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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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I'm sad to say goodbye even though my level 20 imps alt is now battlemaster 63 which was done in literally in 9 hours while my republic main took me at least 2 weeks to get to 55.


This is done with. Good bye Bioware, maybe the entire pvp team should roll republic and try to pvp with the imps who are mostly all battlemaster by now. Multiple accounts cancelled. Thanks for nothing!

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I'm sad to say goodbye even though my level 20 imps alt is now battlemaster 63 which was done in literally in 9 hours while my republic main took me at least 2 weeks to get to 55.


This is done with. Good bye Bioware, maybe the entire pvp team should roll republic and try to pvp with the imps who are mostly all battlemaster by now. Multiple accounts cancelled. Thanks for nothing!


Isn't your valor capped at your char level until 50? At least that's what I heard. Troll?

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I'm sad to say goodbye even though my level 20 imps alt is now battlemaster 63 which was done in literally in 9 hours while my republic main took me at least 2 weeks to get to 55.


This is done with. Good bye Bioware, maybe the entire pvp team should roll republic and try to pvp with the imps who are mostly all battlemaster by now. Multiple accounts cancelled. Thanks for nothing!


Valor has level limitations




bye troll.

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the thing is all those mistakes favoring 1 side :) isnt it funny? :)


From reading what was being done on sever one side was farming the other side an earning threw kills. Now I don't see this as an exploit on players part. That's part of pvp. How ever I do see this as fault of the devs. They didn't think it totally threw on the spawning issues.


No as far as the sever populations I've read some where in this thread that rebs actually done it as well on certain severs that are actually heavy with the light side. I don't believe they favor they sith side. I'm sure devs as a whole have a preferred faction they like but as a whole. Ican't believe they would do any favoring. That would be bad business on their part.


Not matter what they do people will complain. Only thing I can see them doing an of should do is add in a timer to control the place for an hour so the side that takes has a chance to complete dailies. Add in npc champions all over wondering so it adds flavor to who owns it. An also add in a 1-1 ratio during the battle times. It's going to have to be objective based to interest player to do it. An IMO they should do what blizzard did an toss in a bosses dungeon err flashpoint so it would encourage pve player to take part as well.


Weather people like WoW or not they have done some thi gs right to encourage both pvp an pve player to take part in pvp type events such as winter grasp an tol Barad or whatever it's called.


I personally think a lot of people should shoot some ideas to them on how they can improve the area in stead of bashing them. Maybe just maybe we can help improve issues such as this one that happened. If not well we all know what will happen in time with subscriptions. But after 1 month. Nah far to early to rush to conclusions


Ps. I am on my phone. Pain in the *** typing

Edited by Orcron
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Not saying I have the solution, nor will I pretend to.


I love this game and want it to be successful. However, Ilum broke PvP. You now have people who gained valor because of the "broken system", "exploit", or whatever anybody wants to call it. As such the side with more people now has better gear.


The true fact here is that this situation will set the tone for the entire rest of the game. People are already up in arms about those who used credit exploits and the actions taken against them. After that people had no fear continuing their actions on Ilum whether Republic or Sith.


All I know is that it was a bad day to be Republic on my server. Now no matter what happens somebody will be angry. I want to keep playing and keep enjoying this game, but things like this are making it harder and harder to KEEP loving this game.


Bioware's best move would be a rollback, but who knows. I just know that if something isn't done about the valor exploiters, PvP will be dead on my server and many others.


1 side will be geared, the other side will not. This will not only make PvP'ing less fun but will demotivate those who are earning valor the old way.


All I know is that Bioware's actions will determine whether or not many others will re-sub or not. I still have hope, but something needs to be done; this can't be ignored.

Edited by Toochbag
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oh yeah do a rollback and punish the people who played the game as you wanted. you wanted the players to not trade objectives. you wanted the players to fight. yesterday the players did fight. you cant punish them because you are retarded and implement a system that allows them to do more valor than in warzones.


besides fix you goddam performance issues first before even thinking about doing a rollback. *******

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It says they are aware of individuals, it is up to Bioware to punish the players who did the insane farming and griefing. They will probably strip them of titles and reset their personal valor.


it seems logical then everyone in the server having a rollback.


Why dont they say that then ?

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People complain when there wasn't a "patch" to fix all this, and people complain now that the "patch fix" isn't a convenient time.


Haters gonna hate


Dude, the patch was firstly planned to end 12pm GMT, now it was postpone by 4 HOURS!!! HOURS!! and this is supposed to be hotfix... BW'S hotfix takes 4HOURS? to get applies? just *** is this

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Isn't your valor capped at your char level until 50? At least that's what I heard. Troll?


Troll for sure -_-


This is the problem, people are emotional, emotional people communicate with emotion and not logic or truth.


Slightly less emotional people read emotional persons convincing lies (through natural assumption of 'they have no logical reason to lie' which is true, but they are being emotional and not logical). This leads to a cascade of a fallacy, a huge rumour that once someone buys into, however logical, they have a natural need to propagate and defend as to not feel stupid.


Of course there's also the whole 'you seem angry about something I am angry about and your point (regardless of how true it is) fits what I am angry about so I'm going to believe it and spout it everywhere' which is basically the same thing but more understandable.


It is very sad that so many people are so unaware of the way they work and function as a human being.


If more people were, we would all be closer to being 'human' in the Dune sense rather than reactive emotional machines with no real control over ourselves (literally the majority of human lives are ruled and governed by purely reactive emotion, as in the majority of you have no control over yourselves, you are merely being manipulated by your environment in an endless cycle).


Point being: Get a grip, break free of your blinkered perceptions and see the vast and glorious truth that relatively speaking, none of us know anything at all.


Upon achieving this, you will most likely find that your emotional reactions re-align themselves with truth and reality (to a certain extent) and everyone will be better off for it.

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How 'bout you all head down the pub till this blows over? It'll achieve more than sitting here raging about how fast you're going to cancel your subscriptions.


Once you've had a couple of pints and a few deep breaths, perhaps even a conversation or two, come on back and realise how wound up and foolish you've been. Find your centre, achieve zen, smoke something, whatever you like. Then, if you still can't bring yourself to pay a subscription, go ahead and find something else to do with your time. The vast majority of the player base, who are aware that perfection is an impossible dream, will take hold of the (relatively little) patience required to wait for the kinks to be ironed out of this product, and not panic.


This issue is not nearly as earth-shattering as you all think. Also, this post will let me say "told you so", in a couple of months - after all, I'm not perfect either :o

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No roll back?


sorry bioware but no roll back might loose u alot of subs because

on most server ppl all ready have issues pvping players in champ gear let alone battlemaster


and this was a major explot a roll back in valor should happen or those players who used that exploit should be banned or something they need to be punished for what they did


thats my 1 cent on this subject

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I still don't understand why the Valor issue has not been addressed.


If we take an average Warzone taking 10minutes and you potentially earn say 1000 Valor, that is of course an approx of 100 Valor a minute. I killed 3 Imps yesterday and got 360 Valor in about 2 minutes, this was 2 of us working together. To me that was WAY too much and basically will encourage gankfests in Illum and kill that zone.


Now if we consider how many Imps were constantly farming the Republic at their "safe" zone then the numbers earnt in Valor are TOO HIGH, why does BW not see this?


When you have such a large faction imbalance, then add on top of that all the bugs and "mirror" class differences that benefit the Imps then you very quickly add to a one sided game.


Get yourselves together and sort this out quickly because if you do not do something now, adding rated WZs will be a joke because the Imps will have superior ranks and gear against the Republic and make that an unfair advantage.


I hope they are considering the chain reaction this change in illum will cause on the short-medium term, you are going to kill your own game faster than you can imagine, the old ways in illum were not good but at least it didn't give the larger group an unfair advantage.


Valor bonus should be connected to number of players on each side and not control points IMO and even then put a % cap from one side to the next, so one side can not completely roll the other and make it a completely unfair fight. I want to see a large 50 on 50 battle, but no one who has any real goals for good open World PvP wants to see 200 vs 50.

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No roll back?


sorry bioware but no roll back might loose u alot of subs because

on most server ppl all ready have issues pvping players in champ gear let alone battlemaster


and this was a major explot a roll back in valor should happen or those players who used that exploit should be banned or something they need to be punished for what they did


thats my 1 cent on this subject



did you NOT read the first post of this thread?

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did you NOT read the first post of this thread?

They've never said they're going to do anything about it. And all they did to credit dupers was give them a warning and let them have the credits. All signs point to keeping the valor in.

Edited by guilemaster
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