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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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My 7 friends all quit their republic chars to go imp. While ilum was the last straw, mirror animations imbalance, lame Jedi stories, and the lack of good looking republic gear also contributed.


I initially un-subbed, but I might re-sub to play with my friends as a imperial, either way the republic side is in serious trouble.



And its such a shame, I really, REALLY loved my trooper.

Edited by Pokeytehpenguin
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people could log out and back in to reset diminishing, while gaining any valor they would have gotten while they were logged out if fast enough as non dimished returns.


also turrets were shown in youtube and streams to be giving valor.


bioware has stated unintended..... pvp is forever ruined.... rollback a must


Are you kidding? It took forever to even log in, the game crashed a couple times and I had to do so. If you voluntarily log out you also get booted from the op. So... you'd log, wait forever to get back in, have to ask for and get reinvited to an op... sounds like someone who once gain wasn't there but wants to find a reason to be angry.


As BW has already stated, turrets did not give valor. The valor gained after a turret died in the one screenshot I've seen was due to an enemy player death, take it from someone who actually killed 3 turrets. I think I got 700 legacy or something, STOP THE PRESSES.

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Are you kidding? It took forever to even log in, the game crashed a couple times and I had to do so. If you voluntarily log out you also get booted from the op. So... you'd log, wait forever to get back in, have to ask for and get reinvited to an op... sounds like someone who once gain wasn't there but wants to find a reason to be angry.


As BW has already stated, turrets did not give valor. The valor gained after a turret died in the one screenshot I've seen was due to an enemy player death, take it from someone who actually killed 3 turrets. I think I got 700 legacy or something, STOP THE PRESSES.




I personally killed a damn turret with my guild... 0 valor. These people are idiots.

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Alot of blanant lies going around here. First off turrets WERE/ARE giving valor @ 3k worth per kill. And to the idiots saying ilum as an imp wasnt worth it is full of **** too. I am a reb and I was out there for a hour or so before all the imp raids showed up and I made 38,39, and 40 valor rank in that hour of killing. was making 120 valor per kill and it went very fast.


The only bans that should be handed out are for those that intentionally feed the flames by spreading this completely false garbage. Turrets never gave valor.

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This did not happen on my server, was just a massive battle at mid, where I got over 30k valor yesterday legit as a republic fighting there and doing a couple warzones. So, unless they can 'rollback' only the ones that actually exploited, a full rollback would make me and others here very upset.


They should have stopped it immediately, too late to just 'reset' everyone.

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I thnk the biggest issue with such poor performance is not number of players but massive effects spam. When we pushed off Imperials from our base then performance increased greatly...


Add possibility to turn off in Graphic all skills visual effects or chooseto turn off effects from enemies, your party, you, etc... like in Warhammer Online


it will help greatly,

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Still? I didn't say it didn't. Learn to read.


I'm sorry I guess I was just so caught up in the ridiculous nature of your post. By all means, continue to complain about an error already addressed. Oh, did I mention it took one day?


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Well BW options are pretty simple:


- Roll back and piss 70-75% of the game population (pve severs, lowies that didn't go to Illum, anyone who got lucky with that "last item out of a champion bag", and last but not least...yeah....almost all imps)


- Don't roll back and piss 30-25% of the game pop (Rep pvpers & Imp player that care about the game health long term)


Mmmm.....where should I place my bet?

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How do you know the fix will sort things out? Given their current track record I'm expecting BW will ruin the game even more.


Oh, and they just edited their update post on todays patch and postponed it with another hour and pretended like we didn't notice nor care, lol.


A track record of... A MONTH.


All big mmo's at launch have problems, don't pretend they don't and don't say 'well they should learn from others mistakes', firstly Bioware learnt a lot and have avoided a great many pitfalls other MMOs fell into straight away.


Unfortunately pre-emptively fixing some problems has caused others, also, when it comes to real technical issues observing other MMOs can only teach you so much, they all have different mechanics, different engines, different databases. There is so much complexity behind even two games that feel similar or use the same game engine that even the slightest difference can cause completely different situations, good and bad.


These things are far more complex than your tiny little brains seem to be able to comprehend, so stop the back seat driving and just express your displeasure in a straightforward manner something along the lines of:


"I dis-like this change, it has negatively affected my gaming experience, I honestly have no clue what is possible or how the game engine works but I would appreciate it if you would do your best, as someone who does have a clue, to fix the problem and even things out to the way they should have been, thank you!"


Strangely enough that is exactly what Bioware already said they are doing, and I for one believe them simply because it is in their best interest to do so and they are far more intelligent and capable and driven than the vast majority here seem to think they are, logically (if logic is something you are capable of) they would have to be.

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Well BW options are pretty simple:


- Roll back and piss 70-75% of the game population (pve severs, lowies that didn't go to Illum, anyone who got lucky with that "last item out of a champion bag", and last but not least...yeah....almost all imps)


- Don't roll back and piss 30-25% of the game pop (Rep pvpers & Imp player that care about the game health long term)


Mmmm.....where should I place my bet?


They said they will look at individuals who got huge gains. MOST servers did not have the camp fest going on as some of the screens showed. They are the minority.

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Some people here are forgetting the real problem here.


It's the HUGE faction imbalance on the MAJORITY OF PvP servers.


Because of THIS yesterday Ilum looked like:




on various servers.


I agree, this is the real long term issue.


I am not sure what they can do about it... pre-launch guilds on my server were 3:1 Empire. How do you balance that? You can't.


Only thing I can think of is allow transfers to try to balance the PvP servers. PvE... well you rolled PvE and should care as much about the PvP stuff.

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My 7 friends all quit their republic chars to go imp. While ilum was the last straw, mirror animations imbalance, lame Jedi stories, and the lack of good looking republic gear also contributed.


I initially un-subbed, but I might re-sub to play with my friends as a imperial, either way the republic side is in serious trouble.



And its such a shame, I really, REALLY loved my trooper.


That's the only option to anyone if they don't want to unsub. Imperials have everything in this game.


Cool ships, functional abilities, high population etc.


Republic players need to unsub or create Imperials. The hundreds of videos from yesterday clearly show the Imperials outnumbering the Republic plays by upwards of 30:1

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everyone read *** gabe said

everyone read *** gabe said

everyone read *** gabe said


you are suppose to insta die when you enter thie base

you are suppose to insta die when you enter thie base

you are suppose to insta die when you enter thie base

you are suppose to insta die when you enter thie base



jesus people, this is what they are fixing and will prevent any spawn camping.


I don't care about the silly valor exploit, I care about the flickering and random loading screen during Warzones

I don't care about the silly valor exploit, I care about the FPS decrease

I don't care about the silly valor exploit, I care about increased ability stuttering

I don't care about the silly valor exploit, I care about the horrific ui change


And for the record, we don't know **** all what they're fixing given how communication is not their strength.

Edited by darthtoph
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Incorrect. UO and SWG (the only two MMO's I spent significant time in) both had numerous rollbacks through out their life.


Also, EverQuest had 2 or 3 that I can recall.


WoW have had maybe 6-7 1-2 hour rollbacks to disable unfair advantages after a patch or whatever's been released.


Alot of games have been rollbacked, if the situation needed it.

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No Rollback is extremely piss poor. Imps were already the dominate faction and now to reward them with Battlemaster gear that tips the scales even more.


Be careful because your bottom line -CAN- be affected by this when people grow tired of being instal-rolled in WZs/OPvP. May want to look at the 200 odd pages here and see what the vast majority are interested in. Be a responsible corporation and negate Valor for 1/18. Some will piss and whine but it will be a fraction that would if you do not.


How fast do you think valor was awarded? It wasn't that fast. I was there at least 4 hours, started at lvl 41 valor and ended at 49. It was not that great for much of the day. Running around yelling that everyone got an easy battlemaster title is completely false.



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Can people who abused it stop defending this ****, do you really want to faceroll and let others fall behind? so you can be a boss because of the massive gap in gear between you and the others?



For god sake, people who think rollback isn't an option are just trolling to try and keep what they got. Rollback is the only OPTION! whether you like it or not!


How about people who didn't actually experience it don't post at all? Even the Republic players getting farmed got significant valor gains.

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Also, EverQuest had 2 or 3 that I can recall.


WoW have had maybe 6-7 1-2 hour rollbacks to disable unfair advantages after a patch or whatever's been released.


Alot of games have been rollbacked, if the situation needed it.


Exactly. Must be the first MMO for some of these trolls saying their have never been any rollbacks.. lol. Yea you dont roll back RPG's smart dudes..

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I hadn't played in a week, logged into basically my entire guild (republic) saying they are cancelling and super pissed.. mostly the guys who have been lvling and pvping like crazy trying to get valor through warzones.


I hate to say it, but.. after playing warhammer, the type of things that are happening in this game just don't surprise me at all


I'll probably renew my sub anyway but maybe just for a month, if my guild quits then peace


fyi I don't think bioware has the capacity to rollback servers or they are just afraid to. thing is, rollbacks only work if you act quickly. if you sit around and twiddle your thumbs while you figure out what to do then it's already too late


hint: when you release a patch with a MASSIVE OVERSIGHT/BORDERLINE EXPLOIT you should take the servers down immediately. can't believe these goofs still haven't learned.

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