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How to fix PVP: Remove Expertise


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Hey BioWare, IMO myself and a quite a bit of friends, all level 50, agree that the best way to fix this problem is to get rid of expertise completely.


The only reason why the game is so "broken" in terms of PVP right now, and you probably already know, is because a huge majority of Sith hit 50 way before the republic and have farmed republic since then. They have a huge advantage with expertise to a point where republic just can't keep up. Whoever got the expertise first acheived the momentum to keep the lead. They keep winning becauase of their gear, and keep getting better gear, leaving the republic in the dust.


Now, if you remove expertise, what happens? EVERYONE will be balanced, the game will be changed from nubs owning because of gear to nubs eventually owning by become better players. PVP will be a game based on skill and strategy.


Look at the lower brackets without 50s, its an even game. Republic and Sith have even chances to win. Some friends who aren't 50 love the pvp now that they don't have to play against OP expertise farmed fatties.


If you don't want to remove expertise, atleast lower its arrogantly gigantic advantage over players who don't have it. Its not fair for us players, who started the game late, to lose to someone else who isn't better than us. MORE GEARED YES, but better? I say not.

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While I agree with removing Expertise, stop and think, what would people do then?


I mean, currently they're grinding valor and commendations like good little hamsters in the wheel. And forking over $15/mo while doing it. Take away Expertise, and what incentive is there to farm PvP gear? Because let's face it, fun goes out of PvP rather quickly when it's 24/7 Huttball for majority of the game's population.


At this stage, they NEED people grinding away at the wheel, so they have time to patch things up and add some more content to keep people quitting from boredom.

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I honestly didn't like the idea when my friend presented it, but the more I thought about it, the more true it became to me. Expertise makes people love pvp, but they only love it because of the imbalance that the stat makes them.


keyword: imbalance

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While I agree with removing Expertise, stop and think, what would people do then?


I mean, currently they're grinding valor and commendations like good little hamsters in the wheel. And forking over $15/mo while doing it. Take away Expertise, and what incentive is there to farm PvP gear? Because let's face it, fun goes out of PvP rather quickly when it's 24/7 Huttball for majority of the game's population.


At this stage, they NEED people grinding away at the wheel, so they have time to patch things up and add some more content to keep people quitting from boredom.


People could, I don't know, simply enjoy PvP for the enjoyment of PvP??? If the only reason you play a game is to grind, there are plenty of Korean MMOs with epic grinding.


I wish I could stop gaining exp at 49. I have no wish whatsoever to reach 50 and have to grind gear while getting steamrolled by all the battlemasters in full expertise gear. PvP is actually fun again and now I'm dreading reaching 50 (currently lvl 48.8). I have never reached max level in any MMO before and now that I am nearing it I don't even want it. So now I can look forward to being completely useless in matches and having longer queues, all for some stupid stat that makes no sense unless ALL levels have access to it.


Expertise literally exist for no other reason than to make lvl 50 it's own bracket. How F'd up is that?

Edited by Dayshadow
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People could, I don't know, simply enjoy PvP for the enjoyment of PvP??? If the only reason you play a game is to grind, there are plenty of Korean MMOs with epic grinding.


I wish I could stop gaining exp at 49. I have no wish whatsoever to reach 50 and have to grind gear while getting steamrolled by all the battlemasters in full expertise gear. PvP is actually fun again and now I'm dreading reaching 50 (currently lvl 48.8). I have never reached max level in any MMO before and now that I am nearing it I don't even want it. So now I can look forward to being completely useless in matches and having longer queues, all for some stupid stat that makes no sense unless ALL levels have access to it.


Expertise literally exist for no other reason than to make lvl 50 it's own bracket. How F'd up is that?


It breaks PVP, the same way resilience broke PVP in WoW. Atleast in WoW, there were better ways to get resilience. Here, you have to win against growingly impossible odds.


How broken.

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Screw what people would think and make a solid game design decision instead. Stop trying to put a damn stat carrot to chase in PvP.


Add in additional rewards but do not allow them to give an advantage. Its the root of the problem. Give them titles, mounts, pets, hairstyles, armor skins, WHATEVER. But stop pumping steroids into the powerlevelers and letting them force others to go through what they themselves never had to endure.


Its BS. I hear all the whining about, I "earned" my BM and now everyone is getting one! waaaaa. No, the real gripe is the lopsided PVP this and previous game design decisions created.


I agree with the OP. level the damn playing field and most of this will go away.

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raiding gear, pvp gear, as long as they have the same item rank, players will be just as geared. So no, raiders will not steam roll us. However, if theyre good enough to get high lvl epics in raiding, they should be good enough to beat players in PVP. Against, it becomes a matter of skill.


In the same way, PVP players will be able to do ops with their gear, makes the game more well rounded, and most importantly, balanced.

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It breaks PVP, the same way resilience broke PVP in WoW. Atleast in WoW, there were better ways to get resilience. Here, you have to win against growingly impossible odds.


How broken.


Resilience didn't break WoW, in fact it did more to fix PvP than any other change they made except for maybe making it much easier to obtain PvP gear.


Before Resilience, Raiders steamrolled non-raiders due to the gear disparity, Resilience lowered that disparity.

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Yes remove Expertise so I can face roll raids for easy lootz then pwn ungeared noobs with pve gear.


Expertise is fine, balanced, and required to balance the difference between pvp and pve loot.


A gear advantage will always exist, removing on particular stat will not change that.

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It does seem entirely illogical to implement an artificial gap in player performance that serves no purpose what so ever.


PvP players that feel they must be rewarded through playing PvP could have unique cosmetic armors (already do) and other fluff and flair, above and beyond actually enjoying the PvP fights.


If you only play PvP for the gear grind, it really is just pointless and it should never be the intention or deliberate design to create such a feature/game call it what you want.

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Yes remove Expertise so I can face roll raids for easy lootz then pwn ungeared noobs with pve gear.


Expertise is fine, balanced, and required to balance the difference between pvp and pve loot.


A gear advantage will always exist, removing on particular stat will not change that.


This one gets thrown around a lot. But the differences between top end PvP and PvE gear simply aren't enough to warrant having Expertise in the game.


The logical solution to address that issue, would be to re-balance the item sets accordingly, so that they match up better, should there be any larger disparities.

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This sounds like a really good idea.


Sure you think its not broken if you are the ones taking advantage of the situation, but its only one stat, non existent through out the entire game until lvl 50 pvp grinding (which is unbalanced due to a certain situation). Removing one stat from gear acquired from a developers oversight in order to restore balance (meaning both sides have equal chances of success based on teamwork during pvp) seems very reasonable at this point in time.


If you believe removing the expertise stat is unfair because you already got your pvp gear, Its only one stat removed from the top gear in the game and no one else will have it either. The other stats should be plenty to give you an edge over less geared opponents.

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It's real simple, make 2 sets of end game gear for each class/spec. They look completely different, but still ******, and one you get from raiding the top tier raid-boss, the other you get from PvP grinding. Here's the kicker THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME STATS...how hard was that?
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Yes remove Expertise so I can face roll raids for easy lootz then pwn ungeared noobs with pve gear.


Expertise is fine, balanced, and required to balance the difference between pvp and pve loot.


A gear advantage will always exist, removing on particular stat will not change that.


Just make equal tiers of gear have the same item value. Maybe make Pvp gear a little heavier on endurance.


Raiding and pvping should result in giving you tokens, which can then be used to purchase an item you actually want. Make the amount of pvping per item consistent with the amount of time it takes while raiding to get an item. So, neither player type gets geared faster.


I was there in vanilla wow, when raiders owned all Pvp. Im not looking to see that again either. Just make the gear similar, and take the same amount of time to get.

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Just make equal tiers of gear have the same item value. Maybe make Pvp gear a little heavier on endurance.


Raiding and pvping should result in giving you tokens, which can then be used to purchase an item you actually want. Make the amount of pvping per item consistent with the amount of time it takes while raiding to get an item. So, neither player type gets geared faster.


I was there in vanilla wow, when raiders owned all Pvp. Im not looking to see that again either. Just make the gear similar, and take the same amount of time to get.


like this

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Just make equal tiers of gear have the same item value. Maybe make Pvp gear a little heavier on endurance.


Raiding and pvping should result in giving you tokens, which can then be used to purchase an item you actually want. Make the amount of pvping per item consistent with the amount of time it takes while raiding to get an item. So, neither player type gets geared faster.


I was there in vanilla wow, when raiders owned all Pvp. Im not looking to see that again either. Just make the gear similar, and take the same amount of time to get.


Pvp gear should be stat'd with more endurance and less of the dmg stats, so fights last longer. Also, the items will be less desirable for raiders.


Another thing you could do is: make the item set bonuses aimed towards either Pvp or pve, instead of geared towards buffing skills. Or, make the set bonuses only activate if attacking the correct type of target. For a trooper or bounty hunter for example: they have a set bonus that makes rail shot or HIB have an additional 15% chance to critical, make that only against players or mobs depending on the set.

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Yes remove Expertise so I can face roll raids for easy lootz then pwn ungeared noobs with pve gear.


Expertise is fine, balanced, and required to balance the difference between pvp and pve loot.


A gear advantage will always exist, removing on particular stat will not change that.


All the PvE gear in the world isn't going to make you invincible in this game. Never played Wow, but this isn't that game. I could beat lvl 49s in high 40s armor when I was 40, sporting lvl 33 armor (lvl'd past PvE content). Raiders won't be steamrolling anyone in TOR. Expertise has no purpose in this game. The only way it would makes sense is if ALL PvP armor at ALL levels had it. That way the PvP gears could have inferior PvE stats, but still perfrom better in PvP. That was the intent and I believe that's how it was in beta. ALL levels had PvP expertise gear. Then at the end of beta they should reoved it and made it 50 only.


But if only lvl 50 has it, it has no purpose other than to create the 50 bracket and carrot on a stick for the hardcore. Most people I PvP with just want to have fun competing against other players. I actually enjoy PvP for what it is. Not grinding. I love the 1-49 bracket and I'm dreading the 50 bracket as it's going to absolutely ruin PvP for me. It's really messed up because now I have to start a new character just to enjoy PvP. I should not enjoy PvP more at level 13 than lvl 50. This game is completely absurd.

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All the PvE gear in the world isn't going to make you invincible in this game. Never played Wow, but this isn't that game. I could beat lvl 49s in high 40s armor when I was 40, sporting lvl 33 armor (lvl'd past PvE content). Raiders won't be steamrolling anyone in TOR. Expertise has no purpose in this game. The only way it would makes sense is if ALL PvP armor at ALL levels had it. That way the PvP gears could have inferior PvE stats, but still perfrom better in PvP. That was the intent and I believe that's how it was in beta. ALL levels had PvP expertise gear. Then at the end of beta they should reoved it and made it 50 only.


But if only lvl 50 has it, it has no purpose other than to create the 50 bracket and carrot on a stick for the hardcore. Most people I PvP with just want to have fun competing against other players. I actually enjoy PvP for what it is. Not grinding. I love the 1-49 bracket and I'm dreading the 50 bracket as it's going to absolutely ruin PvP for me. It's really messed up because now I have to start a new character just to enjoy PvP. I should not enjoy PvP more at level 13 than lvl 50. This game is completely absurd.


I agree. I mean ultimately, the problem with PVP isn't the 70/30 ratio on most servers since battlegrounds have a fixed player size, its the fact that the gear advantage that those who have been 50 longer have over the new 50s, and no way to turn it around except for those high valor level 50s to stop playing.


If that doesn't scream broken all over than I don't know what does.


FIX THE GEAR, whether it be removing/modifying expertise, changing the set bonuses, or changing the endurance amount per PVP set, whatever! Its BROKEN, plain and simple.

Edited by scarletrex
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Just add a stat-cap when your flagged for PVP. Regardless of how good your gear is, once that flag goes on, your stats hit a hard ceiling and now the field is level.


No more expertise, no more worrying about raiders ruling the roost. More competitive and fun pvp.


Then focus on providing fun and awesome rewards for participating while not giving an advantage.

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So instead of getting owned by players who pvp'd to get their gear you want to instead be steamrolled by raiders?


Sounds fine to me.


This is the biggest issue with this idea of removing expertise. If you remove expertise then let the pvp'ers farm for raid gear then. But that cant happen cause then there would be a flood of tears drowning players....SMH

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Yup. Started my own thread on this but it got buried in the vortex.


It's the simplest, cleanest thing. The main obstacle now is probably that this would require Bioware to admit they screwed up.


While I agree with removing Expertise, stop and think, what would people do then?
Have fun.
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