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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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lolololololololol. I don't see the word WOOPS in your post. Look at my signature video for the "potential" problem.


While watching yourv ideo, the though the came to mind was "why am I payinga company that lacks the foresight to see something like this occuring when it has happened in every other game that has a designated area for world PvP?"


I mean, you have tio be a damn idiot with no experience in MMOs to make this blunder. The best part of that clip was watching the turrets fire away over and over and over fuitily doing nothing while a sea of red names farms the spawn point.


BioWare, are you purposely trying to lose your players base? Can I has Star Wars Galaxies back?

Edited by Clege
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Can we PLEASE have a meaningful response. It's been hours since you took notice of the issue :/


And yet the issue is still present. The only "meaningful" response would be for Bioware to hotfix this patch. Until then there will not be anything "meaningful" happening.

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This thread makes me laugh a little bit, all the no lifers with 60 valor panicing at the thought of a leveled pvp playing field.


I think it's more that they spent time doing something they like to gain something they want that now other players get while afking in ilum in 1/50th the time.

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Ban everyone exploiting the turrets. Remove their valor from today. And fire the damn pvp devs...


The beauty of this post, I get teary eyed.


I made the best part bigger, I know I know - it's like putting a mustache on the Mona Lisa, that much more bad***!

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Long term solution:


* Allow classes to switch sides late-story, including with the title "[x] the Traitor"

* Make Bounty Hunter and Smuggler faction indepandant.


Wouldn't work Bounty Hunter = Trooper and Smuggler= Agent. If they were the same archetype then this suggestion would be viable.

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If you want to know how to go forward then perhaps you should, going forward from this point, pay actual attention to feedback given during PTS phases before signing off on changes and implementing a patch. Otherwise you might end up severely damaging your reputation in the immediate run up to the first subscription renewal period after an atrocious launch of a nowhere near finished game.


Just a thought.

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Maybe not all of my replies where `meaningfull` in the previous thread but okay.


You have a incredible big problem now bioware. You should give us a extremely quick response and also action. There is a ton of trouble, and even if there is no problem with the turrets giving valor or not.


The simple fact that this proved how messed up the current balance is in the game, and the problems this latest patch is going to cause and keep causing republic is obvious. If you dont have balanced servers you should really not do world pvp in this form. (meaning dont force it onto people when its not a PvP-server).


The best thing is to roll the server back (hopefully on the valor) to yesterday. If this is not possible or it would also mean you roll everything back including ever character on that server. You are going to have a problem.


Because it would mean you will not be able to win what ever you would do.


Lets say you cant roll on the valor back and would do the whole server. You will have the same as now from the other crowd. People who leveld today, and find out tomorrow to be back 1 full day.


Anyways hopefully you can if you cant .. you would be in huge problems but i guess seeing the lack of responsive the devs already figured that part out. :(

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I honestly dont know what you want to hear BW. I like this game alot and will continue to play it for awhile.BUT THE ONLY FIX IS A ROLLBACK! then take the 1.1 pvp part Out entirely until then give us our ships to blow up.
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I had a lot of hope for this game and I waited for a very long time to play it. Sadly, whoever is making decisions in Bioware is doing a very very poor job and it's getting to the point where I don't want to entrust my time or entertainment in a game designed by such a high level of willfully ignorant or incompetent company. Edited by DimeStax
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1.) Rollback Valor gained outside of Warzones for today. You're kidding yourself if you think this has been a fair way to gain Valor.


2.) Remove Valor gains from killing turrets in Ilum.


3.) Change the Ilum Valor buff to remain even after you've captured objectives. It only makes sense.



Numbers 1 and 2 MUST happen, number 3 is where someone more creative than I, needs to offer a fix.



Turrets don't give valor... Players give valor with a DR...

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Just to clarify, and imp friend confirmed for me that the turrets are NOT giving valor. Just the massive overun has every rep kill giving LOTS of valor, but nothing that isnt normal given the situation. So, there is no real exploit per say going on, just a massive stomping of repub forces by the sith. Broken, yes. Turret exploit, no.


I support this post.




Why are there not shields or some sort of block preventing enemy factions from waltzing through the opposing base?


Either that or make it actually look like a base with champion guards patrolling.


Preventing people from even respawning to get out of Ilum is despicable. Fix it.

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I think the best solution that comes across as the most thoughtful would be to close Ilum PVP immediately, post an apology (including details of what went wrong in the design process), and strive to fix it and make it more meaningful and fun in a future patch.


Even ignoring the extreme valor point farming, it is simply not an enjoyable experience in any way, nor does Ilum promote or encourage fun and varied open world PVP.


To be completely honest (and I say this only with deep respect for BioWare as a developer) it is an embarrassment.

Edited by Godbane
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The reason game-wide rollbacks wouldn't make sense is because there are a good number of servers where the imbalance wasn't an issue. The kind of farming that everyone has a right to be upset about happened on those few 10:1 servers. Even in mine (Shii-Cho), where Imperials outnumber Republics, there was no way to get inside the bases and take out the turrets with the Republics that defended it. The system worked.


After two hours of solid PvP, anyone above level 30 got, maybe, two levels tops. And this was with constant back and forward combat. And I'm certain there are many other servers where the Imperials weren't able to abuse it as well as some of the worst offenders.


They need another solution. They'd have to look into the degree of abuse more specifically than just cleaning house.

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I think the best solution that comes across as the most thoughtful would be to close Ilum PVP immediately, post an apology (including details of what went wrong in the design process), and strive to fix it and make it more meaningful and fun in a future patch.


Even ignoring the extreme valor point farming, it is simply not an enjoyable experience in any way, nor does Ilum promote or encourage fun and varied open world PVP.


To be completely honest (and I say this only with deep respect for BioWare as a developer) it is an embarrassment.



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