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I dare anyone to say they have "no permormance issues"


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I'd like to see what some of you people with "no issues" are running the game at and your specs.


2011 Macbook Pro in Bootcamp.


Processor 2.2 GHz Intel Quad-Core i7


Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3


Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6750M 1024 MB


Run it at 1440x852


Bloom off, shadows low, everything else on high, forced 2xAA and -2 texture LOD bias. Vsync on, 60 fps everywhere but fleet, where its 40-50. Not unplayable anywhere (tho maybe ilum right now). Looking forward to being able to turn on shadows, but its not game-stopping or even disappointing. It meets my expectations

Edited by eadnams
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I'd like to see what some of you people with "no issues" are running the game at and your specs.



Max settings with forced AF16x, force AA16x

FPS a constant 50 to 60FPS


AMD 6core 1090t 3.2 OC'd to 4.0(watercooled)

ATI 5970 (watercooled) - although been thinking about upgrading to the 7970's

4gigs corsair dominator ram

forumula4 crosshair MB

7200rpm HD


basically everything for me runs maxed out on 2+ year old equipment.

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i have no performance issues, just server connection issues. i randomly dc with a server error 9000


i stopped getting that by going into windows firewall and changing both the swtor processes to allow public and private access. Disabling firewall would do the samething but iw ouldn't recommend that.

Edited by Mr_Crueak
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I will say "I DO have performance issues" But then again, i'm far more picky than many people about fluidity, tearing, etc.


A majority of the time running around on a planet it pegs at 60 since I use VSync, can't stand tearing at all. But many times, it will dip to almost nothing for about a second at most while turning around to face mobs or whatnot, definite drop in fleet with many people around, stuttering here and there. And some spots I can turn in certain directions and it just plummets.


This feels like bragging, but whatever.


2x Intel Xeon X5680 ~ Hex Cores @ 3.33Ghz. I can OC them to 4.3, but right now power usage is a concern so for now, on auto.

2x ATI 5970s. The game barely uses them though, like 27% of each one in AFR mode. So i'm guessing it's being held by by raw CPU speed, but cannot test at the moment.


I run at 2560x1600

Edited by ispanolfw
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OP here, first obvious typo is obvious.


Secondly im not talking about your fps while questing, or in flashpoints or even warzones. Mines fine there, please read the post before you reply.


Im talking about Illum and the let down it is for large pvp guilds, large scale pvp is like watching a slide show with people crashing left and right. My point is Illum is useless.

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i have never played an mmo that doesnt have lag issues due to a consolidation of players.


I remember waiting 5 + minutes just to loot something when there was pvp happening in South Shore. Nvermind the slide show on the screen!

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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After visiting illum and being involved in a large battle of more than 2 ops groups, if you think thats playable you just plain lying. You may aswell delete the whole planet and forget about open world pvp as the game engine clearly isnt up to the job.


Its not our PC's, its the zone...

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I do not have any performance errors. I speed home at lunch today worried after seeing some of these posts.


Man those new graphics settings make the game look so much better. I ran a warzone with ZERO LAG. But did not have any lag pre-patch either so.


My hat goes off to Bioware, please keep up the good work. I can not wait to I hit 50 and start getting better gear.


CPU: Core I7 3.4ghz 2600 (no over clocking, I do not want to shorten my CPU life span)

Ram: 8gigs

Graphic: Nvidia GTX 560ti

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I have had no performance issues whatsoever. There were places I lagged badly in beta (and those fun lag spikes some people may remember), and reported those. Since launch? Even in those places everything runs great. Edited by imtrick
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I do not have any performance errors. I speed home at lunch today worried after seeing some of these posts.


Man those new graphics settings make the game look so much better. I ran a warzone with ZERO LAG. But did not have any lag pre-patch either so.


My hat goes off to Bioware, please keep up the good work. I can not wait to I hit 50 and start getting better gear.


CPU: Core I7 3.4ghz 2600 (no over clocking, I do not want to shorten my CPU life span)

Ram: 8gigs

Graphic: Nvidia GTX 560ti




Do people even read before they post.

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Do people even read before they post.


If you wanted people to talk about Ilum performance issues, you picked a really bad subject line, and certainly didn't say so in your post.


Don't blame people for answering the question you asked.

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