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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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And before - 60k valor = about 60wz. Every warzone with waiting in que - about 20minutes.


60x20=1 200minutes = 20hours. Of hard playing wz not sstaying and spaming 1skill.


No roll back = epic fail of game.


As I've said before, it's too much valor absolutely. It's nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be AND if anything it's shown that WZ valor is too low. They tried to encourage people to (gasp) pvp in Ilum and it was too much. I still don't think it should take 20+ matches for a single rank of valor.

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As I've said before, it's too much valor absolutely. It's nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be AND if anything it's shown that WZ valor is too low. They tried to encourage people to (gasp) pvp in Ilum and it was too much. I still don't think it should take 20+ matches for a single rank of valor.


Agreed. And people are definitely PVPing now. Both in Ilum and on the forums.

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Agreed. And people are definitely PVPing now. Both in Ilum and on the forums.




After the Ilum spawn-**** festival, we got a ops together and invaded. We roamed Ilum with about 20 Republic players and ran all around the planet finding small packs of Sith.


Then they wised up. Then it was 50vs20.. Then we got forced to respawn at base..

Then they camped us again.




--- On that note, goodnight gentlemen. I really hope they roll back valor with this patch. I really do.

Edited by jnunzi
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Originally Posted by JovethGonzalez

Hi everyone,


I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary.


Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.

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Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.


You have faith and I should as well? What has Bioware done recently that shows I should have any faith in them whatsoever?


Why even have testing realms if you are going to completely ignore the feedback from them?

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I'm sure it's in the first Xpac. I bet money. Mark my words, Yoda race will do for the Republic what Blood Elves did for the horde.


Ive been seeing this alot, and i just want to point out something.


Hasnt GL been very tight lipped on who/what yodas race was and about its origins? As far as i can tell this is a hand played very closely to Georges chest, and given the amount of information that has been released about Yoda and his history so far, i wouldn't expect any info about it coming anytime soon.


"Yoda's race and home world have never been named in any media, canonical or otherwise, and he is merely said to be of a "species unknown" by the Star Wars Databank."


If the Keeper of the Holocron still hasn't officially labeled him anything, i wouldn't keep any hopes up that SWTOR will be the first to make such an announcement.

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Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.


I already unsubed, but will active it later if they fix it.

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So no rollback? Guess I am staying cancelled thanks again for trivializing battlemaster status.


Like this "status" was ever anything more than you queued for warzones a lot...not WON them, just entered and stayed for the whole thing. With all the AFK nubs I have seen in the maps I have ZERO respect or concern for anyone and their 60 Valor rank. You didn't earn it by being good, you just logged in a lot.

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Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.

There's no reason to quote their PR-mumbojumbo.


They did probably the largest PR-campaign in MMORPG-world and now notice it's a double edged sword.


You can fanboy all you like and demand for "thousands of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced", but that will not happen. People will and should voice out, because this time those crying aren't a vocal minority.

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Terribly disappointed on how these changes benefited the faction with more people on their side. Obviously this couldn't of slipped by this easily without anyone thinking "Hey, if they zerg 1 faction, the other faction is ****ed".


I live a life. Girlfriend, house, car, job, friends, etc. I've played this game a lot more than I should of lately. I finally reached Valor 50 today. Only to be shat on when some scrub lowbie ranked gets to Battlemaster and now progressed a lot faster to endgame pvp gear than I have.


I'm full champ (besides my mainhand). I have over 112 cent tokens. RNG is slowly destroying my will to play. But since I'm on the same playing field as everyone else I can manage.


But this is honestly strike 2 for me. First one being no true high quality graphics. 1 more and you can bet I'll be cancelling my subscription.

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It never happened on our server, it was more like it should be with us....both factions had roaming death squads.....what would happen is republic would gang up in an area we would respond with a force of our own drive them away...they would dissipate and leave while as a group went and hunted for stragglers.....when we imperials would get bored we'd go off and do other things they'd come back...it was rinse and repeat this way all day.



On another note, I thought about the fact that we could get into the republic base...as early on as an early 50 I went exploring and got in without a problem just to check it out (I actually thought we were supposed to go in there to fulfill the help the war effort objective).


I even considered that we could probably spawn camp them....but I am not an exploiter...and know that is all that was.

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Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.


Why are you acting like that quote means something? Have you read it - it means nothing. They can do absolutely nothing and claim they did what they said they were going to do. It's a cop-out cover-my-bases limp-wristed response.

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It seems like most are angry that world pvp offers more valor than the queue. If you want to earn more valor, quit queueing all the time, finish your class quest and come to ilum. You think huttball doesn't have people exploiting? Not to mention the voidstar imbalance in favor of the republic.


World pvp should get more valor imo.

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