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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.






I hope you learned your lessons Bioware. You can not treat MMO and Masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!

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How can you not rollback the valor, while I was being farmed in my base half the fracking empire got battlemaster, which means their gonna start getting battlemaster gear faster then our faction and will therefore begin to dominate warzone pvp as hard as they do world pvp on ilum. Our greatest advantage in warzones was that we had even numbers so we could win in a fair fight. Now even numbers wont matter much due to them out gearing us because of your lack of foresight. This game is feeling more and more like a complete waste of my time.
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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.






I hope you learned your lessons Bioware. You can not treat MMO and Masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!


Electronic Arts has more than just TOR, that number =/= TOR

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why cancel after one thing and before they have a chance to fix it?


Interesting point of view, ask that to people in jail..? what do I mean. well, why not give more pedophiles rapists,murderers and general law breakers more time or more chances to fix themselves? instead of sending them to (game quit boycott)-(jail).?


Our society is fuel by consumption and equiality, thats why there are so many sith and so few tree huging carebear republics.


And this continues to explain why Bioware and swtor are getting hammered so quickly instead of pleasing the fact that we are happy with our new toy, daddy (biowares dev swtor devs and programmers) are already trying to fix the new bicicle, by adding trinkets bells and whistyles to a bicicle we have nnot even enjoyed riding since christmas...


Do you get the message? yeah fix whats broken, but dont (at the same time) try to improve whats there without just letting people sink into it.


Instead of upgrading try fixing things slowly first...

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san francisco (marketwatch) -- shares of electronic arts inc. Fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on thursday morning after an analyst with brean murray carret & co. Cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "star wars: The old republic." in a note to clients, analyst todd mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "star wars" -- which was released in late december -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," mitchell wrote.






i hope you learned your lessons bioware. You can not treat mmo and masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!


people are losing money, hooray! :rolleyes:

Edited by HBninjaX
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Wow, I'm swimming in a sea of whiners, If you don't like the game for wtv reason?, cancel, go back to WOW and leave the grownups to play, I mean it's because of you crybabies that warcraft went from being a unique epic experience to the panda children's hour game it is now, if you don't like the changes, explain in detail why and leave it there, but all the /canceled, im not gonna sub, /rollback, comments are stupid and redundant, go home and cry.
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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.






I hope you learned your lessons Bioware. You can not treat MMO and Masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!


That steep drop surely looks impressive:)

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SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.






I hope you learned your lessons Bioware. You can not treat MMO and Masses like you did yesterday with your patch and response. Wish you luck!


Yeah down 3% today, up 10 next week. You know nothing about the market place. This always happens.

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I cant believe that having copy protection is so hard to understand. They dont want people buying 1 copy and all their friends installing it. They still need sales from the boxes too. Think people




You DO realise that there is no financial difference for EA/BW between someone installing from someone else's physical copy or someone installing from a DIGITAL copy, right? YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY THE FULL AMOUNT TO GET ACCESS TO THE GAME. The only difference is in the amount of download time (8+ hours or none).

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So this is how Bioware launches their first MMO?


AT LAUNCH bioware had an exploitable pvp system which was abused to level 50 before bioware decided to do anything about it.


They did not take people's valor away however and we had champions and battlemasters by day three of launch.



Now they introduce yet another exploitable system - now there are warlords running around on every server. Which was supposed to be what ENDGAME was all about.



What's the point now? Seriously the PVP gear is better then the raiding gear 75% of the time and now we get to look forward to fighting warlords who didn't even earn the titles.


Anyone actually letting their sub go through this month? After the broken PVP queue times - and lack of commitment by bioware to combine server queues i think I am done.

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Cant wait to see the nerf on harpoon when servers go up, when the imps get dragged into the city by harpoon and insta killed. I expect same day roll day backs and perma bans for such play against the empire.


Take the servers down permantly until your sure you can fix the problems and the imbalance that has been caused. I can go without if it means this game will be "un-broken". These exploiters need to be punished.


Please publish their emails and usernames to other games companies so they cannot partake in other test servers or betas as they cannot be trusted to not exploit.

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Seriously no one knows what their solution is yet, and people are already blasting away with their turbo lasers like this is Bioware's Fault. There is no post I have yet seen that those who exploited this bug, will not have their valor rolled back or stripped down to zero or left alone. Yup Bioware is still just a company run by normal humans, they don't have any jedi masters or sith lords locked in the server farm, just in their customer base.


The blame lies solely with the cheaters who exploited the systems flaws. Any system designed by man will have imperfections, those who look to exploit flaws in mmo's (every MMO i have played before and its been a bunch had exploit issues) is a cheater plain and simple. I honestly want to punch every one of the cheaters in the nose (and elsewhere) for lousing up my morning gaming time. It takes a small little person to cheat at an MMO.


I honestly have never gotten the attraction of open world pvp, it has sucked and been imbalanced in every game it has ever been applied to. I find it boring to gank, and more so to be ganked, so open world is never going to be the place for me.

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I would like to say im glad i am not level 50 yet so dont need to worry about the pvp gear, BUT I F'ING AM BOTHERED that it affects EVERYONE, even those of us that are on a PVE server and have little to no interest in PVP.

Nothing better than spending a day at work (9-5), getting home, have some dinner, a nice relaxing bath, go to log on to TOR and find that the servers are down for another 3 fracking hours.



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So this is how Bioware launches their first MMO?


AT LAUNCH bioware had an exploitable pvp system which was abused to level 50 before bioware decided to do anything about it.


They did not take people's valor away however and we had champions and battlemasters by day three of launch.



Now they introduce yet another exploitable system - now there are warlords running around on every server. Which was supposed to be what ENDGAME was all about.



What's the point now? Seriously the PVP gear is better then the raiding gear 75% of the time and now we get to look forward to fighting warlords who didn't even earn the titles.


Anyone actually letting their sub go through this month? After the broken PVP queue times - and lack of commitment by bioware to combine server queues i think I am done.


I'm not having the problems you are, so yeah I'll be keeping my sub :)


Bioware's "lack of commitment" patching things within 24 hours of the problem and making Illum better and less exploitable is great so no.

Edited by SithtobeJedi
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I like how so many people whine about this when this game is much better then most out there.


I mean for those who played WoW.


How long did Wintergrasp CRASH servers when it started on high pop servers? About 2 weeks, then they disabled it because they couldn't release a fix and then a MONTH later they 'fixed' it.


TO THIS DAY, almost three years later, the Northrend server lags when WG begins or ends.



BW puts out a similar PVP scenario, it's broken and you know what, they put a fix out the next day.


This game may have bugs but so do all MMO's. To expect perfection is pointless. And if you disagree go reactivate your free 10 days of wow. I did out of frustration and the bugs in that game, combined with people who don't know how to move in pugs made me appreciate this game a lot more.



Bioware is working actively to fix bug instead taking a stance like Blizzard in they will 'get around too it' or 'other things take priority'.


I have complete faith Bioware will work on game balance and improving ability lag etc. I gave Blizzard over five years of money for their poo game, I can at least give Bioware a year of my time and money and hope they handle their business better.

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Yeah down 3% today, up 10 next week. You know nothing about the market place. This always happens.


Did you even click the link and look at that fat drop? That is not the cyclical fluctuations in market prices you normally see. Do you even know anything about finance/investments?

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What do you want to tell us with that link ? You are looking at the 1day trading which is not telling you much. Look further and you will see the big drops was on the 12 Jan. Furthermore other company are losing stocks price too.


It's not the one day of trading that should bother EA or BW it's what sparked the drop that should bother them..


"By Dan Gallagher


SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote."


That statement was released Jan. 19, 2012, 10:26 a.m. EST


EA won't take losses for long and I imagine that BW knows it. Anybody remember World Play :)

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First off, I highly doubt you will do anything. As you do nothing to help people with the tickets open for an extremely long amount of time.


I was level 58 Valor last night and still 58 cause this isn't that fast of a gain. It's better than WZ's but ya. If you punish one person, you damn well better punish EVEYRONE EQUALLY, no matter how much they gained.






So excited for D3....

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I like how so many people whine about this when this game is much better then most out there.


I mean for those who played WoW.


How long did Wintergrasp CRASH servers when it started on high pop servers? About 2 weeks, then they disabled it because they couldn't release a fix and then a MONTH later they 'fixed' it.


TO THIS DAY, almost three years later, the Northrend server lags when WG begins or ends.



BW puts out a similar PVP scenario, it's broken and you know what, they put a fix out the next day.


This game may have bugs but so do all MMO's. To expect perfection is pointless. And if you disagree go reactivate your free 10 days of wow. I did out of frustration and the bugs in that game, combined with people who don't know how to move in pugs made me appreciate this game a lot more.



Bioware is working actively to fix bug instead taking a stance like Blizzard in they will 'get around too it' or 'other things take priority'.


I have complete faith Bioware will work on game balance and improving ability lag etc. I gave Blizzard over five years of money for their poo game, I can at least give Bioware a year of my time and money and hope they handle their business better.


clearly you play empire, don't bother denying it. GG

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