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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I would like to congratulate you for making WARhammer part 2. I thought that was impossible to make to see such bad game performance and design with hard LAG spikes and fps drops to 0 in pvp zones or any zone that has over 150 players. Not to mention you had couple of great MMO-s in past to learn from their mistakes and assuring those same mistakes wont happen in currently n1. brand new MMO game in the world. But dont worry, we all gonna roll alts and watch such beautiful cut scenes from every class in the game, then stop playing as we watched every great movie there is to see in this game.


Job well done kind sir:cool:


Easy solution to your frame rate and lag problems.


1. Get a new computer that is not 5+ years old and can run today's games.

2. Get a better internet connection.


Thanks for your concerns.

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Props to Imps out there who actually see the imbalance this has created and would like changes.


If you are on the other side and love the imbalance, then you are probably the player who goes into WZ's and gets completely facerolled unless you are carried by your premade or any premade in general that can carry your weight.


The Imperials that got mad about the balance re-rolled Republic because they knew that would be a faster fix in comparison to anything that BioWare would do.


Anyone that is waiting for them to fix the balance problems is a total failure because everything you do is just causing even bigger problems.

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possible solutions:

  1. remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.
  2. whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).
  3. remove valor from everything except player kills.
  4. add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.
  5. on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.
  6. add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

  • out numbered on their server
  • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
  • control all of the ilum objectives


hopefully this won't get lost in the firestorm that is this thread...

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that's it.


1. get option to copy chras on test so you don't need to push this and test it on the live servers again.

2. add diminished returns to Valor gains and bonuses based on puplation

3. add ways to improve FPS like cutting animation frames and turning off certain effects to start with.

4. FIx the stuff that does not work. The warzone ques and non registering wins is still there making people crazy trying to finish a weekly/daily.

5. ooh yes add option to chose where you spawn next to fix corpsecamping.


Frustration != Entertainment - maybe some of your designers may understand that...

Edited by Molan
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The Imperials that got mad about the balance re-rolled Republic because they knew that would be a faster fix in comparison to anything that BioWare would do.


Anyone that is waiting for them to fix the balance problems is a total failure because everything you do is just causing even bigger problems.


Any Imp with a brain knows that if this issue isn't fixed, the game loses 90% of it's republic players, and then it's huttball 24/7/365.

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I gotta say, I'm with most of the people here. Sure, Ilum wasn't a great place before, mostly it seemed people went to get a daily/weekly out of the way, and maybe tangle with a few imps. But now, it seems like a slaughter and a waste of anyone's time to head there. Given that on my server, I have been unable to find anyone to do a hardmode flashpoint at all since I got to 50 about a week ago, I have only been able to get 2 groups for a 50 flashpoint. So I've been doing pvp/Ilum stuff to have fun, but with the break of Ilum, and the bracket change for 50, I can't do anything in game other then make a new character. Come on bioware, I've been with you guys since Bulder's Gate. And while I loved the way up to 50, so far because of the lack of others at 50 (and I've not rushed) and the breaking of pvp because of that fact, I very well may not keep playing, and head back to.....>.> that other game were I can raid/heroic/pvp to my hearts content. :-( As preorder I only have a couple days for you guys to put things right before I head to something else I can have fun at without being forced to start a new character.
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If they take serverback : Farmer side Imp (or Rep) players gonna cry cause killing tower and farming valor is not illegal


If not : Farming side gonna cry cause of this unbalanced slaughter



btw i have bot republic and imp characters on different server and in both server my side getting farmed (lol) i just leave the imp side cause my char is bounty hunter and i dont have any ambush-survival chance


on the other hand my rep character is shadow and i took half-hp'ed cliff-jumpers and complete my quests


either way i just unsub with my 5 real-time friends and spread word for any SWTOR lover who actually waitin' to buy game on summer break to DONT make that mistake


gear balances is totally broken with one patch... Awesome job indeed, u just ruined game for both side

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Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • No insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • Please stay on topic.
  • If someone violates the Rules of Conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


We will update as soon as we have more information.


LOL "potential" problem? Are you serious???!!

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what exactly is there to discuss? The turrets give massive valor, have no diminishing returns and respawn instantly. How is that in anyway shape or form valid?


As for faction imbalance, not much you could do except cap the zone.


Also, possibly take a page from the game that shall not be named and implement something like tenacity. Now they borked it because they didn't get the numbers right but with tweaking it could help.


Honestly you have one basic axiom, people love to win but will accept a fair fight. If you leave it such that it's a giant snowball (i.e. Bigger faction wins more and the rewards get boosted by winning therefore giving them a greater ability to win), then the losing side (mostly republic) will simply stop trying and give up. Then the winning side will have no one left to fight.


turrets do not give valor.

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Here is the solution...





Pull the logs on each server and find every person that has exploited the turrets and revert them back to rank 0 and take all their PVP gear.


Simple to the point and its done.


If a gang of QQ'ers leave over it its their own fault for exploiting a game flaw.


As to BioWare.... I can understand why you changed Ilum, but Honestly who came up with the "Solution"??? You have broken the zone.


Before changing things like this you should actually check population... As Empire MASSIVELY out numbers Republic you really screwed it up this time.

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I think they just need to bring the servers down then rollback to what everyone's character was at when they took the servers down last night/early morning pre patch. Then bring the servers up disabling Ilum till they hotfix it. And to compensate everyone for the rollback give everyone a free week or two of game time. Damage control solved.
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So, to all the cry babies out there complaining that they have not fixed this yet.


How long have the servers been up with this patch? It takes time to isolate the parts of the patch that is causing this and then implement a fix. Patience is a virtue, a virtue that most of you do not have.

Also, until this is fixed, just don't play PvP on Ilum. Problem solved until an actual fix is implemented by bioware.

I agree there should be a rollback due to the huge exploits that are being done. But, many are calling for a faction balance. Bioware is not responsible for people wanting to play Empire. Get over it. It's the same thing that originally happened in World of Warcraft. There was a huge faction issue but it eventually fixed itself with server transfers and what not.

The game is not even a month old and this is Bioware's first MMO. You have to give it time so that problems can come to light and then be fixed. If you remember, this same thing happened back in WoW.


I, for one, am sticking with this game for a while. Something as minor as this when you look at the big picture is not enough to cancel a subscription. All the crybabies and whiners can go back to WoW and prepare for their world of pandacraft and go out and catch all the pokemon for the next expansion.


What are you talking about? The faction imbalance in WoW NEVER fixed itself. They tried to force fixes with things like tenacity, but they failed. You ended up with entire servers being run by one side or the other, and having no one on the opposing side. That was with a system that didn't reward the overpopulated side nearly as much as the one here does.


I would be willing to bet you are one of those exploiting this. I guess it works for you, but they don't have much choice but to rollback.

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