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Everything posted by Midfrost

  1. Title says it all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ntDYjS0Y3w
  2. Also, EverQuest had 2 or 3 that I can recall. WoW have had maybe 6-7 1-2 hour rollbacks to disable unfair advantages after a patch or whatever's been released. Alot of games have been rollbacked, if the situation needed it.
  3. Ofcourse they've worked on it! They saw how many members they where loosing for their major mistakes and they said, ****! We need to keep everyone atleast one more month! Hey, everyone loves vanity ****, let's give them a title for staying another month! And to the butthurt people remark -- Yeah, because it's sooooo hard to re-subscribe for 1 month and get the title. Toodles.
  4. One of the best MMO launches in history?! Puff, puff, pass please, I want some of that! F- this, I'm out, gonna give Tribes: Ascend beta a shot and hope to god that I get into the Tera Online beta.
  5. I love Mako as she compliments my hybrid spec. And the only button I force use on her is the CC, got it macroed to my mouse so I can decide what target she should CC. But if we're talking Companion vs Companion, then I have no idea, never had my companions fight anything without my trigger happy self butting in.
  6. You should definately start working on the level 40 gear, the gear you get from quests at 30 is better then the level 20 pvp sets.
  7. I don't get it, what are everyone complaining about? The only class I've ever lost against 1v1 are Operatives, and I'm now Valor rank 43, I've yet to loose a 1v1, even when I don't get the drop. To be able to stack shields, pop your own shield, kolto overload, insane knockback with slow, knockdown in melee range, stun, make-instant CD and a super-strong attack. Even if your Tracer gets interupted and put on long CD, smack his ***, run and throw instant rockets until it's back. If anything, I say we're extremely strong, almost on the brink of overpowered. BUUUUT I would also like to see something involving our jet pack... I mean.... it's there, would be awesome to have some sort of ability to go with it. I'm thinking maybe a charge like ability, where we rocket into the air. Maybe with the same targeting reticle as DFA and we propel into the air doing an arc to reach the area. Would be very nice.
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