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1-49 Warzones are AMAZING now


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They're great, unless you're on a low population server.. Then the 50's get really screwed over.


They are screwed if you are on low populated server.

I see bit longer queues on my, but difference isn't anything I would care about.


But instead the lvl 50 bracket is AMAZINGLY FUN now!


I don't recall last time in any MMO when I got as much fun in PvP as I got in warzones yesterday.


Brackets where probably the best decision bioware made since the release! :D

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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I think 2 levels for some random Imp is worth the overall success of 10-49 bracket. Can't please everyone with every change. At least this change did profit the (still leveling) majority.


By slowing them down? It takes longer for me to que than it did prepatch. Yet I spent a great deal of time in Warzones as it was my preferred choice for leveling. If I was to level a toon now in the same manner, it would take longer based on the longer que times.

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They are still horribly messed up due to the fact, you get stuck with level 12 scrubs and the whole other team has level 40+s... its still broke, they just fixed one of the main issues.


Hah! Cracked 210k damage at level 12, highest damage in that warfront. I pooped on loads of 40s :). Low levels are not necessarily scrubs. Bolster is a brilliant mechanic.

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By slowing them down? It takes longer for me to que than it did prepatch. Yet I spent a great deal of time in Warzones as it was my preferred choice for leveling. If I was to level a toon now in the same manner, it would take longer based on the longer que times.


See ... it balances out. Before patch it took me longer to level, because every warzone was plagued with lvl 50 emps in champion gear and xp for losing 4 out of 5 warzones is not that great. Now when I win 3 out of 5 warzones I level faster.


Your loss is my gain, tu.

Edited by Repefe
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I really enjoyed pre-50 WZ last night and as a Repub I was getting near instant queues. At one point in the night I decided to stop because I was afraid I would be doing grey class quests. I still got rolled by a premade in Huttball and rolled when I was matched with a premade but outside of that most matches were competitive.
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They are still horribly messed up due to the fact, you get stuck with level 12 scrubs and the whole other team has level 40+s... its still broke, they just fixed one of the main issues.


lol your funny, seen lvl 12 commandos do 200k damage vs lvl 40ish peeps. It's all how you play. Were all people and some are downers that like to back peddle mouse click and use stock key binds.....GDAY

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amongst all the - justified imo - QQ I just have to say it - lowbie warzones are amazingly fun now.



It will leave a sour taste in the mouth of many having witnessed the travesty of allowing the most dedicated players,those who rushed to 50 first, to farm lowbies in premades all day long, no doubt.

Especially since the number of 50's really rose to levels that destroyed pretty much every single warzone within the last week or two for players playing lowbie alts or just taking their time.

But at least now we have functional PvP pre 50.


So screw-ups aside. Good job Bioware!


Agree tho i do miss solo'ing a 50 when i was 35 on my alt lol!

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They are still horribly messed up due to the fact, you get stuck with level 12 scrubs and the whole other team has level 40+s... its still broke, they just fixed one of the main issues.

So they are scrubs because they are lvl 12 ? Also SCRUBS ? Really ?


Scrub(s) or Scrubber(s) may refer to:


  1. Scrub, low shrub and grass characteristic of scrubland
  2. Scrubs (clothing), worn by medical staff
  3. Scrubs (TV series), an American television program
  4. Scrubs (occupation), also called "scrub tech," "scrub nurse," or "surgical technologist"
  5. Scrub baseball, also known as "scrub" or "scrubs", an informal game of baseball without teams
  6. Scrubber, an industrial pollution control device usually installed on chimneys or air exhaust systems
  7. Scrubbers, a 1983 film directed by Mai Zetterling


So which ones are they ? Next time count to 10 and think before spilling out what ever comes to that thick head of yours .

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very low queue times and these are extremely fun. It is amazing that almost entire groups on both sides do not know how to pass the huttball though...lol. I ditched my lvl 50 empire to reroll republic, and now I am 36 and considering only doing pvp to lvl 50 these are so much fun. played 15 games in a row and won them all as republic and every single one went down to the last minute. Add 3 peoplewho know how to play these and it makes a huge difference. Interestingly enough, I did not get one voidstar.
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Warhammer online, Rift, Age of Conan, Aion. those are the most recent games I remember that released with instanced PvP right at launch. All of them bracketed. All of them worked. Why was SWTOR different?


Warhammer and Rift had cross server battlegrounds, that's why. To my knowledge, Aion doesn't have an equivalent version of instanced PvP. I couldn't find any information on whether AoC was cross server as well.


Regardless, even if none of these games had cross server WZs (and it bears repeating that this is a huge thing to consider - something you clearly haven't), the games themselves were much smaller in terms of subscribers. That meant less servers, so the player base wasn't so spread out which also would alleviate queue times.



That's what happens when you rush to the highest level.

That's what happened in other games and people had to deal with it. You say it yourself, there were only very few 50's, so only a minuscule amount of people would have had to find something else to do in the game for a few days until the rest could catch up.

However the PvP experience was destroyed for a much bigger amount of people.


Destroyed? Really? 1-2 weeks max of sub-optimal PvP and your entire experience was destroyed. To me, that suggests impatience and immaturity rather than an objectively existent problem. Personally, I enjoyed PvP on all of my characters while leveling over the past few weeks. It obviously got harder to play in the past week or so, but it was still fun and I could still contribute.


I really doubt we will see something like this any time soon in a game again. We didn't really see it before and for a reason...it really is not a good idea at all.

I understand you feel differently about it since you were one of those "early" 50's apparently, but that is pretty much the only argument I ever saw from people "it serves me well so it is good, **** the majority that is still leveling and getting majorly trolled when they join a WZ now"


It's not just the matter of me being 50, it's a matter for anybody that levels. Everybody benefited - not just the speed levelers. I guarantee you that the same people that complain about WZ imbalance would have been complaining about queue times had the 1-50 bracket had not been implemented. Some people have to complain about something. When I consider that with the completely inappropriate way in which they went about it, you can see why I might not be sympathetic to their concerns.

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WZ were fun last night !! (sub 50)


Wait times for zones was not too long (in some cases had invites immediately after finishing a WZ)

win VS loss ratio was balanced.

Very close matches most times


So far I am happy with this change!

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Well done Bioware.


WZ's are a lot more fun again, as they were in the first week.


Everyone now levels 10-49 can play an important part of any battle.


Ive not noticed any difference in Q times. Legions of Lettow server, rolling as republic.



Edited by Efir
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This change is definitely a good thing.


I recorded queue wait times BEFORE patch 1.1 (I got 50 data points, *excluding* "instant" WZs when someone quits and you get an instapop invite) and the average wait was just over 6 minutes.


So far, I have only recorded 10 wait times since 1.1 (also excluding instapops), but the queue wait times haven't gone up very much on average, now around 10 minutes or so (but only 10 data points, so its apples to oranges until I get at least 40 more data points).


Its definitely fun stomping the Imps. I knew they all sucked (on my server), but the level 50s rolling us over hid that fact. Now that there are no 50s to carry them, they are losing just about every match I play. I went from dozens of deaths per WZ, to 0 (multiple "Invincibles","Indestructibles", etc.) and dominating them.


The only problem left in WZs is the bots and/or AFKers. WZ leaders need the ability to /kick.

Edited by Zaodon
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Open world pvp on a game that is imbalanced will always be an issue. The fact that it can be exploited by base camping is so obvious that anyone who didn't forsee it should probably not be making the decisions on pvp.


The warzones where more fun, although, I enjoyed them before. They probably need 48-50 to help out the 50's get more matches.


Now something needs to be done about the lightning/dirtthrowing effect creating lag and the stealth unbreakable chain dps attack of operatives.


So far this patch has created significant UI issues for me. The cool downs of the specials is awful. The UI now locks to mouse clicks in almost every combat scenerio where I try and use keys and mouse to get off specials.


The animation lag got worse not better. I am not even sure things are going off. The UI doesn't keep up at all. So it fixed 1 issue and created about 3 bugs for me.


The UI needs to be fixed. The special animation needs to be fixed. The stupidity of having alacrity and then forcing you to wait for an animation to finish start is beyond my understanding. The entire notion of instant cast things having to waiting for animations to start/stop is crazy. Its a hidden cast time.


They need to fix the UI and specials. Worrying about Ilum pvp being more engaging? What was that anyways? That was 2% of the playerbase whining.


So they tried to fix it only to create sploiter heaven.


Very dissappointed. Although Alderaan was fun last night. Got some ganking in while all the 50's where off grinding expertise.

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