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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Today we are excited to announce Game Update 1.1 for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ is coming January 17th! Called ‘Rise of the Rakghouls, this is the first of what will be many regularly-scheduled content updates for the game.


I'm guessing the word "excited" no longer expresses the feeling Bioware has for patch 1.1

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Allowing people to go from RANK 1 Valor to RANK 60 in one day by farming Turrets in Ilum, is completely unacceptable. I've played warzones several hours everyday in my grind toward Battlemaster. If the other faction soon has a 200 new battlemasters....pvp will be dead for the Republic who are MASSIVELY outnumbered on my server.


You better rollback valor gains people have gotten from the turrets and disable turret-valor. This needs a hotfix, ASAP.

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Faction vs Faction PvP will always be imbalanced. One faction will always have a slight to major edge in numbers. It would seem to me that the best solution is to remove the arbitrary faction lines. Change the PvP to free-for-all.


Configure the PvP flagged player's abilities to damage any other PvP flagged player except for the players in your current group. Bioware can create "Safe Havens" where players are exempt from other player damage, but once outside those safe havens, it is you (and your party) against the rest of the player population.


PvP Rewards are only awarded for actual player kills. No quests, no objectives, just PvP body count. You also can allow higher level players to gank the lower level ones but rewards are only awarded for even level kills. You can maybe allow a very tiny level range (plus or minus 5 levels) to get credit for the kill if you want to let PvP players farm some of their valor.


I think this would go a long way toward encouraging open world PvP.

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It's PVP for jeebus sake. You WANT high population in the zone. There just needs to be some reward for playing the outnumbered side.


People quitting over this are fail, seriously


Being unable to spawn or leave the planet because there are 150 Imperials in what should be a safe zone is not my idea of fun.

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Faction vs Faction PvP will always be imbalanced. One faction will always have a slight to major edge in numbers. It would seem to me that the best solution is to remove the arbitrary faction lines. Change the PvP to free-for-all.


Configure the PvP flagged player's abilities to damage any other PvP flagged player except for the players in your current group. Bioware can create "Safe Havens" where players are exempt from other player damage, but once outside those safe havens, it is you (and your party) against the rest of the player population.


PvP Rewards are only awarded for actual player kills. No quests, no objectives, just PvP body count. You also can allow higher level players to gank the lower level ones but rewards are only awarded for even level kills. You can maybe allow a very tiny level range (plus or minus 5 levels) to get credit for the kill if you want to let PvP players farm some of their valor.


I think this would go a long way toward encouraging open world PvP.


Mmmm no... keep factions

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This is a huge, massive mistake, this needs to be rolled back, and an official apology needs to be issued.


People, including myself were already on the fence, but this...this...its not just a mistake, it shows a complete lack of foresight, it shatters what little confidence your player base, especially your pvp player base, had in the game. MMO's are built on consumer and investor confidence.

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So, to all the cry babies out there complaining that they have not fixed this yet.


How long have the servers been up with this patch? It takes time to isolate the parts of the patch that is causing this and then implement a fix. Patience is a virtue, a virtue that most of you do not have.

Also, until this is fixed, just don't play PvP on Ilum. Problem solved until an actual fix is implemented by bioware.

I agree there should be a rollback due to the huge exploits that are being done. But, many are calling for a faction balance. Bioware is not responsible for people wanting to play Empire. Get over it. It's the same thing that originally happened in World of Warcraft. There was a huge faction issue but it eventually fixed itself with server transfers and what not.

The game is not even a month old and this is Bioware's first MMO. You have to give it time so that problems can come to light and then be fixed. If you remember, this same thing happened back in WoW.


I, for one, am sticking with this game for a while. Something as minor as this when you look at the big picture is not enough to cancel a subscription. All the crybabies and whiners can go back to WoW and prepare for their world of pandacraft and go out and catch all the pokemon for the next expansion.

Edited by Wigglesworth
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This absolutely has to be the single biggest screw up in the history of the entire video game industry, let alone for just mmos. Not only is this a huge glaring mistake, but it was released mere hours before the 1M+ initial player base is required to make a choice to either sub or leave. The timing for this could not be worse if they tried.


No its not, geez you people unbelievable. Half the posts in here say you dont even gain valor for turret kills.

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This just goes back to what I was saying on the official forums for 2 years prior to release.


1. Bioware has no experience with making a MMO.


2. Therefore there should be no faith in their ability to make a compelling one from day one.


I was told to shut up by all the fanbois.


Vindication is bittersweet.


(Serious question) When is your MMO coming out/what's its name? I have the same views on MMO design as you, and I would love to support your project.

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To people saying the turrets don't give valor.. OK let say you are right.


There are still major issues regarding the valor in Ilum.


A friend of mine who plays empire went from valor rank 55 to 60 within 3 hours just by standing in the republic base.



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it's almost as if nobody at bioware ever played in emain macha in daoc or hell, in wintergrasp as the underpopulated side.


this wouldnt be so bad if the total randomness of the champion bags didnt mean you HAVE to get as many as you can as fast as you can, and if this didnt also mean theimperials will have so many battlemasters by the end of the day that level 50 warzones will be stupidly frustrating for all republic players.



i'm not sure who you have running pvp at bioware, but someone should lose their job for this. in almost 20 years of muds from copperMUD to durisMUD to torilMUD to every western mmorpg released today this is the most BLATANT make-a-change-to-favor-the-overpopulated-faction garbage i have ever seen.

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Faction vs Faction PvP will always be imbalanced. One faction will always have a slight to major edge in numbers. It would seem to me that the best solution is to remove the arbitrary faction lines. Change the PvP to free-for-all.


Configure the PvP flagged player's abilities to damage any other PvP flagged player except for the players in your current group. Bioware can create "Safe Havens" where players are exempt from other player damage, but once outside those safe havens, it is you (and your party) against the rest of the player population.


PvP Rewards are only awarded for actual player kills. No quests, no objectives, just PvP body count. You also can allow higher level players to gank the lower level ones but rewards are only awarded for even level kills. You can maybe allow a very tiny level range (plus or minus 5 levels) to get credit for the kill if you want to let PvP players farm some of their valor.


I think this would go a long way toward encouraging open world PvP.


Horrible horrible suggestions mate!


Also, PvP will not always be imbalanced in numbers O.o just add some control to it (like in the WZs) and voila! Sure it will suck for the empire side that dont get any republics to play with, but you know what? Reroll to the republic side if it bothers you so much! ;)

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Did this quickly, sorry for the mass grammatical errors.


I will type up a long post on the current issues at hand that need to be resolved. I can only speak from a low population server's perspective Assassins of Sion


1. You created a system that forces people to pvp when the ratio of numbers of imps to repub are vastly in favor of imps. PvP is based on equal numbers fighting each other. Hence the name player vs player. If you have faction vs faction. The same rules apply. There is roughly an equal number on both sides. You do not have this. Thus this concept fails.



You didn't even make it past 1.


"PvP is based on equal numbers fighting each other."


Queue Warzones. Ilum is supposed to be open world PvP. This by definition implies imbalance in population as evidenced by every single MMO that's ever had it.


What they need to address is ways to create a situation where a lower population side can compete. Populations ebb and flow over the course of a game, but it's rarely quick. Some games buff the undermanned side. Some offer incentives to roll there. Some provide NPC's to help fight.


Ilum needs tactical objectives. Allow for mobility of smaller groups and force larger groups to spread out. I know they are aware of this concept as they've mentioned it.

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While you are "looking into this epic fail" there are people who are stuck being spawn camped because some brain decided to make the only thing to prevent spawn camping woth epic ammounts of Valor.


There is currently only one way to get out. Q' for a WZ and use fleet pass. If fleet pass is down you can just feed more valor to the zerglings.


Might want to STOP looking into this and actually I dunno..... do something about it NOW then look into it? Just a thought....



Sad part is before they took down the turrets actually fighting for once was fun.

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