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Whats up with the SWTOR splash screen happening constently


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I've had this problem today too. And not just on the fleet. A couple times I QT'd back to one of the flight paths on Taris and had this splash screen show up immediately after the ability finished casting.


Haven't done enough moving around to different worlds to see if it's a problem anywhere else. Honestly with all the problems they are having they should just revert to 1.0 and try again.

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like being able to abandon quests :) half my quest log are grey quests I can't abandon.


And being able to use emotes on speeders


We have a Public test server, which I thought was for testing these worthless patches before release but apparantly not.


If only BW had spared a few million from storyline to spend on a decent QA team

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It's your own fault, somehow, OP. I don't know how, but I'm entirely certain that somehow it's your fault. You're doing it wrong.



Get a new computer and don't break it this time.

Everyone knows at this point it is the answer to all swtor problems..


Thanks forums.

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And being able to use emotes on speeders


We have a Public test server, which I thought was for testing these worthless patches before release but apparantly not.


If only BW had spared a few million from storyline to spend on a decent QA team


I think it has more to do with them not paying attention to their playtesters than anything else.


There were a number of threads complaining about the Ilum issues before this patch went live, and they decided to release it anyway.

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if only things were tested before being released to the masses :eek:


Yeah I don't know if this issue could have been tested thoroughly since it seems to involve people spawning near you (or being drawn not sure) and requires more people around than on the test server. Not a big tester myself I'm sure others understand more than me.

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always run in windowed mode and never had a problem with fps untill today.


And like i said i tried running it in every possible way you can high settings windowed,low settings window and the same in full nothing helps or changes it.



By the way we all running ATI cards? i have HD5770 1gb. runs everything else on high np (and tor untill today)

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  • 3 weeks later...

full screen, splash screen on nearly every teleport \ shuttle drop off. VERY annoying. Radeon HD 5700 series. Updating drivers now just to test.


Deleted temp files in proflile appdata and it seems to happen more now.


Only happening hardcore since the last patch.

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Since the patch every time I'm in fleet every 30 seconds the SWTOR splash screen keeps popping up, staying on for a few seconds, then going away. Before the patch this never happened and it's driving me crazy :mad: I couldn't find a topic on it so wanted to know if everyone was experiencing it




It's extra immersion.


Loading screens, nothing is better for immersion (apparently). :D

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New drivers Failed to fix this problem.


Tried all combinations of full screen \ windowed. nothing. still got the screen.

tried changing the LoadingScreen.jpg to a smaller file, and that one got stuck instead.


Renamed the LoadingScreen.jpg to something else, ignored the errors and BAM, fixed.


now I can see a black screen and all the redrawing. game is playable again!!


EDIT: Drawing DOES complete rather quickly, game is very playable while this happens.

I definatly prefer this to a loading screen till everything is loaded. (up to 10 minutes or never for some stupid reason.)



Edited by fernargen
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