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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I am partially repeating my from posted earlier but I am trying to get my message across. People did not go from valor 50-60. More like 50-55. And that really depends on the server. A 24hr valor buff to reps would be the easiest fix. This was not a game breaking patch but people with bad information or just trying to troll made it seems this way


Wrong even on the losing side taking a hammering I got 30k valour in about 2 hours, the siths would have gotten 5/10 times that!!


And all I was doing along with other rep was defend our base.

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deeply saddened by whats happened with ilum.


I personally think that someone elses suggesstion earlier wasn't bad. Remove the daily/weekly quests for ilum and replace them with 2 warzone daily/weekly ones (such as do 250k dmg/healing or 40k protection in a single warzone daily and 4-5 times that figure combined over numerous wz's for weekly) that would at least be a fix to the currect situation as atm ilum pointless to go to for a republic player at present.


disappointed with no rollback either, read someone else in another thread went from valor 1-17 in a tiny amount of time with a lvl19... sure he might be punished but that still shows the problem and alot of players who did not exploit got massive valor boosts today because of this broken patch.


I really hope smth is done, I am now on skype with 2 guildies (was just 1 earlier, our gm) talking to them about quitting and we really liked this game up till the patch :/


Well then I hope people will treat you more kindly in life when you make a mistake and not just outright give up on you. World could do with less hysteria and more tolerance. Btw it's completely reasonable to expect them to fix problems with a snap of the finger. Because the world works like that.

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OH CRAP! I came back from work and noticed this pile of poo BW calls Ilum and my next month was already charged. Everything I enjoy in MMO is a fail in this game: crafting, instanced and open world PvP. There is nothing for guilds even!




Even Warhammer with all its fails is better game right now.

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I am partially repeating my from posted earlier but I am trying to get my message across. People did not go from valor 50-60. More like 50-55. And that really depends on the server. A 24hr valor buff to reps would be the easiest fix. This was not a game breaking patch but people with bad information or just trying to troll made it seems this way


Do you have any clue how much that 50-55 actually requires valor?

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OH CRAP! I came back from work and noticed this pile of poo BW calls Ilum and my next month was already charged. Everything I enjoy in MMO is a fail in this game: crafting, instanced and open world PvP. There is nothing for guilds even!




Even Warhammer with all its fails is better game right now.


Why don't you force-choke BioWare while you're at it, Zero-Tolerance Vader?

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To the guy who said Rep Valor buff would compensate. Simply no! Even with buff from Ilum daily if you cannot win/kill anyone be it in WZ or Ilum it is pointless. Warhammer did it and it failed in most part. Only few already top geared, pimped out players got benefits from in in Scenarios or by ganking randoms in PvP area.


If anything they should make Ilum instanced so equal number of players would face each other. I don't mind being facerolled if someone is just simple better but being ***** 1 vs 50 is not what anyone would call fun, right?

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What could they possibly do at this point? They've already let the problem run rampant. A rollback is a pipe dream, this far into the patch. At absolute best we can expect a slap on the wrists in the form of a short suspension... solely reserved for the most obvious of exploiters. IMHO, anything less than hundreds/thousands suspended on each server would be a complete and total slap in the face. At least if they did that, if only for a mere three days, the Imp:Pub ratio would be fairly equalized.



You want to speak to BioWare on this issue? PULL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION! It doesn't have to be permanently. Just go without the game for a mere two days when your free time is up. The only words these guys will ever understand are those spoken with our wallets. I have and I encourage everyone else who is upset by this situation to as well.

Edited by Fascion
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Fictive conversation Republic player vs Imperial player from yesterday Valor Fest at Ilum:


Master Yoda: Come on dude let me revive I need to go, first try to Vault with my guild in 30 min!

I’m not even PVP player, I was just passing by….


Darth Vader: There is no peace, only Valor!!!!!!!!!





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Why does this crap feels like AION all over again? imbalance, no company listens to its customers? and when they say they are listening, they only read what they like and ignore the reset of us.


Mark my words, this game will be just like AION when it failed after a massive imbalance issue across servers and they ended up merging everything together but even that didn't help after 70%-80% quit the game.

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People arguing there shouldn't be a rollback have obviously not been doing much other than farming Ilum as they fail to acknowledge Patch 1.1 introduced far worse things like random loading screen during gameplay/warzones, ability stuttering increase, FPS decrease, a UI "fix" that actually made the UI worse etc.


If all of the above mentioned isn't good enough reason to rollback to 1.0 then there simply isn't any hope left for this game.

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Do a rollback of valor gained outside of wgs?!

Ppl will understand, not everyone will like it but they will understand that this has to be done!


Best way really, if they are able to perform the task in that nature.


The biggest thing they need to fix is that you should not be able to earn more Valor than a WZ on the basis of zerging, that HAS to be a key priority otherwise you just killed the fun in PvP.

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A valor-only rollback for those that gained more than 1 valor level yesterday (or perhaps 2, to be generous) seems to be to be an entirely appropriate response. If it's done fairly quickly, the effect of giving too much access to the higher tier PVP gear won't be too massive, if it's left to fester for a week or more, it will require more severe rollbacks (and I, and probably others that decided to unsub, will stay away).
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Well Ilum didn't turn into a PvP zone where players would fight on even ground instead of trading points. On my server (Crucible Pits) it turned into a Republic zerg fest where 20+ repubs roll around at all times killing whoever they please and always controlling mid. Man what a fun concept.
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why do a rollback when you can just ban the people who exploited. give everyone who exploited a 7 day ban and roll-back their valor points. =problem solved.


people understand that they are not supposed to do stuff like that and they deserve to take the consequences.

You contradicted yourself there. You asked, "Why do a rollback?" Then said to, "...roll-back their valor points."


That's exactly what we're asking for. And not just asking, but with a very loud, nearly unanimous voice, stating what needs to be done to make the pvp environment somewhat healthy again.

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What a bunch of whiners.. seriously, i farmed my valor 0-58 the legit way, got half a valor lvl to 59 from Ilum. I admit the patch was hurried out and I rather see the whole BW team working on bug fixes than some on fix, some on new content


People seems to think a rollback is a simple matter. A rollback affects the whole server, you can't just rollback valor without rolling back the time on the server. That means that anything that has happened since the rollback, all items crafted, rolled for, new toons created, Everything is rollbacked. So the guys demanding a rollback, get over it, things will even out over time.


And all empty threats about "subscription not renewed" oH noeeessss \o/... Glad you are all leaving, then you will probably stop trolling the forum. People have said it before, don't like it, just leave, no need to create drama over it, we don't care about you leaving. Whine =/= constructive criticism

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