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Unclear Romance Choices


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So my male smuggler (who is gay and NOT interested in women at all) has been avoiding all [FLIRT] options with women like the plague.


Cedonia Teraan, a noble on Alderaan, flirts with you unrelentingly after you retrieve a datapad from her old abode. I naturally avoided every single [FLIRT] option with her, as my smuggler is in no way interested in a liason with her.


Then, she invites my smuggler to dinner. Not wishing to offend an Alderaanian noble, I accept the offer but NOT the [FLIRT] option (in retrospect, the third option wasn't even a very clear NO). Then before I realize what happened and escape out, we fade to black, then she's asking me to be discreet about our rendezvous. I sat there for a few minutes in confusion pondering her statements.


For the sake of role play and decision making, why would BW give players conversations whose outcomes are equal (romancing an NPC) with two DIFFERENT conversation choices, one of which is NOT a [FLIRT] option? My smuggler had been avoiding her advances the entire time, not flirting once, and one non-flirt decision caused a fade-to-black liason?


I feel like Cedonia Teraan drugged me during dinner then forced herself on me.


Joking aside, I do feel BW needs to avoid misleading players who actually wish to role play a bit with their characters. Given that the conversation choices we select are paraphrases of our verbal answers, AND that SGRA options for our characters will be included at a later date, I feel my smuggler has an unintentional "stain" on his past (no pun intended) that he never would have committed had the conversation choices been more clear -- or at least, only conversation choices that include [FLIRT] end in rendezvous. I mean, imagine how the anti-SGRA crowd would react had their characters been "tricked" into a same gender fade-to-black. And yes, that is how I feel, that my character was tricked into having sex with some extremely forward noble harlot.


TL;DR: Make conversation choices clearer in the context of pursuing relationships. Make only conversation choices that begin with [FLIRT] end in sexual liasons.

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I think you have a very valid point, but I like to play a character that flirts (probably more than they should) this dos not mean they want to jump in the sack with just anyone. Indeed just because I smile at some one over dinner and maybe wink does not mean I expect to wake up with them.

I would prefer a denial option (whoa buddy I am just not into you like that). Once you hit the point of getting serous it would be nice to be able to so NO.

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I think you have a very valid point, but I like to play a character that flirts (probably more than they should) this dos not mean they want to jump in the sack with just anyone. Indeed just because I smile at some one over dinner and maybe wink does not mean I expect to wake up with them.

I would prefer a denial option (whoa buddy I am just not into you like that). Once you hit the point of getting serous it would be nice to be able to so NO.


Teraphin, I would agree with you as well. My point was more that ONLY conversation choices that begin with [FLIRT] should end in liasons, but not necessarily ALL [FLIRT] choices should. At the very least, any option that does NOT begin with [FLIRT] should be platonic in nature.

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Oh yes, that is a problem that many BioWare games have.

As example there are only three ways to turn down Ashley in ME1, one is a very unclear early dialog choice, one is Virmire and the last having sex with Liara. Or Jack in ME2, who somehow practically always believes that you are engaged if you are even just slightly friendly to her. Or Anders in DA2, though in that case you turn him down with a clearly marked dialog option and afterwards still become best friends with him.


Generally it is best to always have one finger hovering above the esc key in any dialog in this game since some of the dialog does not really match the paragraphs you can choose.

Edited by Wittand
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Generally it is best to always have one finger hovering above the esc key in any dialog in this game since some of the dialog does not really match the paragraphs you can choose.


This is a situation where the dialogue wheel from DAII with the pictures could have come in handy, that gave a bit more context to the one word choices.

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Teraphin, I would agree with you as well. My point was more that ONLY conversation choices that begin with [FLIRT] should end in liasons, but not necessarily ALL [FLIRT] choices should. At the very least, any option that does NOT begin with [FLIRT] should be platonic in nature.


I had this happen on my Smuggler also (maybe there's a trend). At the end of one of the questlines (Don't remember which exactly, whichever one had the protocol droid Sixer), you're given three options for how to deal with the questgiver. One is a very clear [Flirt] that leads to a fade-to-black get together, one is a clear [in your dreams buddy] type thing, and the other seemed neutral, but ended in the same fade-to-black as the [Flirt]. I was kind of miffed about the whole thing.

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The dialog wheel itself is a flawed system. A two or three word phrase can't possibly accurately reflect the entirety of what your character will say or do if you pick that option, not every time.


I'm not sure why BioWare loves their wheel so much, but I've always preferred the list of options, from KOTOR, Dragon Age: Origins, and games like Fallout and Bloodlines, which of course aren't made by BioWare.



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Generally it is best to always have one finger hovering above the esc key in any dialog in this game since some of the dialog does not really match the paragraphs you can choose.


EDIT: Double post.

Edited by ahrimahn
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