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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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i am consistently disappointed in developers than cannot forsee issues like this.


it seriously leads me to believe they have no idea what they are programming.


and no idea about player population.


and no idea that players will be losers and exploit every advantage they can out of a broken system.


i wonder if they released this with the idea that "players will be fair and not swarm repubs 100 vs 15 and they will be honest and not farm the turrets for afk valor".


i mean come on. video game players are scum. until developers realize that, they will never get it right. you cant give them even the tiniest crack to exploit, or they will turn it into a canyon.


as someone who legitimately earned battlemaster on my imperial long before this patch, and having a repub alt that i am trying to level up now... i am extremely disheartened by this patch. I will not be going to ilum, and apparently i wont be playing warzones anymore.


all thats left is the pve grind. its like im playing a single player game with an MMO lobby.



Edited by hategambit
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Does anybody else get the feeling that they will most likely take down the servers right in East Coast primetime to fix this, rather than taking them down 3 hours ago when they first figured out this was a problem?


I think I'm probably going to be poking around in Skyrim tonight when they finally get around to rolling things back.



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Fix problem suggestion:


Reset prior to today on Illum.


Release 3 faction PvP on Illum.






(Imperials and Republic can choose to be 'hired' to work for the Hutts to retain resources/capture points)



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Let me tell you how smart it would be to roll back valor to appease a small group of people so they don't quit. Think about all the people who are farming it now? That is a MUCH larger portion, reset them and BioWare will lose MUCH, MUCH more than you small group of legit's. BioWare is already on thin ice with the community as it is. They will not reroll valor.


They will, and I bet you're one of the imps that has been farming Ilum all day and just dinged to rank 60, hopped on the forums and started defending his/her own exploits.


You need to slap yourself awake and know that if bioware won't rollback the valor gained today, they will lose enormous amounts of subs rather than having a few whining about something they weren't supposed to get anyway.


Do you really think this will happen : "Oh, bioware deleted the 23 valor ranks I gained in a few hours, Ima unsub"



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You know what, for all you folks whining about PVP and Ilum, it is your own fault. Think about this, yes BW has internal testers that go through and play to find bugs, but if you all will remember, there is a Public Test Server. If half of you people sitting here rage quitting about this had spent half your time on the PTS trying out the content and seeing if it was possible to do what made it to live, the update probably would have been postponed even further.


Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it.


Shame on all you whiny kids, knee jerk reacting kids.

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Let me tell you how smart it would be to roll back valor to appease a small group of people so they don't quit. Think about all the people who are farming it now? That is a MUCH larger portion, reset them and BioWare will lose MUCH, MUCH more than you small group of legit's. BioWare is already on thin ice with the community as it is. They will not reroll valor.


Right, This is exactly right, they have to cater to their preferred player base.. which is obviously, Empire. There for, we will transition from a 2 faction to a single faction game.


By all known definition, this game has failed. Horribly so. Within an hour of the patch going live this morning when this all started, server should have been brought down, this should have been resolved.


Instead, be it pride, stupidity, or whatever else, Bioware can't admit to making a mistake and correcting it. Rather, they'll just lie, cover it up, and let it get out of hand.


See, the people crying CANCEL NOW, probably really are, the ones screaming QQ MORE are the ones benefiting from this fiasco. Sure, it all seems well and fine now for those enjoying their awesome advantage, but see how that pans out in 30 days when the entire other faction ceases to exist.


(but then again, I guess Bioware has a plan to let the faction fight all WZs and such amongst themselves... why did they make a 2 faction game again?)

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It's not just been hours since they noticed this - it has been a full work day at this point, and in that time they have neither: (1) given a meaningful response to the issue; nor (2) resolved the issue. It has been hours, however, since they posted this:


Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.


***Emphasis at the end was supplied.



That message, promising a response "shortly" was posted at 3:40pm. Granted, a resolution was not promised to come shortly, but we haven't heard anything at all since that post - I have been watching devtracker. I am really getting nervous that they lack the ability to implement the obvious solutions for some reason. Every passing moment the problem is getting worse, so why else would they be putting off their subscribers? None of this makes any sense, but I hope BW can see us through this.



Edited by Qishari
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While I am not 100% on this, I seem to remember something significantly similar when WoW introduced area control points on pvp servers?


I know servers varied less than TOR, but on my server horde was vastly outnumbered by alliance. Things settled down after 72 hours and it because boring.


Being outnumbered is a symptom... The real problem is that this allows the sith to acquire the best PvP gear much more quickly and easily than the Republic side with skill being an irrelevent factor. That is an untenable position.

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You know what, for all you folks whining about PVP and Ilum, it is your own fault. Think about this, yes BW has internal testers that go through and play to find bugs, but if you all will remember, there is a Public Test Server. If half of you people sitting here rage quitting about this had spent half your time on the PTS trying out the content and seeing if it was possible to do what made it to live, the update probably would have been postponed even further.


Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it.


Shame on all you whiny kids, knee jerk reacting kids.


Really. Not our responsibility. It is what we PAY THEM FOR. Seriously funny dude.

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So they found a bug in test yesterday, and posponed the patch...


OK I thought, the system works.


Then I'm playing last night...terrible server performance...buggy play...all around terrible night. 18 warfronts to get 3 wins (7 of which bugged in one way or another...ALL of which had the game breaking stuttering of my skills--see the Sent thread on this topic)..


And I'm playing along and I hear that they're going to push the patch tomorrow (being today) and I thought...WOW that's aggressive figuring that they just caught a bug worthy of a delay.


BW: TAKE YOUR TIME. DO THINGS RIGHT. No more nonsense, please.

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awww NOT first on page 200... waits for the Useless CM to flag me as not constructive.... sooo bioware get your **** together and release a well tested decent patch and not a rushed out POS PVE content, PVP breaking utter failure... Edited by _SaInT_
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Agreed 100%. Small bugs aside SWTOR looked really promising.





And then this happened.

This is exactly how I felt. I kept holding out hope they'd fix things--posts that they were aware of animation delay, were working on the Legacy system, were making endgame gear mod-based, were fixing Biochem...I figured it just needed time. But if they can't or won't institute a rollback for something this grievous? Hell, the fact that this even made it through in the first place. I've canceled my sub pending action on BW's part, but the more I think about it, the less I want to re-open it even if they do.

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For the time being if your side is outnumbered and being camped just don't go to Ilum. Yes it sucks but don't go there and don't give them free valor.


Make that place a ghost town, yes it will suck that you can't do your dailies but no one else will be able to do them either if no one goes there from the outnumbered side.

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Horrible BW , at least for me a Melee , yeah for the dps ranged it is awesome they can FARM, rep players at their base ... and that is just the begin of it , the LAG there is insane , no jking , it is INSANE , so please fix it , and fix it soon ... first time i got pissed with this game.
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The fact that they let this go through live was pathetic. It's nice to see people like myself who busted our *** to get to Battlemaster get kicked in the balls by this new system. The game has so many issues going on I don't doubt many are going to cancel.
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Don't go blaming Bioware when you yourself had an opportunity to play the new content on the test server, but were to lazy because you didn't want to take the time to either level a character or if your character got copied, to take it over to Ilum, find the bug and then report it..


Everyone who wanted to test on the PTR had to start at level 1 and go through to level 50. Too much time and effort to get to level 50 to test it.

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Let me tell you how smart it would be to roll back valor to appease a small group of people so they don't quit. Think about all the people who are farming it now? That is a MUCH larger portion, reset them and BioWare will lose MUCH, MUCH more than you small group of legit's. BioWare is already on thin ice with the community as it is. They will not reroll valor.


No people on both sides are complaining. Certainly the people that worked their butt off for their gear and bioware just made it mad easy. If not taken care of people in mass numbers will leave and biowares game will become a ghost town. GG

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They should give us Paid faction transfer..so that the huge unfavor in population evens out and we might actually fight for ilum instead of reps being farmed in their base



Voluntary transfers did nothing in WoW. When a server is dominated by one faction, it needs to be merged with a server that's been dominated by the other. All voluntary transfers do is encourage people to pile up and cause even larger faction imbalances- because the people transferring want to be on the "winning side".


The solution is to take a "winning Empire" and a "winning Republic" server and put them in one server together, then use the now-empty second server for a fresh-start PvP server. Repeat this as often as possible.

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