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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I want a PvP game without PvE


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You can very easily have an MMO that does PvE and PvP. The trick is to realize that PvE is an RPG and PvP is not.


Once you understand this, you will realize that a well designed PvP subgame should be about Player versus Player, not Player versus Gear or Player versus Character.


The solution to MMO PvP is not to add more PvE elements (all PvP stats are PvP in name only, they are still at stat and therefore a PvE element), but to remove all PvE elements.


When your character enters a PvP zone, your gear's stats should be wiped and replaced with a standard stat set for your class/spec. The length of time you live should be based on your ability to play, not on your character's stats. Likewise, your ability to kill an opponent should be based on your ability to play, not on your character's stats.


All PvP that relies on stats is innately broken.


Everyone who is upset is right to be mad, PvP is broken. However, you aren't going to ever get a resolution until you start getting mad at the root of the problem instead of the symptoms.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Its called.... SHADOWBANE

Best pvp game there ever was/will be, however it got shut down due to lack of players because people couldn't handle it.


HOWEVER.... a bunch of players are remaking the game and its in closed beta right now


Google search: Shadowbane Emulator


No Factions, All open world pvp. The graphics are lacking, but the gameplay makes up for it

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The solution to MMO PvP is not to add more PvE elements (all PvP stats are PvP in name only, they are still at stat and therefore a PvE element), but to remove all PvE elements.


When your character enters a PvP zone, your gear's stats should be wiped and replaced with a standard stat set for your class/spec. The length of time you live should be based on your ability to play, not on your character's stats. Likewise, your ability to kill an opponent should be based on your ability to play, not on your character's stats.


All PvP that relies on stats is innately broken.


This has been done actually, its one of the few things Sony got right with DC Universe Online. At level 10 players in that game can queue up for LEGENDS PvP matches. Basically, in a Legends match, all players control a pre-made character with unique abilities and weapon skills based on Heroes and Villains in the DC Universe. So far they're all Batman-related.


The cool part is that all playable Legends characters have the EXACT same stats. A level 13 playing as Robin will have the same stats as a level 30 playing as Robin. Who wins the fight depends on who can use their weapon skills and powers the best.


I've tried regular PvP in that game, it's very unbalanced. Though for the record, while both DCUO and SW:TOR pvp are endless stun after stun, DCUO has a control that lets players MANUALLY break out of stuns, instead of waiting for an abiltiy to cooldown, which also has no stun protection on it. I've seen it alot in Warzones; my character gets some kind of stun (force choke, lightning, taser dart, etc), I use my stun breakout ability that has a 2 minute cooldown, and just as soon as I broke out of stun, someone else uses ANOTHER stun on me. And since I have no way to breakout of it, i'm bascially at the mercy of people with alot of CC abilities in Warzones. In DCUO, if you get stunned, you just press shift or spacebar (or whatever key binding you chose) enough times to match the CC power of the player who used it on you and you're free. With a few seconds of immunity to stuns to get some payback.


I know I kinda got off topic there, but yeah, I agree; PvP should be about how well people can play, not how good their gear is.

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Not to beat a dead horse but: Warhammer


The PvE in that game was nonexistant. It was all PvP focused.


Same World PvP issues in that game as in this game (only magnified, as you can't go PvE to burn off steam/wait out issues).


Side note: I'm really sorry I missed the DAoC train back in the day. I've never ever seen world PvP implemented in a good way, and this is teh only game I've heard that "got it right". I always wonder though is this is a rose-colored glasses thing -- if it was so good, why hasn't anyone else been able to duplicate its success?

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What a frickin concept - a pure PvP game.


Dump all the PvE, focus on PvP and OMG you would get such a massive number of players leaving every other MMO.


Try Battlestar Galactica Online. Nothing to do in that game but endless PvP. Granted the massive fleet battles that happen daily are fun, but even as a fan of the series the game gets boring with nothing but PvP to do.

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Side note: I'm really sorry I missed the DAoC train back in the day. I've never ever seen world PvP implemented in a good way, and this is teh only game I've heard that "got it right". I always wonder though is this is a rose-colored glasses thing -- if it was so good, why hasn't anyone else been able to duplicate its success?


Rose colored glasses is partially it. The system was, and still is mostly, great fun, though I'm not sure players of today would tolerate that crazy level or realm rank grind. The game was not without problems and OP classes, like Scouts around launch, then Theurgists (I played primarially Albs), or trying to find those sneaky little Lurikeens who were impossible to spot at times, and I don't think people would put up with the crazy long CC that was the core of PvP with roaming 8 mans.


Still I would almost kill to play that game again at launch, so much fun, that has very rarely been matched by any other MMO.

Edited by Toonces
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