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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Then you must be imperial. I tend to be one of the top people on my teams, and on MY server (all servers are not the same) i lose 3/4 matches. Granted i always do great dps and hold points well, i still only top about 7-8 medals on a good run, and it is far from constant.


Again, i think you are playing on the side that has the bias, therefor it is not as obvious to you. Oh, and i get around 500-600 valor for a loss on average, unless that has been changed as well.


Just a tip for warzone: Never ever queue up alone, make a skilled team of 4 that can pretty much carry whole team in warzone, means easy medal farm and wins everygame... I am pretty much winning 8/10 matches

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How do you propose them exactly fixing the problem witout "Investigating" it, genius? Do tell. :rolleyes:


Lol because during testing people were saying these issues existed and hey did nothing.....also maybe the 1000s of post along with countless screenshots, videos and livestreamed of exactly what the issue was?


Wow, sure did need a lot of investigating

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Good thing I had the day off. It would suck to have missed out on gaining 47 valor ranks.


ilum needs a total redesign and should remain closed until its fixed. Take a page out of WoW's open world pvp in ice crown citadel expansion. Hourly battles with a queue for even sides.


Ive seen a few of you think they don't have records of what happens in this game. Wake up, in computing everything is tracked and they have back up files on every player, their activities and chat. They do not review this information daily but it exists. For those that did exploit knowingly - and the chat records will help to show who some of them are, they should get slapped hard and made an example of.

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That is a good try but it conflicts with the actual faction players that were spawn camped and possibly earned their valor "legitemately"


I understand that, but it works both ways and frankly the solution I suggested is the most direct, fastest, and easiest solution without impacting players who was not involved with the event regarding Ilum. It would take much longer to search and research characters with 'abnormal' valor gains and rollback based on that and a server wide rollback would punish players who was not involved. I also understand that my suggestion would impact players on Ilum who was spawncamped and earned their valor the right way, but that is a consequence of this event. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON ILUM AS THE RESULT OF THIS BUG/EXPLOIT. It doesn't matter if you was the one spawncamping or the one being spawncamped. That said this should have never occured to begin with and should have been resolved when this patch was on the PTR. In the end... this is Bioware's fault... and either specific or all the players get punished or they will lose many subscriptions for failing to have a strong enough response to this event.


This community is DEMANDING a rollback eitherway and I am just making it known what Bioware COULD do.


Either way flagging all players who was on Ilum since the patch and performing a character level rollback to before the patch is the best recourse that I envision as this has the most minimal of impact to players not involved, would be a satisfactory resolution to the damage caused by the 1.1 patch, and would be the fastest and easiest to perform outside of a full server rollback. I do understand and empathize your point though.

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I'm not one to complain much but this is pretty weak. Beyond exploits, the ability, especially movement abilities, makes the game unplayable. I'm honestly disappointed and disheartened by the patch and how Bioware has so far handled the issue.


The only thing I am grateful for, is that my billing date isn't til tomorrow. My 6 month sub has been reduced to 1 month. I'll reevaluate my sub then.

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How do you propose them exactly fixing the problem witout "Investigating" it, genius? Do tell. :rolleyes:


Listening to the player feedback in the public test forums before the patch went live.


Or listening to the player feedback within the first 30 minutes after servers went up.


That investigation did not have to take more than a full work day. Literally, someone's entire shift at BioWare HQ (and 8 hour day) was spent "investigating" what players were repeatedly telling them from the first hour into the new patch. Crack investigative team, that.



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Blizzard is laughing so hard at you right now that they cant even see straight, and GW2 devs are jizzing in their pants knowing they are gonna pick up a ton of the subs you just bled out here today when they release. Good game....


Blizzard's devs are working hard to try and put a plug on the massive bleeding of their own game. GW2 ones are doing the same trying to actually finish their own game, thing that seems nowhere in sight.

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We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points.



Republic camping empire, yeah right. Do any servers have more republic than empire?

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Faction imbalance has NOTHING to do with the development team, more people wanted to play an Imperial rather than a Republic toon, deal with the fact that Reps are less popular.


Right, just like the fact that a lot more people chose Inquisitors over Warriors has NOTHING to do with the development team?


Many months before release, everyone who didn't have their head planted up a dark place knew that the SWTOR population would be heavily imbalanced in favor of Empire. Imperials have cooler looks, better class storylines, British voiceovers, more powerful mirrors, etc. Bioware ignored the many player threads (supported with plenty of poll/beta evidence) about this issue and did nothing to balance servers or incentivize playing Republic.


But all of this is moot. Faction balance would really only matter if there was some kind of meaningful world PVP in this game, and there isn't. In fact, there never will be. Even if they manage to patch up Ilum and come up with some kind of interesting PVP there, the engine will never be able to handle anything more than a couple dozen people in one area.


If meaningful non-instanced PVP is what you came to this game for, it's time to cut your losses.

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Its not about the Valor any more


Its about the dishonesty


They lied to us in an open forum


There is no way in hell that the Ilum problem was just a bug


Those turrets where there to kill opposing faction


Anyone who went to Ilum will know

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And to be honest guys, its not only Empire's fault, at least on my server, the republic was free to leave at any moment, but they were aoe ing us for 10 hours constantly aswell.


Spawn camping didnt happend on our server so i dont knwo how it looked like btu i understand it might have been frustrating but still, it was just 10 hours of your gameplay, so people should get over it.


And rollback would just insult all those people that spend here so much time farming kills in Ilum the normal way like we did.

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I have to say... you people complain waaaay to much. I mean its a game... that you paid for... and like any game you pay for it has a chance to go badly. Its a GAMBLE.. thats life. When you buy the game you accept that chance of things going badly.


Just like this past weekend the people i know and was laughing at who lost 9-10k betting against the Giants... it sucked but it was the risk they took and they knew that going into it. They didnt go crying and whining about it being unfair!!! Stop whining about pennies lost if you dont like the game... jesus.

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Listening to the player feedback in the public test forums before the patch went live.


Or listening to the player feedback within the first 30 minutes after servers went up.


That investigation did not have to take more than a full work day. Literally, someone's entire shift at BioWare HQ (and 8 hour day) was spent "investigating" what players were repeatedly telling them from the first hour into the new patch. Crack investigative team, that.





Have you ever done something like that? Investigating the code of something as complex as a MMORPG isn't exactly a walk in the park that you do in five minutes.


I'd avoid talking out of the wrong orifice, if I were you :D

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Funny how much this has been blown WAY out of proportion. It was broken, its being worked on, the world is still spinning, move on with your lives already.


Seeing someone with "WHY THE LIES" or some such nonsense in their signature is just funny.


Man, if people worried about the nations politics as much as a video game's make believe world, we'd probably be much better off. People seem more vocal about $15 they spend on a game they apparently hate, giving it to a company they complain is garbage and incompetent, yet keep playing.


Wait, let me hear one more time what Bioware should do...what are you clowns demanding? Roll backs? Is....Is that it? I was confused as to what was posted 1000 times already.


Will that stop the world from imploding on itself, 'rollbacks'??....well by GOD Bioware needs to deliver ASAP for the sake of us all!!! (and our $15 a month they are 'forcing' us to send them)

Edited by Shumney
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Again, If there's one thing sensitive people should be demanding instead of this "rollback" nonsense, is for those that exploited to be pinpointed and their gains removed.


That's all it takes. It's simple, effective, solves the problem and doesn't affect those that had nothing to do with it.


They should actually be banned for spawn camping people all day long which is harassment and griefing.

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I have to say... you people complain waaaay to much. I mean its a game... that you paid for... and like any game you pay for it has a chance to go badly. Its a GAMBLE.. thats life. When you buy the game you accept that chance of things going badly.


Just like this past weekend the people i know and was laughing at who lost 9-10k betting against the Giants... it sucked but it was the risk they took and they knew that going into it. They didnt go crying and whining about it being unfair!!! Stop whining about pennies lost if you dont like the game... jesus.


comparing sports gambaling to a star wars mmo, ever heard of the phrase apples and oranges?

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Funny how much this has been blown WAY out of proportion. It was broken, its being worked on, the world is still spinning, move on with your lives already.


Seeing someone with "WHY THE LIES" or some such nonsense in their signature is just funny.


Man, if people worried about the nations politics as much as a video game's make believe world, we'd probably be much better off. People seem more vocal about $15 they spend on a game they apparently hate, giving it to a company they complain is garbage and incompetent, yet keep playing.


Wait, let me hear one more time what Bioware should do...what are you clowns demanding? Roll backs? Is....Is that it? I was confused as to what was posted 1000 times already.


Will that stop the world from imploding on itself, 'rollbacks'??....well by GOD Bioware needs to deliver ASAP for the sake of us all!!! (and our $15 a month the are 'forcing' us to send them)



i know right.. these people are ridiculous

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This is the kind of innovative thinking this game is going to follow? Taking a broken world pvp area and annihlating it to something beyond broken, very few republic came to ilum on our server, but now waiting for 30 armaments to spawn or trying to find 30 republic, daily no less? I dont think i've seen 30 republic on a weekly basis even. I can only imagine trying to get 150 for a weekly. Leveling was pretty fun, definately different than most games, but level cap sucks as it was, pvp was biding time hoping new things would come, oh well, too little to late.


I would like to see your cancelation rate today.




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They should actually be banned for spawn camping people all day long which is harassment and griefing.


I wouldn't be that radical. Personally, I would have just walked away as soon as I perceived that something wasn't going as intended, but in this case I doubt mass bans would be the right solution.

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