this game to be successful


making it free to play in the next 3 months is not a success.



They need to,


Fix the bugs: graphical issues, UI and keybinding issues, and combat issues. basic bugs not random this quests mission item is incorrectly spelled b.s. - the basic stuff needs to be fixed soon.


Improve the support: the whole support for this game is atrocious, in game, forums, email all of it. guessing they went with some low cost support to save money, well it's failing, and computer savy mmo players see through b.s.


Even if the just focus on those 2 things, and I mean FOCUS and get it done in the next month this game can turn around and be a juggernaut I believe. It's got many flashes of brilliance but the faults are just as visible... if not more visible.


I'll be dissapointed if this game keeps going down its current path, i enjoy the game and see so much potential in it they just need to get on these serious things fast and be more vocal with the community, not "yea we're working on it" for 6 months

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When it comes down to it, its not about a buggy launch.. What the problem is, the game is meh!! The bugs just make things worse... At the end of the day the game is meh and not amazing.. People willl put up with bugs if a game is amazing even with bugs.. People kept playing WoW because even with the bugs the game felt amazing... It felt like a real MMORPG. It didnt feel like a sharded SP game with Multiplayer features..


In Wow you didnt look up in the corner and see 25 people in the same shard as you 9with shard 1, 2 ,3).. You didnt have quests that basically forced you to solo (class storyline quests). You felt like you were in a massive world with a massive amount of people.. When you dont understand what the issues are then you fail at understanding the MMORPG genre and its community.. SWTOR does not feel like a real MMORPG.. The bugs just make everything worse.. the one unique feature this game has ends at lvl 50 and the game feels like any other MMOR but with less features and bugs everywhere.. Thats the big issue.. That same feature makes you feel like your playing a SP game..

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Ok lets say every MMORPG has a bad launch... Ok now what makes the difference between the MMORPGs that are successful and last for years with a Subscription playerbase and the ones that fail and either close or have to go Free to Play...


You cant just say well WOW had a bad launch and that means SWTOR can have a bad launch.. Thats not some benchmark you need to meet to have a successful MMORPG.. Shadowbane had and bad launch and failed, Asherons Call 2 had a bad launch and failed, DCUO had a bad launch and failed, Champions Online had a Bad launch and failed.. Whats your point exactly?



One thing WoW did... and I don't even think it was their intended goal... was they gave free game time. Because of the issues. By giving people free time, people played longer and became more invested.


Also, crafting was important at launch. Before the PVP gear and so on -- for example, the arcanite reaper was one of the best two handed weapons available. That gave incentive to craft, and people were discovering the system (at the time) was important.


One of the main differences, I think, was the engine. To this day, it remains responsive. Even if there was loot lag, bugged mobs and nodes, server lag -- the interface could be tailored to fit the needs to the player; you had mods; the server community dove in and supported the game. Thus, third party developers became invested.


Here, you've got EA/Bioware wanting to control everything. And when you're around someone who is controlling, you instinct is to leave or move away. That's what is happening here, and has happened to a lot of MMO's post-WoW.


Ability lag, a poor engine, lack of investment, zero sense of community -- these are bad aspects to have, and nearly all of them were consciously chosen by Bioware/EA. To funnel your gameplay in a direction they think is better, even though you might choose differently.

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I think their constant developer feedback during "crisis situations" like this patch and the early access are a good sign. I think a few months down the line, with more bugfixes and a larger amount of lvl 50 players, this game has serious staying power.
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Fail because wow hasnt released a glitchy buggy patch in soooooooo long that i cant even remember. Because of WOW MMO's have evolved and now we are expected to go back in time and put up with crap. Peeps keep pointing out how WOW was when it launched but thats all BS, Every patch,,,every expansion is almost flawless in terms of playability for like 4 years now at least. the 150 million dollars they take in every month helps but its a fact.
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"Every major MMO is the same at launch" is a pitiful excuse. Swtor doesn't compete with EvE, WoW, etc like how they were at launch. It competes with them as they are now. Unless they fix customer support (my ticket haven't had a decent answer, except an automated one, for days now) and start avoiding foolish mistakes, they'll go down.


Btw, their choice for a game engine was a crap one, but ofc cheap. gogo EA :D I mean people obviously feed you money, even when you are like you are. BUT to also defend you? Some people actually pay you and defend you, gg.

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Fail because wow hasnt released a glitchy buggy patch in soooooooo long that i cant even remember. Because of WOW MMO's have evolved and now we are expected to go back in time and put up with crap. Peeps keep pointing out how WOW was when it launched but thats all BS, Every patch,,,every expansion is almost flawless in terms of playability for like 4 years now at least. the 150 million dollars they take in every month helps but its a fact.


LOL this is a joke right? Every patch they do has major bugs

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You have the disgruntled WoW players who claim to hate WoW now and flock to the new game by the thousands. They then get angry when the name game isn't WoW and point out all the things WoW does better and complain 24/7 on the forums for the first month.



Yeah. agreed. This is really annoying. Half the time people are complaining that it's too much like WoW and the other half is spent complaining it's not enough like WoW. Swotor just needs a bit more time and a few fixes to make itself more unique and for people to realize that it isn't WoW.


Also don't add Macros.

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