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1.1: The Patch Heard Round The World


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Being developed, and actually being launched is far from what you think.


Even beta cannot predict anything, beta tested glitches and bugs.


Maybe it's worse for you, but fact is game is only 29 days old.


I will repeat 29 days old.


It can't even talk yet, still is wearing diapers, hell it sleeps all day.


Wait for this child to grow up a few years and come back and tell me what you think about the growth of SWTOR.


Everything else is nonsense, and utter impatient blabber mouths that want their cake and ear it to.


You're obviously clueless. Firstly they didnt develop an engine. Secondly it's not really about bugs or glitches it's about overall being a fail reharsh of WoW.


>Faking early release to stop server crashing

>Keeping server caps low all the way into "fake official" launch

>Imbalance of mirror skills

>Making Empire more appealing than Republic

>Keeping 50s with non 50s in warzones

>No dual specs (Might I remind you this is 2012 not 2004)

>Overtuned and glitched raids

>People losing/disappearing mail/credits/commendations etc

>No support for community

>No Customer Service

>Over the top retail price when a normal mmo costs £30 this game costs £45

>No real feedback to customers

>Crap engine

>Crap UI that doesnt scale or even work when pressed rapidly

>Ability delay

>Server sharding

>Doing nothing to address cheating (I mean real cheating using speed hacks)

>Poor graphics for a game that came out in late 2011 early 2012

>Overtuning class boss in class story for one advance class and spec i.e Sith Inquistors having easier time over assassins.

>Useless "Crew skills"

>Broken "Auction House" that doesnt even have proper functions

>Naked Operatives killing geared 50s

>Forced fail open world mechanics just look at Illum before patch 1.1 and after it's still screwed.

>99% of the time it says you are in contested area it's actually a lie because there will be no opposite faction at that planet because they have their own planet to level at


the list could go on...

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The forum was up in arms?


You sound like the defender of BS that I call "DRAMA"


Go watch a soap or something, cause this has become a over cooked turkey.


And your keeping the fire going.


For someone who is throwing drama queen in people's faces, you're the one who is making an awful lot of personal attacks.


I'm a "defender" of nothing. I've just clung to many a sinking ship longer than I should have, Warhammer and Aion being the top two. Each game made terrible choices that brought their own end on them, and I'm starting to see history repeat itself again. I'll catch the rest of this on MMORPG. If it recovers in a year, I'll buy the expansion pack and begin anew. If it doesn't, well, I saved a year of my life.

Edited by McVade
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The main slant of the entire thread is how 1.1 is a joke. I, too, don't lend any credence to Tweets. But, considering the entire day, this forum was up in arms about Turrets giving valor, it just goes to show you how fast a rumor can get out of hand when anything is mismanaged to the degree it was today.



Yea, 1.1 is a joke. Forget the fact that lowbies have a safe and relatively fair place to PVP now. Forget the numerous game breaking bugs that were addressed and fixed. Hey, it's pretty funny that I no longer have blue relics that outclassed my PVP relics because they lacked any stats. Oh, I'm also laughing at the fact that not even a full month that the game officially released and it saw it's first content patch. Absolutely hilarious.


Yes, 1.1 had problems with it. Have you never played an MMO before? Have you never experienced patches that broke anything at all? You focus on something it broke while negating EVERYTHING that it fixed/changed for the better.

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Yea people that post on wow have the best insight to swtor, thats like asking a republican if he thinks Obama is a good president.


I dont know man, I read the summation of what was happening on the wow forums and how he equivocated it into wow terms. Seemed pretty accurate to me.


And he is right, when something this massive is happening and this many forum posts are going up 8-10 hours is simply way to long to wait to handle it.


Ok, so maybe it takes a while to do something about this, but does it take that long to address it?


All that being said, the obvious answer was some kind of rollback, and it didnt happen.


They claim they will be hunting these people down one by one...um ok...


If they cant handle this massive of a problem in 8 hours, how could they possibly summon the man power and evidence to actually change anyone who exploited one by one.


Bioware made a mistake and people exploited off it, those people shouldnt be rewarded.


Man, if bioware put out a new server today, imagine how many people would roll on it just so it would be devoid of all the ill gotten valor.


Id roll on it.

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You're obviously clueless. Firstly they didnt develop an engine. Secondly it's not really about bugs or glitches it's about overall being a fail reharsh of WoW.


>Faking early release to stop server crashing Link?

>Keeping server caps low all the way into "fake official" launch Link?

>Imbalance of mirror skills wrong

>Making Empire more appealing than Republic biased

>Keeping 50s with non 50s in warzones game didn't have enough 50's

>No dual specs (Might I remind you this is 2012 not 2004) don't need dual spec

>Overtuned and glitched raids agree

>People losing/disappearing mail/credits/commendations etc agree

>No support for community disagree

>No Customer Service disagree

>Over the top retail price when a normal mmo costs £30 this game costs £45 who cares

>No real feedback to customers really?

>Crap engine wrong

>Crap UI that doesnt scale or even work when pressed rapidly agree, UI needs fixed

>Ability delay sometimes

>Server sharding really?

>Doing nothing to address cheating (I mean real cheating using speed hacks) whatever

>Poor graphics for a game that came out in late 2011 early 2012 lol again wrong

>Overtuning class boss in class story for one advance class and spec i.e Sith Inquistors having easier time over assassins. crying?

>Useless "Crew skills" It's crafting

>Broken "Auction House" that doesnt even have proper functions never had a problem

>Naked Operatives killing geared 50s tissue?

>Forced fail open world mechanics just look at Illum before patch 1.1 and after it's still screwed. nothing is perfect

>99% of the time it says you are in contested area it's actually a lie because there will be no opposite faction at that planet because they have their own planet to level at sounds like a personal computer problem


the list could go on... your list is more ingame problems, and computer problems, nothing to see here


All my answers in yellow.


Alot of crying and crazy instant gratification in your wants and needs.



Edited by Caeliux
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you tear your own jugulars out and embarrass yourselves across the entire online gaming community


It's not THAT bad.


I see it as that Simpsons episode with the Fighting Hellfish and their treasure, where Mr. Burns says to Abe Simpson "Can't you go for 30 seconds without embarrassing yourself?" And two seconds later Abe's suspenders give away, dropping his pants, and he asks "How long was that?"


That's basically SWTOR. People expected the suspenders to give way sooner or later. Granted, in this case suspenders shot up and went through the roof while the pants burned a hole through the floor, but that's another story.

Edited by Sabbathius
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Yea, 1.1 is a joke. Forget the fact that lowbies have a safe and relatively fair place to PVP now. Forget the numerous game breaking bugs that were addressed and fixed. Hey, it's pretty funny that I no longer have blue relics that outclassed my PVP relics because they lacked any stats. Oh, I'm also laughing at the fact that not even a full month that the game officially released and it saw it's first content patch. Absolutely hilarious.


Yes, 1.1 had problems with it. Have you never played an MMO before? Have you never experienced patches that broke anything at all? You focus on something it broke while negating EVERYTHING that it fixed/changed for the better.


Yes, I have in fact. I came from Rift. They, too, had their first content patch out a month after release. I don't know where this idea that MMOers want quantity over quality came from... but I'd have been happy to wait another month (and would still be subbed) to get a good patch, not this one.


Likewise, Rift wanted to stay too far ahead and a lot of basic fundamentals got overlooked. Now, the game is not doing well anymore.

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Yes, I have in fact. I came from Rift. They, too, had their first content patch out a month after release. I don't know where this idea that MMOers want quantity over quality came from... but I'd have been happy to wait another month (and would still be subbed) to get a good patch, not this one.


Likewise, Rift wanted to stay too far ahead and a lot of basic fundamentals got overlooked. Now, the game is not doing well anymore.



I had a complete response typed out for this until I re-read your post. If you're unsubbed then all I can say is good luck finding a game that doesn't have bugs or unintended side effects.

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Yea people that post on wow have the best insight to swtor, thats like asking a republican if he thinks Obama is a good president.


Thing is, I've played a lot of MMOs, including an number of F2P-cash-shop in beta. And many of them have been better.


I'm thinking about trying to find my old Fallen Earth account information. Maybe take that up again now that I've got LOTRO burn-out in the worst way and this game is pretty much a dud...

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I had a complete response typed out for this until I re-read your post. If you're unsubbed then all I can say is good luck finding a game that doesn't have bugs or unintended side effects.


Again, it's not the bugs or the unintended side effects... WoW has a game breaking bug or unintended side effect (which in 7 years, I can't think of 1 that was on the scale of 1.1 here), the servers are down so fast it makes your head spin. They fix the issue ASAP and have the game back and running in however long it needs. It gets people angry, but that kind of anger is quickly forgotten when the server goes back up.


Bioware ignored screaming players for 8 hours and if you honestly think they're going to "hunt down" cases of "extreme valor gain", I got a boat to sell you in the Andes. That was pure damage control after 33 pages of people saying: "No rollbacks? Are you out of your minds?" and I promise you, not a single person is getting valor reverted because of this.

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Again, it's not the bugs or the unintended side effects... WoW has a bug or unintended side effect, the servers are down so fast it makes your head spin. They fix the issue ASAP and have the game back and running in however long it needs. It gets people angry, but that kind of anger is quickly forgotten when the server goes back up.


Bioware ignored screaming players for 8 hours and if you honestly think they're going to "hunt down" cases of "extreme valor gain", I got a boat to sell you in the Andes. That was pure damage control after 33 pages of people saying: "No rollbacks? Are you out of your minds?" and I promise you, not a single person is getting valor reverted because of this.


You must be joking about Blizzard taking down servers so fast your head could spin. . . You really just can't be full of that much FUD or be wearing glasses so deeply rose tinted. I mean crap, do you even remember the ZG patch?

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You must be joking about Blizzard taking down servers so fast your head could spin. . . You really just can't be full of that much FUD or be wearing glasses so deeply rose tinted. I mean crap, do you even remember the ZG patch?


Honestly, I don't. And even Google's not helping. Refresh my memory if you like, but I'm pretty sure it was nothing on the scale of what happened today.

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All my answers in yellow.


Alot of crying and crazy instant gratification in your wants and needs.




Oh man I love how your defense is "crying". I mean really? I'm not the one who has rerolled Republic. I'm not one trying his best to save the face of a game that is doing downhill.


It has the same devs as Warhammer and look where that is. The exact same place this game is heading. But I know alot of you "fans" are butt hurt. You claim to hate the PvP crowd aswell but they make or break a game. Look at Rift and AoC. If that isnt enough reasoning for you I really dont know what else would work for you.


I mean look in 6 months no one will really care about TOR anyway. We have Guild Wars 2 coming out with developers that understand the PvP and PvE crowd. Hell we even have the panda expansion for WoW.


You are the one actually crying that people are stating that they are dissatisfied with the game and plan not to return after the 20th. You are the one crying about the balance of factions.


Anyway time to go back farming Republic in Illum.

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Honestly, I don't. And even Google's not helping. Refresh my memory if you like, but I'm pretty sure it was nothing on the scale of what happened today.


The entire game was broken and unplayable for a little under a week's worth of game time. Something I would count on a much larger scale than today. Do you honestly not remember the constant refrains of "give us credit on our accounts for the days the game is unplayable" that have filled the wow forums over the years as various other problems have made the game unplayable?


Just another example. How fast did Blizzard fix that Tol Barad Honor bug? You know, that thing where people could get what most considered unearned honor points for pvp gear. I realize that has no relevance to today's issue, but humour me.


Let's not all lose our rational thinking and give in to the FUD mob running wild here. MMOs have major issues and they generally are not fixed within a 24 hour cycle.

Edited by DoctorWhorrible
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All my answers in yellow.


Alot of crying and crazy instant gratification in your wants and needs.




The hero engine sucks. You obviously don't know what you're talking about.


Many of the things you disagreed with are proven facts and major gripes that have no reasonable explanation for their existence, which is why you don't care to explain your reasoning.

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The entire game was broken and unplayable for a little under a week's worth of game time. Something I would count on a much larger scale than today. Do you honestly not remember the constant refrains of "give us credit on our accounts for the days the game is unplayable" that have filled the wow forums over the years as various other problems have made the game unplayable?


Just another example. How fast did Blizzard fix that Tol Barad Honor bug? You know, that thing where people could get what most considered unearned honor points for pvp gear. I realize that has no relevance to today's issue, but humour me.


Let's not all lose our rational thinking and give in to the FUD mob running wild here. MMOs have major issues and they generally are not fixed within a 24 hour cycle.


Are you talking ZG back in Classic, or the new ZG in Cataclysm. For the life of me, I don't remember this. It also could have been back in college, when I wasn't a raider (if you're referring to Classic).


I will say, someone else brought up the TB bug. The key difference here was that the gear gained from TB was the entry level stuff. You couldn't use honor to buy anything else. The valor gained today by some players allows them access to the best of the best gear, which they will use to flatten anyone who comes after them.


If it was just Centurion stuff that dropped into some folks hands, I wouldn't care. I have half my champion set already.

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SWTOR's PvP is bad... VERY bad. The engine sucks, the balance sucks, the design sucks, the lag sucks... etc..etc. And the Devs have shown they are absolutely clueless about it.



But the storylines are cool, new, and refreshing. So that is enough to keep me subscribing for a while.


I do wish the rest of the game was good though.

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Let's not all lose our rational thinking and give in to the FUD mob running wild here. MMOs have major issues and they generally are not fixed within a 24 hour cycle.


Too late look at the forums.


I honesty am laughing at these drama queens, reminds me of old Nagrand days in TBC.

Edited by Caeliux
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Are you talking ZG back in Classic, or the new ZG in Cataclysm. For the life of me, I don't remember this. It also could have been back in college, when I wasn't a raider (if you're referring to Classic).


I will say, someone else brought up the TB bug. The key difference here was that the gear gained from TB was the entry level stuff. You couldn't use honor to buy anything else. The valor gained today by some players allows them access to the best of the best gear, which they will use to flatten anyone who comes after them.


If it was just Centurion stuff that dropped into some folks hands, I wouldn't care. I have half my champion set already.


ZG in Vanilla.


As for you fears of being flattened. Even if the valor gains are anywhere close to what the FUD is spewing (which is highly suspect), you are not going to be put at any sort of unheard of disadvantage for a pvp system with a gear progression system. Will it suck to be in CHampion gear against someone in Battlemaster? Probably, but it is not going to hurt as bad as newly dinged 50 with no expertise feels when you hit him. It's also only a temporary pain that is commonly associated with gear progression in pvp.


Honestly, I don't even want expertise or gear progression in this game's pvp so I can't really find the motivation to post any more about this (Bolster us all to equal footing and give us cosmetic rewards. It works in MOBAs, no reason it wouldn't work here). I'm just astonished that you think Blizzard ever handled problems (especially in its first year as Bioware is) with any greater alacrity.

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ZG in Vanilla.


As for you fears of being flattened. Even if the valor gains are anywhere close to what the FUD is spewing (which is highly suspect), you are not going to be put at any sort of unheard of disadvantage for a pvp system with a gear progression system. Will it suck to be in CHampion gear against someone in Battlemaster? Probably, but it is not going to hurt as bad as newly dinged 50 with no expertise feels when you hit him. It's also only a temporary pain that is commonly associated with gear progression in pvp.


Honestly, I don't even want expertise or gear progression in this game's pvp so I can't really find the motivation to post any more about this (Bolster us all to equal footing and give us cosmetic rewards. It works in MOBAs, no reason it wouldn't work here). I'm just astonished that you think Blizzard ever handled problems (especially in its first year as Bioware is) with any greater alacrity.


I'm with you on that point, anyway: I'd love gear to be cosmetic in Warzones as well. But, I do understand that current MMORPG progression maintains that gear must play a big role. I only insist that those who whoop my *** because of it have earned the right to do so. I'm anticipating most "Battlemasters" on the Imperial side will not have earned that right.

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Being developed, and actually being launched is far from what you think.


Even beta cannot predict anything, beta tested glitches and bugs.


Maybe it's worse for you, but fact is game is only 29 days old.


I will repeat 29 days old.


It can't even talk yet, still is wearing diapers, hell it sleeps all day.


Wait for this child to grow up a few years and come back and tell me what you think about the growth of SWTOR.


Everything else is nonsense, and utter impatient blabber mouths that want their cake and eat it to.


Are you seriously comparing a MMO game with the Growth of a human being, if you are serious, then probably we need to wait 18 years till its mature and ready for the world.

I guess you want to be the ones that pay for its growth, many are not, cause we are not responsible for its growth. BIOWARE is and they aren't showing that they are going to be good parents, especially with this 1.1 patch. Just like dropping a baby, instead of giving it proper nutrition , BIOWARE is giving it crap.


No one is asking for them to be perfect,

All we are asking is when you see a problem, jump on it, fix it, tell the gamers that they see the problem and they are stopping it from happening.

Regardless of the age of the game, Developers need to show trustworthyness, and waiting for 8 hours, after the fact ( plus tons of live streams of the exploit happening within the first hour of it happening ) and then telling everyone that it was meant to be this way, nothing was wrong, only a small bug, everyone that gotten their valor to battlemaster GOOD JOB, all those republics getting camped IT WAS AS DESIGNED.


Yeah, 29 days old is no excuse.

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