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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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On top of all the other issues with being a republic pvper against completely unbalanced imperial populations this is the final straw.


Bioware have made repeated clueless decisions in pvp design to the point that I have no faith that they have the capability to fix pvp in this game.


I'm off to GW2 - have fun playing Imp v Imp Huttball :p

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Gotta love how you idiots are getting **** on by Bioware. You're insane to think this game is even slightly good.


As always , you forget one simple point. different taste in game and differents perspective can lead one to a different conclusion, but that does not mean one is more sane than the others.


Your taste differs, I think the game is good, and my opinion only, better than others I played. That does not make me insane, that makes me having different kind of expectation that yours. That does not make you insane either.


Just trying to help you get perspective on this.

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Honestly I have mixed feelings about the roll-back. I mean if some people want to exploit this then fine but I won't let it ruin the game for me. It may take me awhile still to get to 60 valor but I won't quit over it. It is just a game...not your life. If you can't put on your big girl panties then so be it.


And when you spend 400 additional hours leveling Valor because the Imperials are constantly murdering you you might actually start to feel differently.


No one is feeling the effects right now but everyone is going to start feeling them in the level 50 WZ's within the next 24/48 hours.


If you think people are pissed now they are going to be pissed a lot more after they remember BioWare refused to fix the problem.

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And the reason? Anybody who farmed could get their daily/weekly donefor Ilum after farming to 60. This results in BM 2 bags. Then, they can do WZ's; the daily/weekly will also give the bags. That's 4. The lucky ones can get 3-4 tokens. This allows them to choose what they want. With 3, they buy their weapon while I level my valor legitimately and get my 7th Helmet token. I still have no main hand token.


They got their valor to tier 3 and got to choose their weapon.


Seems legit. :rolleyes:


6 pair of boots and 6 helmets, still no main hand, pants, chest and missing a implant

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NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen]


Simply wrong and i don#t even need to search long, first link to "mmo rollback" in google:




Aion Server Suffers Fourteen Hour Rollback


NCsoft, developer of Aion, have recently had to perform a nearly fourteen hour rollback on live server Azphel last weekend after a reward glitch distributed over thirty trillion kinah to players on that server.



Do i win a cookie :D.

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its called log out and go outside and get some exercise. its a game people! if your going to quit over a mistake, not an exploit, not a cheat, a mistake then dont let the door hit you in the behind. bw didnt see the potential for what was going to happen and it was to late to do anything about it. and if bw really wanted to they could have shut ilum down. and to anyone who kept logging in to get spawn killed thats their fault. i logged in got my butt handed to me tried to play for a bit then went to a diff char. if the players who kept coming back for more kept coming back then either they got valor or was having fun dying. i know it cost me over a 100,000 credits in repair bills but it was my own fault. no one forced me to keep going back for more i did it cause i had fun. thats why i pay for the game and the sub to have fun. so stop your qq and go have fun or play a different game. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BIOWARE!!!! :)
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Seriously people... They have adressed the issue, formed a solid response and explained how they are going to fix the issue.


NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen.



Eve, World of Warcraft, Aion, Warhammer...and the list can continue with the games that did rollback.

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Yeah, at this point its, lose all your republic players, or lose only those 50 imps that exploited.


In my opinion the IMP side could use a little trimming for server balance...



Only 50? Man, my ability to count masses of people must be waning. Punishing 50 per server would only catch only the most egregious of offenders. I'm sure there are tons of people who would otherwise be honest players that simply followed along. Sucks for them--sucks worse for us.



The beatings will continue until morale improves!

That seems to be BioWare's stance at this hour.


Surely they know that Republic players are the one playerbase within this community they simply cannot afford to piss off.

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Not good enough. I would like to know HOW they're planning to fix the mess that is Patch 1.1. Oh wait, another you gotta wait till the servers are back up, hopefully we got it right this time-moment. Given their track record I wouldn't be surprised if they mess up things even more.


Communication is the key to any successful MMO. Somehow I don't think BW know the meaning of the word.


Coming to you tonight: Patch 1.1 *hotfixed* - We broke things even more!

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why would they roll back, no valor was farmed unless there was someone to farm. To continue allowing yourself be killed for valor and then cry roll back is silly.


You obviously need to spend more time reading about what actually happened.


Thousands of Imperials camped the SPAWN AREAS so people got stuck in the Spawn Areas for 8+ hours.


The only way to leave the area was to queue for a WZ and then go AFK so it would boot you back to the Fleet but BioWare threatened to ban anyone that did it and thus people got stuck in Illum for 8+ hours and couldn't leave the area.


They didn't sit there and get killed because they enjoyed it... They did it because BioWare threatened to ban them if they didn't.

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its called log out and go outside and get some exercise. its a game people! if your going to quit over a mistake, not an exploit, not a cheat, a mistake then dont let the door hit you in the behind. bw didnt see the potential for what was going to happen and it was to late to do anything about it. and if bw really wanted to they could have shut ilum down. and to anyone who kept logging in to get spawn killed thats their fault. i logged in got my butt handed to me tried to play for a bit then went to a diff char. if the players who kept coming back for more kept coming back then either they got valor or was having fun dying. i know it cost me over a 100,000 credits in repair bills but it was my own fault. no one forced me to keep going back for more i did it cause i had fun. thats why i pay for the game and the sub to have fun. so stop your qq and go have fun or play a different game. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BIOWARE!!!! :)


You must be kidding, right?

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Only 50? Man, my ability to count masses of people must be waning. Punishing 50 per server would only catch only the most egregious of offenders. I'm sure there are tons of people who would otherwise be honest players that simply followed along. Sucks for them--sucks worse for us.



The beatings will continue until morale improves!

That seems to be BioWare's stance at this hour.


Surely they know that Republic players are the one playerbase within this community they simply cannot afford to piss off.


I think he meant level 50's

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6 pair of boots and 6 helmets, still no main hand, pants, chest and missing a implant


And now all the people who exploited this get to choose what they get. I had a stretch of over 30 bags with nothing in them and now they get to choose what they get.


Still no chestpiece, boots, main-hand, 1 implant, and bracers.


Its harder to gear leading up to battlemaster than it is when you are ACTUALLY a battlemaster now. The flood of new battlemasters because of this exploit is only making the gear gap widen.


This only makes this patch hit harder, and increases the need for the patch to be addressed.

Edited by Toochbag
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You're just posting something you've got no idea about now.


You're just assuming (and trolling) a defensive position offending my... knowledge... about something... What?


You've ignored the part where we had a 5 hour battle with republic of even numbers out side of their base... good job.


The 5 hours slideshow that ended up with 100-200 more BMs you mean?


You've ignored the part where it didn't even happen on all servers... good job.


Even if it happens on one it will be a problem and it's not one only...


You've ignored the part where I'm not battlemaster or anywhere near... good job.


Like i said - slow. Which doesn't mean anything. Doesn't mean that others didn't abuse this exploit beyond limits.


You instead just made stuff up as most republic are doing right now, such as a couple of hours to get to 60, me being battlemaster, or me being afraid to lose my hard earned valour which you put in quotation marks as if I'm lying about the fact that we had a great battle with equal numbers and shouldn't be punished just because YOUR server doesn't have a lot of Republic players.


We had battles. In fact a lot of battles. My server wasn't that badly affected tbh. Then again i'm not a narrow-minded selfish pric* to care only about my little corner of the world and ignore and deny (?!?) a serious and obvious problem just because you assume it doesn't exist on your server.


So I ask you again, why should everybody be punished for something that happened on a few servers but not all?


Because they are already punished. A lot of illegitimate BMs were created "artificially" because the game allowed to be exploited. Thus creating a huge gap between factions. And creating an inflation of Tier 3 PvP gear on most of the servers due to the high numbers of BMs and the increased number of BM bags that hundreds of ppl will start to open today, flooding that gear into one faction and creating even bigger gap between already imbalanced 2 faction game. But don't bother to even try and comprehend how huge amount of unfairly generated valor can affect factions, guilds, servers etc., you're thinking too small and selfish to even begin to understand the negative effects of that on a global scale.

Edited by Drakaris
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Unsubscribed before i was charged today, the game had a few faults but no major complaints that made me want to stop playing, it is Star Wars after all!


However, i dont see the point in spending alota time working on something other players have just been handed for next to no effort at all, regardless of what side they are on rep/imps, its not right, period!


I really do hope a reasonable solution is reached as this game did have alot of potential but until then, Adios BW was fun.

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I dont understand this.

What was the beta phase for? Really like to know

Couldnt u just check a 40 vs 5 fight for performance issues?



Also, in Hutball, you implement the system of dying at the enemy spawn point, even though there is a freaking wall so u cant get to the spawn point anyhow, so that all tanks can just instagib the ball carrier, but at the pvp world itself u dont manage to do that.

Maybe the programmers just mixed up the words HUTBALL and ILUM while programming.

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