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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.


So....we're still waiting 5 hours later from a response from the very same developers that jacked everything up in the first place.


Very odd use of the word, "shortly."

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HEALERS NEED TO GET CREDIT FOR KILLS!! Currently this game does NOT give people any incentive to being a healer. We get totally screwed out of valor. As a healer I have to try to use AOEs whenever possible just to try to get credit for kills. Rediculous.


If I am healing someone that is in combat with another player, I should get credit for the kill when that player kills the enemy. Afterall. I HELPED HIM FRIKIN KILL HIM BY HEALING HIM!


Healers get valor credit for kills...

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I like how people just automatically jump on this reletively easy-to-fix thing like it's the !@#$ing Armaggeddon. The people farming those poor Pubs (Or the Reverse if the Server is backwards lol) likely KNOW they are exploiting a faulty Patch Mechanic so I dont think we should give a crap about how they'd feel about a rollback after Bioware takes some time to consider it.


I mean, it's not like they can just fix this relatively simple little thing if you just give them time right? NOPE the whole world is gonna end, baw baw cry cry etc. /sarcasm


Seriously people, Bioware isn't stupid, despite what your baked little minds process them as. Anyone who's worked in technological-based companies knows you cant rush these things or you risk causing bigger problems.


My baked little mind tells me that Bioware IS stupid for not seeing this happen before they put it out. My baked little mind is processing MISERABLE fps no matter what the imbalance is. My baked little mind is thinking your baked little mind is littler and bakeder than mine.

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Most likely they are just working on 1.2 to add another Flashpoint or something and hope that makes everyone forget about the current issues. Think that was the plan for 1.1 coz they sure as hell didn't fix half the problems that already existed in the game before adding new content... Which now needs fixing.
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Altho i wont cancel my subscription just yet i wont play my LV50 till this is resolved.


Basicly 1.1 is a HUGE fail.

The pvp on ilum lag.

The random loadscreens.

The wrong item distribution from the new bosses.

And the exploits created with the new ilum system.


All i can say is.. people can make mistakes but this many in one single patch?

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Here are my thoughts:


1. A Valor rollback is inevitable. Accept it.

Any system in which a player can gain a full set of "end-game" rewards in a day is a broken system. All the Imps currently pharming Valor are, I think, going to find their time disappearing down the drain Very Very Soon™.


2. Populations that bring servers to their knees are a Very Bad Thing.

We already have instanced areas for high-traffic zones such as Alderaan. A variant of this should be implemented for Ilum, ASAP. I would suggest a soft cap of, say, 50 characters of one faction in any given region of the map at any time, with a hard cap of 60 to give some room for people already in an instance to invite friends. Maybe less if the servers fail to prove they can handle even that much of a load without turning the experience into a slideshow. Beyond that, hard cap. If you insist on inviting your friends to join you, you only do so by shifting to a new instance. Sorry to disappoint, but those glorious 300-man zergfests just ain't gonna happen. Not with any semblance of playability. Deal with it and learn some tactics. As it is, it's still not a guarantee of faction balance within a given instance, but it's a whole lot better than having 300 vs. 14.


3. I can't BELIEVE BioWare implemented vulnerable spawn points!

My guild's chat channel was seething with comments today about the spawn-camping that was happening on Ilum. Med centers, starport spawn points -- all of it. At first, I had no idea the problem was as bad as it was. Having seen the many YouTube videos, I understand it better. Imp players might think it great fun to camp these spawn points and slaughter Republic characters piecemeal the instant they spawn -- personally, I fail to see the entertainment value in it for anyone who isn't extracting revenge for a lifetime's worth of real-world abuse.


A "safe haven" for players to regroup after a wipe is, quite simply, a must for open-world PvP. And BioWare really needs to not repeat SWG's mistake, and give their respawn points constricted exits like SWG's cloning stations. Best solution would be a series of instance gates along a boundary long enough to make it impossible to camp its entire length.


4. Valor bonuses for spawn-point turrets?? Really, BIoWare? Really?

Come on, this was just a nutty idea. I can see the dim logic of making every object in a PvP environment breakable -- but this is a GAME. It simply should not be possible for either faction to prevent the other faction from playing the game, ever.


I can understand the value of having physical objectives to conquer/capture/destroy. But such objectives should be OUT IN THE FIELD. The current setup is just plain absurd.


So, what should BW do now, this weekend? Probably the only thing they can do at this point is shut down Ilum until they can implement a redesign.



You forget in SWG once you hit the cloner you were un-flagged PvP. So you couldn't camp the cloner.


I agree with you on everything else except the population caps in open world pvp zones. If your going to cap the population you might as well make all PvP a que based system where everything is auto balanced.


Bioware needs to put an end to the soft point re-spawn camping. There does need to be safe zones to re group. Even implementing random re spawn spots around Ilum would go a long way in reducing base lock downs.

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How I picture you:



Good point. That guy is hilarious. Still. =)


But I suppose that's what I get for trying to be nice to the developers on the forums; I'm making just as much difference as the whiners I'm trying to quell. I honestly apologize for wasting our time. Didn't mean to "White Knight". I'll just play my game and be quiet.

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I did not renew my subscription.


This game had a great start with only a few minor bugs and a lot of promise. Leaving the blue 50 pvp gear just long enough for a select few to get a whole set, I could deal with. Starting warzones with 2-3 less people than the other side, I could kind of deal with. Animation advantages, Imps getting their cc's earlier than Repubs, bugged talents that favor Imps, I figured it would even out.


But this is just too much. Being down 1 or 2 people in the all 50 warzones sucks, but being down 1 or 2 people v. full battlemaster team is just a no go for me.


I had a lot of faith in this game because of the names behind it, but you guys just aren't ready for prime time.


PS Not just for the substance of what happened (the valor issue itself), but also for your disturbing inability to address, resolve, or communicate it within any reasonable period of time. Servers up for 8hrs? 1 response saying a response will come "shortly"? Just not ready for prime time.

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So....we're still waiting 5 hours later from a response from the very same developers that jacked everything up in the first place.


Very odd use of the word, "shortly."


Ya shortly probably wasn't the best choice of words, but honestly, as a software developer myself,....shortly is an extremely relative term.


I encourage you to 'get off of it', and go RL somewhere if you're this thoroughly dissatisfied.

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Ilum bases


As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses.


The bases need the following things implented


1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base.


2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out


3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective


So heres how the base take over should be


1. use rocket launcher kill turrets

2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through.

3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base.

4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself)


4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box.


5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing


6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets


7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going


8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly



These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them.


To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all.


Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.

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Altho i wont cancel my subscription just yet i wont play my LV50 till this is resolved.


Basicly 1.1 is a HUGE fail.

The pvp on ilum lag.

The random loadscreens.

The wrong item distribution from the new bosses.

And the exploits created with the new ilum system.


All i can say is.. people can make mistakes but this many in one single patch?


They rushed the patch so they could get it out before resub day.


The biggest irony here is that more people will unsub upon seeing how broken the patch made things, than would have had the patch not been released at all.


Also, STILL waiting for that response that was coming shortly, BW.

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Roll back valor and allow valor gains to be gotten via the capture of assault points and opposing base turret destruction. Don't simply base it off kills, because either way, no matter how many turrets you have in place, you will enable the imperials to farm us on all servers.


A 6 man group was able to freely roam outside the Republic base and we completed our daily in an hour and capped points over ten times, just by using smart tactics and good teamwork. Triumvirate owns the Republic PvP scene on The Twin Spears server. Reward us for it, don't penalize us by forcing us to do meaningless objectives.

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Exactly. This is why I decided to cancel. Customer service is a havoc. They dont know what customer service is.


Canceled today, not sure about coming back.


All you" if dont get what i want, i cancel my sub" whiners, and try to get other with you cause you have nothing else to do.


None of you that come with cancel my sub whine whine whine is not doing it, give bioware time, let them work for god sake, do you think they work any faster with kid`s whining and screaming on forum as fast as they dont get what they want??


Go play in kinder garden or something.

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Ilum is screwed now matter what you do to it in it's current state. If you make it a decent place to PvP the door to exploitation is left wide open but if you give it any level of protection Ilum will be terrible.


The only path I would say to follow would be to steal Blizzards idea for world PvP in Wrath of the Lich King (Wintergrasp). A massive battle every 6 hours to capture Ilum and unlock some random high-level resource rewards that are protected by hostile level 50 monsters (To keep the level 12's away) inside a zone where only those who can control Ilum can go.


Then some other benefit everyone wants. Make it a half an hour long battle to see who can "own" the most amount of territories or give it a push and pull value.

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The duration time of a warzone its about 10 minuts:




This player has won half of total points in a warzone in a minut, now 2 minuts its = that a 10 minuts in a warzone and u can stay afk and you will gain the points and you dont need wait the time for join in the warzone. THX BIOWARE

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Fire everyone in the PVP department for not having the foresight of seeing what this patch would do. Also fire the designers who created the end game pvp armor because you can't look how you want end game. Also because the armor looks absolutely ridiculous. (On the Republic side anyway) Edited by kenister
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My baked little mind tells me that Bioware IS stupid for not seeing this happen before they put it out. My baked little mind is processing MISERABLE fps no matter what the imbalance is. My baked little mind is thinking your baked little mind is littler and bakeder than mine.


I laughed..... I cried..... 5 Stars! - Siskel & Ebert

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Warzone healing is messed up, but I dont know whats wrong with it. Seems that either damage is out of control or healing has lowered... but seems like both, Healing lower and damage increased. I noticed the bolstering buff was edited to display more information, but I am not sure how that may have affected Pre 1.1 patch game balance. Please take some time to address this issue as it makes it extremely difficult to heal as a fully equiped Champion geared Seer. These reports were brought to my attention by other players and now that I have tested it, they seem to be right on the ball.


Check it out guys thanks. GL.

Edited by Choppinrockz
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