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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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You're being unreasonable. Sorry but saying that they should make the whole user base angry to please the few that are crying in a forum is pretty ludicrous.


It's no matter if those that where on ilum where there in good faith or not (even if honestly anyone with a brain would have understood that the situation was not going as intended and left), they gained an unfair advantage, ad they (and only they) should lose it.


To understand who did it Bioware can simply parse the logs and see who gained more than a reasonable amount of valor in a timeframe and was on ilum at the same time, and remove that valor from THOSE people only.


Simple, effective, solves the problem. But of course some here wouldn't be happy, because they're here only to troll.


IMO anyone who is already 50 with full BM has gained an unreasonable amount of valor in the timeframe of release to present.

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Anyone that is happy people are leaving over this is clearly looking for this game to go TORtanic. Given mob mentality, I'm sure a lot of otherwise "honest" players got roped into going this stuff... and so far as I am aware, the only mobs around are Imps. It stands to reason then that Republic players are going to be the most upset if something isn't done about this issue; the one group of people that BioWare simply cannot afford to piss off if they ever hope to have a healthy PvP community (which, let's face it, is a pipe dream with current imbalances anyway.)


Faction imbalance has NOTHING to do with the development team, more people wanted to play an Imperial rather than a Republic toon, deal with the fact that Reps are less popular.

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BW is already addressing this issue,


After this patch, I do not have a lot of faith in BW's ability to 'fix' and 'improve' TOR.



This is like saying it is okay, the doctor is back, after he just injected you with the wrong medicine, that almost stopped your heart.



I am going to wait until I see BW demonstrate that they actually know what they are doing, rather than have blind faith in them.


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Sad to say, every event, big or small plays a part. This stays with folks. You did not burst any bubbles, you merely don't understand.


Perception, handling and actions, will stay with people, and another event, these things will be brought up again. If you cascade all the negative events, it will hurt bad. How they handle this even today, is supremely important.


Perception of what? That they didn't punish the whole playerbase to please a few hundred whiners?


That's a positive thing to perceive if i ever saw one.

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The amount of over-reaction by entitled children and tin-foil hat conspiracy theorists in this thread is amazing. AMAZING!


Seriously, people, grow up. They had an issue, they have addressed it within 24 hours, and will take steps to punish serious offenders. Anyone that cancels an account over it, though, is plain silly.


For the people asking for rollbacks of anyone on Ilum during that time period - screw you. I was there most of today, having gotten 50 yesterday, and working through the story/dallies *not* in the contested zone, and having all of that reversed to punish some jackholes that were exploiting something I wasn't is crap, and is an offense *way* more deserving of a cancelled account.


Bottom line - grow up, companies and people make mistakes, Bioware has made some incredible games, and even with todays mistake, is deserving of way more patience and understanding than they are being given.

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Faction imbalance has NOTHING to do with the development team, more people wanted to play an Imperial rather than a Republic toon, deal with the fact that Reps are less popular.


Right, it has nothing to do whatsoever with Bioware propaganda that was heavily Empire oriented before the game came out.....:rolleyes:

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That makes 5 players from our guild that have unsubbed today. We talked about it a bit, and it was basically the last straw. Implementing a poor idea that an fool could see wasn't going to work, failing to stop the 'exploit' straight away and instead let it run on for 'x' more hours, and lastly directly lying to us by saying it's not working as intended.
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btw i love all those trolls spreading rumours about turrets giving valor...lol they're like:" haha this will make people even more angrier!!"


lol keep it coming im having a great time here :)


I can agree that the turrets dont even matter in the bigger picture here. And the main issue is still imbalance when it comes to population of Empire and Republic. The side outnumbering the other will likely always control all 5 objectives, granting them a huge kill bonus. I believe it was like 20 per kill and 180 bonus? That is a huge gain compared to the time it takes to play a warzone and complete it.


Now it really doesnt matter if the turrets also gave valor. Being able to camp spawn for hours gaining 200 valor per kill, that is what most complaints are about.

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That makes 5 players from our guild that have unsubbed today. We talked about it a bit, and it was basically the last straw. Implementing a poor idea that an fool could see wasn't going to work, failing to stop the 'exploit' straight away and instead let it run on for 'x' more hours, and lastly directly lying to us by saying it's not working as intended.


Wow about 7 from my guild. Including me 8..

Edited by Grewvin
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btw i love all those trolls spreading rumours about turrets giving valor...lol they're like:" haha this will make people even more angrier!!"


lol keep it coming im having a great time here :)


It's not empty rumors. There were lots of streams showing that turrets does (or at least did, if it's been fixed by now) give valor.

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That makes 5 players from our guild that have unsubbed today. We talked about it a bit, and it was basically the last straw. Implementing a poor idea that an fool could see wasn't going to work, failing to stop the 'exploit' straight away and instead let it run on for 'x' more hours, and lastly directly lying to us by saying it's not working as intended.


So you had like a guild meeting to discuss the pros and cons of the game and whether or not you should stay or go? Sounds horribly pathetic.

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Still waiting for the proof of ppl getting insane amount of Valor. Sure I were there.. I saw some valor fly in.. think I got from 53 to 54 in 1-2 hour.. I wouldnt say thats impressive. Edited by Leefn
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btw i love all those trolls spreading rumours about turrets giving valor...lol they're like:" haha this will make people even more angrier!!"


lol keep it coming im having a great time here :)


You need to search youtube. Try again!

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Seriously most of the comments in this thread makes me so sad. They made a slip and made the turrets not one shot people as intended, and you guys yell at them like all hell is loose.


The changes to ilum was great. I had an awesometime today running with 10 other republics hunting down imps outside our base. Those of you going to such length and saying devs should be sacked, you are just being rude. They have made great game in the pvp department, and I'm enjoying all of it. The pvp in itself is so incredibly balanced and well done I'm amazed. There's no overpowered classes, just learn how to deal with them and you're set. Grow up and learn some patience, this childish spoiled gibberish you are spouting in this thread is not helping anyone.


Ilum is probably the most epic pvp zone I have ever seen in any game, the only problem with it as of now is faction imbalance. If they "fix" this with a hard cap, imps woul complain about que time, if they dont, republics will complain about being outnumbered. All I am seeing on this forum is complaining about something, and then complaining about that fix. Don't you guys have anything better to do then complain?


If you feel like you won't keep playing the game, I honestly don't beleieve you since it would make no sence that you would stick around on these forums.


To any Bioware employe reading this: I think you are doing an amazing job, keeping us informed on every issue and rolling out fixes every day! The game is very well done, and this patch brought really cool content I enjoy.


^ This. Seriously. It's a game guys. You guys act like someone literally just killed your a family member.

Edited by Trineda
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Really no Valor roll back that is BS. What about the people that cant do anything now and we are stuck facing the over populated side that is now all valor rank 60. Great job you FAIL



I would like to know what you all whining about i spend 9 hours there and got 80k valor, i know its a lot, but by all meants it didnt got me that much closer to rank 60.. i am still missing around 200k


80k valor in 9 hours means roughly 10k/hour.. If you do warzones you will finish 4 warzones in hour, which will gives you ( if you know how to farm medals, and you arent lazy to pick up ilum buffs ) around 4*1500 at least = 6k


So yeah 40% boost from normal valor farming, but this update was out just for those 9 hours people didnt had more time to farm mroe valor, means this difference is nothing in the long run.


So please stop all those blabbering about everyone being rank 60 becouse THAT is the ******** and jsut get over it and hope for better future with patch 1,1a

Edited by Jiralya
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Imperials: LOL why u mad bro? You just spent 40 hours in WZ's grinding up on noobs to get your valor. I spent 2 hours in Ilum camping you, there's no reason why I shouldn't be the same valor level as you.


Republics: **** IT'S BROKE! FIX IT! All my work has gone to waste, it's going to be imbalanced!


^---The thread.


Now some Republic analysis:


The bad,


Honestly, I logged in with great anticipation for what was going to happen in Ilum. I had myself logged out right by a speeder to jet on over to the PVP area to check this out. When I logged in I had people asking me if I had been to the PVP area yet. I hop on the speeder bike, tell them no, and get flooded with "Don't go in there!! You'll be camped!"


Crap. I'm stuck on a speeder heading to my death. Maybe things have changed. I get close to the base, frame rate goes to an amazing 5fps, land. Sea of red. Dead. Ok, that was stupid. I'll respawn. Oh crap, dead again. Ok, I'll try respawning and blow all my defensive CD's and Force Cloak. Crap, didn't work. Log out and play on an alt, 30 minutes later the base is clear.


Ok, let's try this again! Revive, buff up, join a full Ops. I check my map to where everyone is: 5 FPS again, and getting a random loading screen popping up. But heck, with this many people (50 Republic total) it shouldn't take too long to get my 30 kills. But it's not happening. I, as a melee, have to actually tag someone. Great. I stealth, pop someone, try and run, and get a loading screen again. Come back to being dead. Awesome. This isn't going to work out, so I'm just going to circumvent the Imps and go try and pick people off at other objectives.


What's this? Chests at central objective? I'll give it a shot. Only one Imperial here, sweet! Take him out, go to rest, jumped by 5 Imps. Revive, head back, and decide I'll pick battles more carefully. Nothing going to happen with now 10 Imperials camping the chests and roaming there. I guess I'll head to their base and try and pick people off as they come out. As I'm about to kill someone I get stunned. Break it. Stunned again. 3 people come and I'm dead. I decide to /1 and ask if anyone has an Imp alt to check #'s (We're sitting around 50 still). The response I got: 215. I spent 2 1/2 hours in Ilum today to do my daily for a SINGLE champ bag. What a fun time THAT was.


The good,


This one is much shorter (if you're still reading at this point). WZ's have been absolutely AMAZING!!!! Since I've only rolled in a premade once (my own fault) it was typically a pain to get my WZ daily done. Today? Didn't lose a single match. I only played 5 games since I spent so much damn time trying to get my Ilum daily, but still. The queue times weren't really that bad, as it gave me time to send companions on missions, buy stuff on the market, and talk to guild mates. So, bravo on that. I had a lot more fun today in WZ's then I have when no one was 50 yet. Still frustrated as heck about 1 second ability delay, but oh well. I can hold my own.




Republic got screwed. Imperials, mostly, don't care. This is a huge game breaker for people who actually do care about time invested in PVP. And I'm only valor 45.


-MalFunkShun (Black Vulkars)

Edited by MalFunkShun
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Do you realize some people like myself, went to Ilum today to do my daily, (my server Repubs are out numbered more than 2 to 1), and left cause it was lame to camp their base...


In addition I can not speak for everyone, but this is a game... Maybe its more important to you than others, but really, this much upset over "Valor" you think people who farm Valor today stole your life savings... Perspective...


SWTOR is an online video game, its genre is a MMO/MMORPG these avatars you control in game are not real, and the things you collect and earn with them mean nothing in the real world...


I read this thread and feel sad, basically I use to be like this, when I played Everquest, I fell into an gaming addiction, and wasn't until years later I can now be honest and say, I played that game too much, and I value what I did in that game too much... perspectives like that is why whe have 140+ page thread on this topic...


For some of you I do hope you cancel your account before caring so much about a game ruins your real life...your job, your relationships, your health... this is no joke... if this kind of thing makes you rage, take a step back now..




Professional footballers appeal to the ref.


We are appealing to the ref in a passionate manner.


This thread has nothing to do with your past gaming addiction.

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If they aren't going to roll back the servers perhaps we can cut the head off the snake. Open world pvp, republic just wont go. Then in addition to lvl 50 brackets for warzones, make them valor specific. For instance, 0-15 valor rank go into matches with 0-15, 16-30, 31-49, and 50-60, and 61+. that way all the people who cheated, get stuck with nothing to do for 2 months while we farm valor and gear to catch up.


If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Lets not reward the exploiters.


Excellent post.....submit that resume to EA/Bioware right now!

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