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Doubling the price of pvp gear? REALLY?!


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i thought i noticed it also, didnt pvp weapons used to cost 330 wz commendations? they are 590 or something like that now, was kinda freaked out and dont remember the exact number.


Yes, all leveling pvp gear increased by over 2x price ... dont see this ANYWHERE in the patch notes, nor was there a heads up on this change coming in.


Yet another Mythic fail.

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what did they double?


seriously threads need to have actual facts not just random blob...


nobody is going to agree when they are off the game and no way to see anything for themselves.


If you actually read you will see your reply is invalid.

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Learn to read? "commendation cost of all the pvp gear"


For example level 20 PvP items now cost nearly twice as much as before.


lol yea i guess i didn't read that part carefully.


w/e this is just another example of BW slowing down everybody in gearing up.


extreme troll from BW/EA

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I agree, I think this was a horrible change. At the very least it should have been communicated in the upcoming patch notes so we could spend the commendations we had at the price we were saving for!


All this is going to do is cause me to level more by PvPing to get the gear I want and have to skip more content because I outleveled it.

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Before this cost change, I had been able to afford to use PVP commendations to equip my companion characters as well as myself with solid gear while leveling. I am not sure that's as true now. I wonder if this change is an ill thought attempt to make crafting skills more valuable and useful outside of biochem and perhaps infuse more life into the GTN? Edited by SDFX
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I am dumbfounded by some of BW's decisions as of late. You have a huge population problem. You have one side that is much better geared than the other and your solution is to make it even more difficult for the opposition to catch up?


I sound like a broken record lately but I keep asking myself "Do these guys know what they are doing?"


The funniest part is we are talking about gear when lag and skill lag are even bigger issues. Anyone bashing Rift a few months ago should revisit their conclusions. For all the problems that game has they certainly got more right than swtor.

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PvP gear for 20's and 40's isn't any better (or is only marginally better) than the items you can get from quest/planet commendations. It's not something you NEED to have.


If you're going to complain, complain about something that matters.


As for the level 50 gear... it needs to be more expensive. It should take you longer than a couple weeks to get a full set of champion.

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how is this not a good change? you should not be able to deck yourself out in PVP gear ina week. it was stupid. im glad they changed it.


leveling gear should be quick, lvl 50 gear should take at least a 1-3 months in my opinion

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They are doing that to stir up the economy, if you take a look at the auction house you'll see that the items for those levels, 20/40 and in between every 4 levels people just aren't buying the items in the auction house. Even though it sucks they did that, but I understand that it'll be better in the long run.
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PvP gear for 20's and 40's isn't any better (or is only marginally better) than the items you can get from quest/planet commendations. It's not something you NEED to have.


If you're going to complain, complain about something that matters.


As for the level 50 gear... it needs to be more expensive. It should take you longer than a couple weeks to get a full set of champion.


...and this comes on the heels of the empire getting a huge advantage with farming ilum in 1.1


GG Bioware, and yes, I already rerolled Sith. I am tired of the short end of the stick.

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Well done BW. The PvP gear was too quick to obtain and made it unattractive for me to even bother looking into the GTN, when playing a single warzone would give me an implant of my level. Same goes for everything except weapon. It was just way too quick to get - get over it.


That gear is for PvP'ers and not for players that do a single wz to obtain it.


Would love to see lvl 30 gear implemented and lvl 45, then new toons are all fine without real powerdrops due to bolstering.

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