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"Several tanking relics that had the incorrect stats have been corrected." Not quite.


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However, compared to the threat stats I am getting on the rest of my gear ~30 Power is next to nothing.


30 Power is equal to 6 bonus damage. Assuming the other tanks have similar end average coefficients to their damage compared to Shadow Tanks (roughly 1.85), that 6 bonus damage translates to about 11 additional DPS, unbuffed. Assuming 2 tank trinkets, we double that to 22 additional DPS (since each provides roughly 30 Power) and, over the course of a 5 (300 seconds) minute fight, those trinkets *alone* are providing 6600 damage. I can actually say with certainty that I have wiped on a boss with less that 6600 life left *way* more often than I have seen the tank precision killed by one ("precision killed" meaning that they were killed within the margin that the additional Endurance would have provided rather than getting hit for massive overkill).


Don't make the mistake of interpreting Power in the same way that Attack Power and Spell Power worked in WoW; Even comparatively small amounts of Power make a noticeable difference in your DPS (assuming an estimated 1250 DPS for a tank, 22 DPS is ~1.75%).

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Hence my inclusion of the needed survivability threshold in my post! And I know you're not quoting me there but for the sake of clarifying(or further muddling to the Muggles) the discussion. :)


Of course they're not mutually exclusive, however once you're over the survivability threshhold, adding more isn't going to necessarily make your survive more.


By that claim, neither would mitigation aid anything then ;)


If you start using "pas thte survivability treshold" as an argument, then the 'real' answer would be to stack more dps stats once you're past that, to shorten the fights.


The thing is, tanks gear for not only 'optimal situations', but also for situations when brown stuff hits the fan. Tanks still die if they are 'past whatever survivability treshold random guy comes up with' simply because stuff happens in fights, and not everything is under the tanks control.


I'd argue for using common sense and a 'feel' for how one's character is doing in how to gear, personally.

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By that claim, neither would mitigation aid anything then ;)


If you start using "pas thte survivability treshold" as an argument, then the 'real' answer would be to stack more dps stats once you're past that, to shorten the fights.



Well actually that's how this started, sort of, with the comments about power on relics. But it has to be said if you have a huge elephantine tank of hp and defence stats then swapping in some dps stats won't hurt in the slightest. Doubt our gear levels are there quite yet, but next couple of patches I expect to see this happening more and more at high end as we discover the edges of our diminishing returns.


We'll need it anyway, with the dps increases caused by upgraded weapons and gear, question for me is whether bioware will understand that they need to increase our threat abilities before this new stuff comes into the game - as it undoubtedly will.

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I am definitely starting to switch in more offensive equipment into my tanking gear because threat and enrage are definitely a bigger issue that survivability, but a lot of bosses in this game don't hit for that much mitigatable damage, in which case having the hp to survive 1-2 hits after enrage seems to be more useful during the learning curve than stacking even more avoidance that doesn't help.


Either way I use the crit surge relic to get extra threat at the start of the fight, and I use my 2500 damage reuseable grenade to start pulls because damage it seems is more useful than mitigation in a large variety of situations due to the prevalence of hard enrage.


That said I am running over 20k hp in tank gear so I doubt I need any more.

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This entire argument seems Moo to me (yeah, like a cow's opinion). At the current point in the game, we have very little choice as far as end-game gear goes for our itemization. Your best bet is to shoot for the best tier armor that you can get (Rakata) and then you only have a few slots left to choose your own stats.


This is assuming that you aren't swapping mods like a maniac to try to min/max individual pieces or something, but the Rakata mods (and even the Columi ones) are pretty much irreplaceable through other means.


The real argument goes back to the OP's post, that BioWare needs to give us more diversity in our gearing options (like having a full endurance relic, or one with endurance/power or endurance/absorption). Arguing over stacking endurance is kind of pointless, as our endurance values are pretty much chosen for us.

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best relic for a tank imho is the pure endurance with power cooldown.


On a vanguard I can combine that with my free attack and crit cooldown to start a 15 second "burst" for some decent DPS and threat ever 2 minutes.


15% crit and 300 power combine with 15 ammo to burn not including your free attack (usually the most expensive mortar or pulse cannon) is some decent burst.

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This is assuming that you aren't swapping mods like a maniac to try to min/max individual pieces or something, but the Rakata mods (and even the Columi ones) are pretty much irreplaceable through other means.


I Swap mods like a maniac and i like it!

I have 4 auguments on my equips and i can customize it! (3 Rakata 1 Earpiece)


But i still agree with you we need more customization!!!

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If your health pool is already reasonably large; extra endurance is a complete waste of a stat. Mitigation is far more efficient. And to be honest adding some extra dps stats to your gear isnt a bad idea either because more damage and threat is always a good thing.
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I'm a vanguard with 24k health, I did not gimp myself in other defensive stats to achieve this, and I have cleared all content and I am able to hold aggro. I am a meat shield. I find that with extra health and tanking stats instead of trying to sub in dps gear because I can "survive" an encounter is pointless for me. The longer I can last w/o a heal, the better my healers can keep the raid up, reducing the chance a dps will die which allows them to do their job which is dps, opposite of my job which is tanking. I also have ****** healers which are capable of doing DPS while healing because I can survive w/o constantly being chain healed.

IMO spending less time focusing on me, allowing all my DPS to fullfill their job, and allowing my healer to even throw in some DPS is a better option than me putting out a few more thousand damage each fight. Even in full DPS gear as a tank spec I don't put out anywhere near the DPS of a DPS class so why try?

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