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Imperial Agent, Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor or Sith Warrior?


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I have decided to try out the Empire aswell, however, I can't choose between these classes, I wish to start the one with the best class story, can you give me your opinions about which one of these character's quest lines did you find the most enjoyable while playing?
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I doubt you'll find that many people that have finished multiple class stories.


Also, you listed Sith Warrior twice.


Anyway, I'm a Sith Warrior (Imperial Knight, if I may), and I appreciate my class quest. It's incredibly satisfying. But on the other hand, basically everyone I know have praised their own class quests to the skies, Agents and Inquisitors included.


I've been told that Sith Inquisitor's class quest is very "personal", though, whereas the Sith Warrior class quest is very much "In the interest of the Empire".


Can't really comment on the Imperial Agent, except that he supposedly sleeps around. :p

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The Warriors story is nice, traditional, but good.


However the bounty hunter story is fantastic if you like a personal story where your first companion almost is the protagonist of act 1 and you are in to mandalorians! I'm having a blast, that's for sure.


The imperial agent starts of amazing but I've only played to the end of kaas, so I have no idea how it will proceed from there.

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I've heard good things about all four Empire stories, so I don't think any particular one really stands out. Go with your gut.




Ask yourself. What do you want to be?


Do you want to be an insidious James Bond?


Do you want to be the Enforcer of the Emperor's Will, the stalwark champion (or villain)?


Do you want to be the outcast of the Sith, the hunter of the hunters and the investigator of the esoteric?


Or do you just want to murder people for money?


All the stories are great. They really are.

I've yet to see someone say that their one story *********** sucks.

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If you like stories centering around ancient mysteries and trying to break from your past, then the Sith Inquisitor story is for you. Just be aware that the voice acting is NOT mostly sinister or authoritarian at first, in particular with the male voice actor, there's a greater focus on snarky humor and...upper class lines, I suppose I would call it.


Personally I think the female voice actor, Xanthe Elbrick managed to nail the tone I wanted for my Sith - someone who's been kicked around most of her life, but is now given the chance to rise above it, so she grabs it; quite ruthlessly I might add, though she never succumbs to pointless cruelty for the sake of pointless cruelty.


So think about what kind of character you want to play and go from there. If you're more into being the underdog who rises through the ranks and ends up a master manipulator, then definitely give the Sith Inquisitor a try. If you want to be a generic "******/evil" type character, then you should try a different class.


Edit: Oh and yes, your greatest enemy with the Inquisitor will be BioWare's binary morality meter. Pretty much any quest that doesn't have a specific Inquisitor angle to it, is written as either Evil Sadist/Cuddly Puppylover in terms of DS/LS choices. Hoping we get more...subtle DS options in the future.

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[...] Just be aware that the voice acting is NOT mostly sinister or authoritarian at first, in particular with the male voice actor, there's a greater focus on snarky humor and...upper class lines, I suppose I would call it.


Oh dear god, why couldn't I get that for Sith Warrior? Everything I say or do is basically derptasticly sinister for no reason.
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My breakdown of the Imperial side of the game goes as follows:


(1) Sith Warrior has some pretty cool combat motions. Very much "in your face" and "I'm gonna beat you black and blue" sort of approach to the battlefield. The story is okay, standard fighting for the good of the Empire stuff, nothing to write home about but not particularly bad either. I'll be honest enough to admit I kinda like how everyone almost kisses my SW's feet when she walks in the door, <blush>.


(2) Sith Inquisitor starts off as a slave, with everyone and their brother practically spitting in her face. Unless they're non-Sith, who, as with the SW, practically kiss her little pink-skinned feet. It helps that she can shoot lighting from her fingers at anyone who truly pisses her off. Like that little bartender on Tattoine, who dragged his feet and tried passing her off to a silly dancing girl rather than answer the dang questions. The story is more dramatic, a real "claw your way to the top and through crap along the way" tale. I liked it.


(3) I couldn't stand playing the Imperial Agent. Mind you, I always hated James Bond movies, too. And I think the Agent is stylized almost entirely off of James Bond. I simply couldn't get into it AT ALL. Got my Imp Agent up to 20 and then abandoned her. Maybe it gets better after that, I don't know, sorry. Ultimately I deleted the character and created a second Bounty Hunter.


(4) My absolute favorite on the Imperial side of the game is the Bounty Hunter. The combat motions are outstanding, for one thing. Death from Above is stunning in its effectiveness. Nothing like watching 3-5 guys just fall over dead with one single combat motion, yay! The character herself is snarky, brash, and independent. The story transitions well, too, going from "make a name for yourself" to "defend your honor" pretty smoothly, I thought. Oh, and you get to make a smart*** reply to a Jedi, who tries to force persuade you, hehe.


These are only my thoughts and do not neccessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else, ever, or in any particular place. If you disagree, that's perfectly okay with me.

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(2) Sith Inquisitor starts off as a slave, with everyone and their brother practically spitting in her face. Unless they're non-Sith, who, as with the SW, practically kiss her little pink-skinned feet. It helps that she can shoot lighting from her fingers at anyone who truly pisses her off. Like that little bartender on Tattoine, who dragged his feet and tried passing her off to a silly dancing girl rather than answer the dang questions. The story is more dramatic, a real "claw your way to the top and through crap along the way" tale. I liked it.


Personally I also found the Inquisitor story to be the one that lent itself best to motivational interpretation when it comes to your character, especially if you're playing as a female character. The VO performance is fantastic and it's probably the first BioWare game where I have not had a moment of thinking: "Oh my character would never say this line like that."


And given that my own version of a Sith Inquisitor carries a great deal of admonition towards the current order of things within the Sith and Empire, it's great that you can express that in subtle ways. Though I like how you can actually have her lose her temper, and not just be cruel for the sake of cruel. Makes her much more believable as a character.

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I didn't really like the Sith Inquisitor story. It started of great, but then you become Super Errand Boy. And when you have finished that part you'll get a promotion as a Ghostbuster. And to top it all off you'll fight some old douche because he doesn't like change...
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I liked the IA storyline. They hit pretty much all the typical spy tropes, which is good or bad depending on whether you like that kind of storyline. One cool thing about the IA story is that you're MUCH better informed about what is going on than most of the other classes (more so than BH and Inq, at least).


Without posting spoilers, if you're interested in learning *exactly* why certain things happen between the empire and republic and why certain planet storylines progress the way they do, then play an agent. Also, if you play an operative, you can stab people. And stealth past boring content. It's a real win.


Also, I don't know if the other classes are like this, but the agent storyline has several different endings, depending on key choices you make at the end of each act and how you finish the final act. Ending spoiler:



You can act as the personal assassin for a darth, become a free agent, reform imperial intelligence, or work for the SIS.


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im a 35 inquisitor and the story has been meh. im basically a glorified archaeologist.


Living with an archeologist, while playing a level 31 inquisitor so far, I can assure you. It has nothing to do with archeology. Its more down the lines of Indiana Jones (which does'nt have anything to do with real archeology either).


I do agree though that it could be spiced a little up if we are to follow the Indiana Jones style: Not enough diggings are made with dynamite anymore ;)

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For the warriors you get almost no group interaction with your companions, every other class seems to though... and only 1 companion has anything to do with the story

Quinn betrays you than you act like nothing happens

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