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Doubling the price of pvp gear? REALLY?!


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The gear is still easy to get - there is no grind in this game.


People complained about how easy good gear was to get, and now that it's a TINY

bit more work there are complaints?


You mean the lvl 50s that are already geared complained so that those of us coming up would have a harder time of it?


Typical DB behavior.

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The gear is still easy to get - there is no grind in this game.


People complained about how easy good gear was to get, and now that it's a TINY

bit more work there are complaints?


What do you mean there is no grind?

This game is the grind in terms of pvp gear.

It takes 3 hours to get a champion bag ( yes alot of ppl ahve done the math and its about 2.5-3).


Then when you get the bag 90% of the times it has 3 commendations.

If a chest piece of centurion is now 39 commendations that means it takes 39 hours game time to get one piece of gear. Centurion ! Which is the worst kind.

39 hours of game times even if you hardcore and play 6 hours a day which is alot will still take you almost a week to get.


TLDR- this new systtem means you take a week to get a piece of gear if you play 6 hours a day.

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If this is such a huge thing for you.




It's that simple. You can come whine on the forums every day and watch it get lost in the sea of other people whining, but if you dont actually do something, it may or may not matter. Sure losing 1 sub probably isn't a big deal, but if everyone who was whining would quit, it would maybe make a difference.



Or at least I could read the forums with less QQ.. either or it's a win.

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Promote more GTN usage? How about they fix how horrible the GTN search is before they funnel us into using it? I dont see how the double pricing was warranted. You just rewarded everyone who sped to 50 and straight to pvp.. Now people with jobs who can't play 24/7 have to play even more to get decent gear to be on par with the already geared 50's. So I get to roll into a 50 warzone with my quest oranges and hit like a feather and get steamrolled by geared out players.
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PvP gear for 20's and 40's isn't any better (or is only marginally better) than the items you can get from quest/planet commendations. It's not something you NEED to have.


If you're going to complain, complain about something that matters.


As for the level 50 gear... it needs to be more expensive. It should take you longer than a couple weeks to get a full set of champion.


It's too late for this now, there's too many battlemasters out there already with full sets.


So as a fresh 50, you have nothing and you have to compete against battlemaster premades, you don't stand a chance whatsoever.


So now it takes longer to get gear AND you will lose more matches and barely be able to contribute.


The level 50 bracket is the new 1-50 bracket, fresh 50's are the new level 10s.



They have effectively destroyed PvP in this game both Open world and Warzones.


These mistakes have been done in almost every MMO that's come out in the last 5 years it's sad that none of them learn from the other's mistakes.


This patch has done much damage that can no longer be fixed, they should have just left it like it was.


Perhaps they could have made a Valor 30 or 60 bracket instead of clumping all the 50's together.

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While I wish I'd had some warning about the change from the patch notes, I can understand why the change was made. The level 40 PvP gear, in particular, was too cheap. You could buy a whole set from only a few hours worth of PvP if you're on a good team (which was a low investment compared to similar PvE gear).


I do think that the level 20 PvP gear should be less expensive than the level 40, given that you only have 10 levels to save up for it rather than the 20 levels for the 40.

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Getting gear is fun. Arbitrarily padding the time it takes to get gear is stupid.


You grow out of the level 20 and 40 blue gear within a few levels. Before I would get the full sets to match after saving up. Now I'm only going to end up getting the oranges because I'll have leveled past the blues by the time I can afford them.


Less gear, less fun, less incentive to participate in PvP. If the game was ONLY PvP then sure, but between space, flashpoints and class/planetary I only play 2-4 WZ per level.

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You act like the 20 gear and 40 gear is hard to get or something.


Wait till you have to deal with Champ and Battle Master Gear Bags, and having to grind for Valor


Stop crying and grind a little longer for low pug gear, jesus you guys cry too much.



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It would be nice to hear official words whether this was an intended change or not. After all, this was not mentioned in the patch note.


If this was an intended change, this sets precedent for future "ninja" changes.


This wasn't an exploit to begin with, the amount of effort required to acquire the PvP Gear mentioned here is subjective. If BioWare decides the PvP Gear was too inexpensive and wishes to remedy the situation, they should as a courtesy announce this change ahead of time.

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Way to double the commendation cost of all the pvp gear BioFAIL...


I am sure glad you looked into this important issue instead of addressing the mountain of bugs still around.


whats the issue? is stupid easy to get up to 500 valor. just do a couple of matches. My level 18 assassin already has over 600 merc commendations and im back up to around the same in normal pvp commendations.

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lol yea i guess i didn't read that part carefully.


w/e this is just another example of BW slowing down everybody in gearing up.


extreme troll from BW/EA


This is another example of some people having it super easy and everyone else having to slog to the max level only to be farmed in level 50 warzones by all the people who had it easy this first month and got to bend Illum over.


Im sick of Developers rewarding people who have no life and play 24/7 the first few weeks and screwing everyone else over.

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The problem with this change is a couple things.


1) Its made too late...so many people are geared already, this just punishes the the new comers who are already going to get slaughtered, they will now get slaughtered for longer.


I mean i agree it should of taken longer to get gear, but to have the hardcore players get gear easier and then to add this patch about when the casual players just now getting 50 gear harder/slower, well thats just going to suck for them.


2) The RNG is still in place, i know people say "welfare lovers go back to WoW" but this game is so much more welfare than WoW. Now the lucky are rewarded more and the unlucky are punished more as the tokens will take longer to buy an item and the lucky people will be all "tralalala i got item after item in my bags...GL to you saving 300 tokens for lesser gear"


They should of just had these increased prices from the start, have 3 sets of bags to choose from, cent, champ, BM and each bags contains that respective token. And just require 30 valor for cent bags, 50 valor for champ bags, and 80 valor for BM bags. Then the grind would of taken longer and less pissed off people about lvl 20-30 valor people out gearing lvl 50 valor people.


As for the lowbie 20 and 40 gear sets, not even sure why price effects them, ya it didnt take too long to get the whole set, but the gear is only good for 4 lvls and then you're done with it. And since mods are pointless at 50 when the best gear has the weapon/armor mods locked this stuff isn't even good to keep for aesthetic reasons.

Edited by Paralassa
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Of all the dirty tricks you could pull. Double the prices on 20 and 40 gear which is mostly used for vanity and companions so they have a matching look. Your dirty bioware if my account wasn't cancelled I would cancel it again.
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If you want a welfare system, go back to WoW.


The more challenging a game is, the more fun it is. Items SHOULD be hard to get and take time, it makes them feel more like "rewards" and more special.


What do you mean welfare?

So this game is based on Rng is a better system?

Do you think RNG makes a game more challenging?

No it doesn't Einstein....

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